IRC log of aria-apg on 2023-02-28
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 18:32:21 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #aria-apg
- 18:32:26 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 18:32:41 [Zakim]
- Zakim has joined #aria-apg
- 18:32:52 [Matt_King]
- rrsagent, make log public
- 18:33:06 [Matt_King]
- MEETING: ARIA Authoring Practices Task Force
- 18:33:11 [Matt_King]
- present+
- 18:33:17 [Matt_King]
- CHAIR: Jemma
- 18:33:30 [Matt_King]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 18:33:31 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate Matt_King
- 18:49:03 [jongund]
- jongund has joined #aria-apg
- 18:53:41 [jongund]
- jongund has joined #aria-apg
- 19:00:52 [jugglinmike]
- jugglinmike has joined #aria-apg
- 19:01:06 [arigilmore]
- arigilmore has joined #aria-apg
- 19:01:14 [arigilmore]
- present+
- 19:02:57 [jongund]
- jongund has joined #aria-apg
- 19:04:53 [jugglinmike]
- present+
- 19:05:02 [Jem]
- 19:05:06 [Jem]
- Chair: Jemma
- 19:05:19 [jongund]
- present+ jongund
- 19:05:23 [Jem]
- Topic: set up and review agenda
- 19:05:32 [jugglinmike]
- Zakim, start the meeting
- 19:05:32 [Zakim]
- RRSAgent, make logs Public
- 19:05:34 [Zakim]
- please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), jugglinmike
- 19:05:36 [jugglinmike]
- scribe+
- 19:05:47 [MarkMcCarthy]
- MarkMcCarthy has joined #aria-apg
- 19:06:04 [jugglinmike]
- meeting: February 28, 2023
- 19:06:30 [Jem]
- Topic: Status of Site Updates
- 19:06:48 [jugglinmike]
- Subtopic: Repository Restructure Update
- 19:07:06 [Jem]
- s/meeting: February 28, 2023/ /
- 19:07:10 [jugglinmike]
- present+ Matt_King
- 19:07:15 [Jem]
- Meeting: ARIA Authoring Practice Guide
- 19:07:20 [MarkMcCarthy]
- present+
- 19:07:23 [jugglinmike]
- Matt_King: All redirects and 404s fixed. 110 bookmarks now work!
- 19:07:34 [Jem]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 19:07:35 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate Jem
- 19:07:41 [jugglinmike]
- Matt_King: In the future, I'd like to test redirects
- 19:08:25 [jugglinmike]
- AlexFlenniken: "Broken image links on feed display page" is in progress
- 19:09:19 [jugglinmike]
- AlexFlenniken: we've split up relevant files into three separate directory structures, but this makes some of the file links very "distant" -- lots of relative pathing ("dot-dot-slash")
- 19:09:46 [jugglinmike]
- AlexFlenniken: tracking issue:
- 19:10:26 [jugglinmike]
- AlexFlenniken: I think the solution is to make sure the assets are all in the same folder, just like the APG--even though it would be faster to just change the example
- 19:10:34 [jugglinmike]
- Matt_King: Is it broken in production?
- 19:11:10 [jugglinmike]
- AlexFlenniken: Yes, if you look at the "feed" example, it has missing images for the "stars" ratings
- 19:12:59 [jugglinmike]
- Matt_King: Let's not deep-dive on this right now
- 19:13:14 [jugglinmike]
- Matt_King: I'm wondering if we should apply a quick-fix for now
- 19:13:57 [jugglinmike]
- AlexFlenniken: We could maybe use an inline SVG so that it wouldn't have to be fetched as an external resource
- 19:14:45 [jugglinmike]
- Matt_King: Since WAI is talking about changing their infrastructure next year, I'm inclined to kind of "kick this can down the road"
- 19:15:00 [jugglinmike]
- AlexFlenniken: I will file an issue
- 19:16:09 [Jem]
- restructure and improvement of About Page -- PR 2558
- 19:16:22 [Jem]
- 19:16:25 [jugglinmike]
- subtopic: Work in progress on restructure and improvement of About Page
- 19:17:23 [jugglinmike]
- Subtopic: Work in progress on first AT support table - pull request #2569
- 19:17:25 [Github]
- : Button Example: Add AT support tables from ARIA-AT
- 19:17:35 [jugglinmike]
- 19:18:08 [jugglinmike]
- AlexFlenniken: I'm working on the requirements behind using sample data
- 19:18:20 [jugglinmike]
- AlexFlenniken: I think we'll have something to look at for this next week
- 19:18:44 [jugglinmike]
- Topic: Pull Request Review
- 19:18:59 [jugglinmike]
- Subtopic: Combobox Date Picker Example: Change previous and next month and year behavior for dates near end of month by jongund
- 19:19:08 [jugglinmike]
- github:
- 19:19:32 [jugglinmike]
- jongund: All the test cases finished; I'll check them in later today
- 19:20:05 [jugglinmike]
- jongund: I've updated the documentation as well
- 19:20:57 [jugglinmike]
- Matt_King: We need a review checklist
- 19:21:03 [jugglinmike]
- Jem: I'll add that
- 19:22:08 [jugglinmike]
- Matt_King: We only need to verify the functionality and the editorical review, but there's no changes to CSS. Only two files changed, just the JavaScript and HTML files.
- 19:22:26 [jugglinmike]
- Matt_King: We should have at least one reviewer besides myself
- 19:23:38 [jugglinmike]
- Siri: I will perform the functional review
- 19:25:17 [jugglinmike]
- Subtopic: Listbox Examples: Update scrolling of listbox item with focus into view when page is magnified by jongund · Pull Request #2622 · w3c/aria-practices
- 19:25:19 [Github]
- : Listbox Examples: Update scrolling of listbox item with focus into view when page is magnified
- 19:25:28 [jugglinmike]
- github:
- 19:26:20 [jugglinmike]
- arigilmore: I've commented with notes on my initial review
- 19:27:37 [jugglinmike]
- Matt_King: the test failures are blocking the review failures
- 19:27:53 [jugglinmike]
- jongund: I haven't had an opportunity to look into those test failures, yet
- 19:30:08 [jugglinmike]
- Subtopic: Infrastructure: Update script that provides skipto menu on all pages to version 5.1 by jongund · Pull Request #2619 · w3c/aria-practices
- 19:30:10 [Github]
- : Infrastructure: Update script that provides skipto menu on all pages to version 5.1
- 19:30:23 [jugglinmike]
- github:
- 19:31:06 [jugglinmike]
- Matt_King: I made two changes to the "skipto.js" file. They were strictly editorial--within code comments. Minor typos
- 19:31:29 [jugglinmike]
- Jem: I will finish my review by the end of my day today
- 19:31:51 [jugglinmike]
- Subtopic: Landmark examples: Updated SkipTo script and configuration by jongund · Pull Request #2624 · w3c/aria-practices
- 19:31:53 [Github]
- : Landmark examples: Updated SkipTo script and configuration
- 19:31:59 [jugglinmike]
- github:
- 19:32:14 [jugglinmike]
- Matt_King: I think this is waiting on me
- 19:32:21 [jugglinmike]
- Jem: Two regression tests failed
- 19:33:34 [jugglinmike]
- Matt_King: Occassionally there are timing issues, and sometimes they'll pass if you just have them run again (e.g. by pushing another commit to the pull request's branch)
- 19:34:23 [jugglinmike]
- Topic: New About Section Content
- 19:34:36 [jugglinmike]
- Subtopic: Preview the content without site chrome in RawGitHack
- 19:34:48 [jugglinmike]
- 19:35:06 [jugglinmike]
- Matt_King: This is a pretty substantial set of changes to content and messaging
- 19:35:18 [jugglinmike]
- Matt_King: Some of it is driven by recent issues and questions that have been raised
- 19:35:49 [jugglinmike]
- Matt_King: If you visit the current "About" page, it includes an introduction to the APG
- 19:36:14 [jugglinmike]
- Matt_King: The structural change to this pull request, is that we are going to replace the content so that it will be a little more like the "practices" page
- 19:36:51 [jugglinmike]
- Matt_King: This gives this a surface where we can include a lot of things about the APG such as our coding guide and instructions on contributing to the APG
- 19:38:18 [jugglinmike]
- Jem: So each part of the "about" page is presented on a separate page?
- 19:38:29 [jugglinmike]
- Matt_King: Yes, just like in "Practices"
- 19:38:57 [jugglinmike]
- Jem: Can we change the order of the content?
- 19:39:26 [jugglinmike]
- Matt_King: Definitely. I'd like for the "Introduction" to be at the top, but otherwise, I'm open to suggestion
- 19:40:52 [jugglinmike]
- Jem: I like having "ARIA Basics" as a second topic is a good idea. I also like having the "Coverage and Quality Report" toward the end, as you've placed it.
- 19:43:06 [jugglinmike]
- Matt_King: Regarding the Introduction--we've had many issues asking about the purpose of the APG (e.g. "Is APG a 'standard?'). That's part of what motivated me to structure this introduction as I have
- 19:43:52 [Jem]
- 19:44:04 [jugglinmike]
- Matt_King: I'd like feedback on the language around "Exercise caution"
- 19:45:39 [jugglinmike]
- Matt_King: Thinking about the kinds of questions we get, I'm trying to get readers to treat the APG with the appropriate level of respect. It's not a standard, but we're pulling together a lot of information from standards
- 19:45:55 [jugglinmike]
- Matt_King: I'd like readers to understand the implications of deviation from these recommendations
- 19:46:19 [jugglinmike]
- Matt_King: Does this take on a good, positive tone but still convey that message in a meaningful way?
- 19:46:47 [jugglinmike]
- jongund: I think you may want to re-emphasize that the examples are designed to conform to standards, even though they aren't standards themselves
- 19:48:33 [jugglinmike]
- jongund: Maybe specify which standards the examples are implementing (or at least, some of the standards)
- 19:51:17 [jugglinmike]
- Matt_King: I don't know how we're going to bring people in to the introduction, yet. We may want something on the home page...
- 19:52:16 [jugglinmike]
- Jem: When I read the content, I know what you mean by "APG is not a UI Design System," but I think the wording of that heading is somewhat misleading
- 19:53:53 [jugglinmike]
- Jem: I think the word "System" bothers me because I worry that it might exclude UI designers. Maybe "APG is not a UI Design Component" is more inclusive
- 19:55:47 [jugglinmike]
- jugglinmike: What about "APG is not a UI Design Framework" ?
- 19:56:50 [jugglinmike]
- jamesn: Or "APG is not a Design System" ?
- 19:57:07 [jugglinmike]
- Matt_King: Or "APG is not a Design System or Framework"
- 19:58:07 [jugglinmike]
- Matt_King: For "Assumed Prerequisite Knowledge", I was trying to avoid the term "prerequisite", but I couldn't find a way to do that
- 19:58:43 [jugglinmike]
- Matt_King: I was also trying to avoid using the second-person voice, even though I am trying to answer the question, "are you ready for APG?"
- 19:59:42 [Jem]
- +1 to Jon's inclusive approach
- 20:00:22 [jugglinmike]
- jongund: I'd like to see it made more inviting. To say that, "there's valuable stuff here even if you're not an accessibility expert"
- 20:00:54 [jugglinmike]
- Jem: This is awesome, Matt_King
- 20:01:20 [jugglinmike]
- Zakim, end the meeting
- 20:01:20 [Zakim]
- As of this point the attendees have been Matt_King, arigilmore, jugglinmike, jongund, MarkMcCarthy
- 20:01:22 [Zakim]
- RRSAgent, please draft minutes
- 20:01:23 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate Zakim
- 20:01:29 [Zakim]
- I am happy to have been of service, jugglinmike; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye
- 20:01:29 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #aria-apg
- 20:01:43 [jugglinmike]
- RRSAgent: leave
- 20:01:43 [RRSAgent]
- I see no action items