ePub Accessibility TF

03 23 2023



Meeting minutes

<JF> agenda: 1. Finalize the AccessibilitySummary authoring guide. Document is at: https://w3c.github.io/publ-a11y/drafts/schema-a11y-summary/index.html

<JF> agenda: 2. Any other business.

GK: probably be a short meeting

GK: reviewing a11y summary

GK: updated abstract, seconded by Gregorio

GK: if everyone approves, we are essentially done for the day

OFF TOPIC: Congrats to Avneesh and his wife on their new family addition

GK: what we changed was 1.0 and 1.1 to not being required

JF: would like to discuss certifier report

GK: start by bringing concerns via email

[discussion about Certifier Report]

GK: based on chat, suggest we take up activity to dive into this deeper

open questions around Certifier Report:

format? location of report? other questions?

GK: JF should send email to get this added to agenda

GK: suggests we look at What to Include in the AccessibilitySummary in more detail - add categories (?)

GP: this is something I suggested last time, so +1

GP: refactor as more of a Q&A - what questions should be asked by the certifier

GP: work could run in parallel with UX guidelines

CO: wanted to confirm that accessibility feature column would remain

GK: would need publishers here to refactor

GK: believes we need a bigger group to architect this

GP: think we should start on this after the current Guideline is published

GP: finds that many stakeholders are unaware of the work happening here

GP: we should send a broader WG invite to draw attention to our work - we may get more feedback. Take this to Social media as well

JF: notes there is a communications team at W3C - if we want to use social media

GK: there is also a publishing steering committee that has sway with W3M

GK: happened with the merger

JF: suggest we reach out to Shawn LH to discuss

ACTION: George to reach out to publishing steering committee with the idea of greater participation of the a11y activities of the CG re: ongoing development of UX and guidelines

GK: end?

Summary of action items

  1. George to reach out to publishing steering committee with the idea of greater participation of the a11y activities of the CG re: ongoing development of UX and guidelines
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).


Found 'Agenda:' not followed by a URL: '1. Finalize the AccessibilitySummary authoring guide. Document is at: https://w3c.github.io/publ-a11y/drafts/schema-a11y-summary/index.html'.

Found 'Agenda:' not followed by a URL: '2. Any other business.'.

Maybe present: CO, GK, GP, JF

All speakers: CO, GK, GP, JF

Active on IRC: ChrisOliverOttawa__, GeorgeK, gpellegrino, JF