Meeting minutes
Agenda Review, Membership & Announcements
PaulG: Standard agenda; any announcements?
PaulG: AT letter - we got the go-ahead for you to reach out to your contacts and share our letter.
PaulG: Any updates?
SWood: We'll be reaching out soon; timing it to maximise chances of people being in the office.
matatk: Let me know if you'd like me to send it to anyone specific Freedom Scientific (assuming you already have contacts for now, so I won't unless asked).
PaulG: We have a privately-circulated list of contacts (to avoid publishing their addresses publicly); need to ensure we don't double-contact people.
SWood: I have a list from Janina; is that the list?
PaulG: Think so; we should coordinate.
SWood: +1
PaulG: We need a central document.
matatk: Suggest a shared spreadsheet (like Google Docs, if that works for people).
SWood: I'll draft a sheet for us to use internally.
Github Issues and examples
matatk: No new issues.