ARIA Authoring Practices Task Force Weekly Teleconference

14 March 2023


arigilmore, Bryan, Bryan Garaventa, Garaventa, JaeunJemmaKu, Jamesn, Jem, jongund, jugglinmike, MarkMcCarthy, Matt_King
JaEun Jemma Ku

Meeting minutes

Status of Site Updates

Review updates to first AT support table - pull request #2569

<Github> w3c/aria-practices#2569 : Button Example: Add AT support tables from ARIA-AT

Matt_King: On Thursday, we talked about the sequence of events which needs to occur in order to merge the supports tables

Matt_King: Right now, this pull request is only adding an AT Support Table to the Button pattern

<Jem> preview: https://deploy-preview-206--aria-practices.netlify.app/aria/apg/patterns/button/examples/button/

<Jem> Alex's comment on the issue is available at w3c/aria-practices#2569 (comment)

Matt_King: We're going to add three more: Radio, Link, and Alert

Alex (not present) has requested review from Matt_King

Alex (not present) is currently fixing an issue with the Candidate / Recommended algorithm identified by howard-e (also not present)

Matt_King: Apple and Vispero will be giving their thumbs up on these before we publish

Matt_King: But when we do, we'll have five out of sixty-five covered. Gotta start somewhere!

About Page: Convert to an About section overview that links to several new pages within the about APG section


JaeunJemmaKu: It looks like Alex has fixed a spacing issue

Matt_King: I want to include this when we publish the support tables. It doesn't have to be exactly the same week, though. It should be the same week or the week before--just not after.

<jongund> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pulls/jongund

<arigilmore> w3c/aria-practices#2622 is this ready for review?

Combobox Date Picker Example: Change previous and next month and year behavior for dates near end of month


Matt_King: This one's on me and AlexFlenniken

jongund: AlexFlenniken did give me some feedback, and I've implemented that. Thank you AlexFlenniken!

Matt_King: AlexFlenniken may need to re-review, then, and I need to take a look, too.

added note related that aria-rolesdescription uses the language of the page


jongund: This is just a couple lines of text

Matt_King: This is assigned to me. It's on my "to-do" list

Listbox Examples: Update scrolling of listbox item with focus into view when page is magnified


<Jem> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/wiki/Code-Guide

<Jem> jem: we can add this js lint usage in code guide

<jugglinmike> I've made a recommendation for how to address the linting errors that jongund identified last week

jugglinmike explains the technical details about the linting errors and configuring the linter (which is called ESLint)

<jugglinmike> My co-worker Aleena has updated my patch to your patch so that we can merge it to resolve your problem

Matt_King: The "global" ESLint directive seems a little hard to recognize. Lets see about documenting the project's use of ESLint

<jugglinmike> I can also see if there's a more self-documenting way to express that particular ESLint configuration

New Issue Action Planning

Labelling search inputs and regions

github: w3c/aria-practices#2516

Matt_King: I think that when you're labeling a search box, you should label it according to what's being seached

Matt_King: This is particularly important when you have multiple search boxes on the same page

Matt_King: For example, if you're on the main Facebook homepage, there's a search labeled "Facebook search", and if you go to groups, there's a search labeled "Search groups", and if you go to a specific group, the label is for that specific group

Matt_King: That's my own personal view as a screen reader user, I wonder if that solves the problem

jamesn: I've never recommended people to use search landmarks, but then again, I'm not a screen reader user

jamesn: I'm wondering if screen reader users find the "search region" useful

Matt_King: There are a lot of screen reader users who only look for "Edit" fields

Matt_King: I've noticed a trend toward more and more searches not being edit fields by default


Matt_King: In those cases, the search region can be very useful

jamesn: So if there's multiple fields, then I think a search region is good to associate them. However, a search region seems superfluous to add around a single field.

<Jem> mike, can we post to git hub comments?

<jamesn> "A landmark region that contains a collection of items and objects that, as a whole, combine to create a search facility. See related form and searchbox."

Bryan Garaventa: That seems right to me

Matt_King: A label for a search field should not be "search," it should describe what you're searching

JaeunJemmaKu: How should we label this issue?

Matt_King: I want to review the search landmark page

jongund: you can assign it to me

Matt_King: I've added two labels, "feedback" and "question"

arigilmore: I'll take a look, as well

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/)not/(not/

Succeeded: s/use/usage/

No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: jugglinmike

All speakers: arigilmore, JaeunJemmaKu, jamesn, jongund, Matt_King

Active on IRC: arigilmore, Github, jamesn, Jem, jongund, jugglinmike, MarkMcCarthy