20 February 2023


David Booth, Deepak Sharma, Emily Pfaff, EricP, James Champion, Jim Balhoff
David Booth

Meeting minutes

ITS meeting Wed Feb 22, 3pm Boston time

ACTION: David to send out meeting details

ACTION: David to make slides

eric: Does HAPI work need to be done?

david: Not as far as I know.

eric: If I can translate JSON into Turtle, and ShEx validate them against the schemas, then that's good.

dbooth: IDK the HAPI code acceptance criteria.

deepak: If Rob reviews our changes, maybe he can vote for us?
… Raises their level of confidence.
… I emailed the latest schema and resources.
… They include constraint conjunctions, and also some that are unmapped.
… If you cannot find a mapping, you surround it with underscore-shex.

eric: Just don't serialize those. Does it parse, using shex scala?

deepak: Yes, if I remove that token.

eric: You can put the original text in comments.

deepak: Ok, I'll make that code correction.

eric: Could be done as semantic actions, but that would be a new work item.


eric: Implemented everything except the polymorphic types and RDF lists.

FHIR Build

jim: Asked Grahame about updating the validator parser. He discovered that it hadn't be working for a while, so I haven't been working on FHIR RDF parser.
… I wonder if we should run the generated FHIR RDF examples through deepak's shex validation.

david: Yes, absolutely.

ACTION: Deepak to run shex validation against the generated FHIR RDF examples from jim

eric: The HAPI test harness validates them as POJOs.

In the build site they're in https://build.fhir.org/examples-ttl.zip

jim: The turtle examples I generated: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7l93s87c9lwxqoi/examples-ttl.zip?dl=0

david: Jim, do you want to try to convince Grahame that the validation should be done in HAPI?

jim: I want to see what he asks for next.
… Does it create the same POJOs as I'm working on?

eric: I doubt it, but it's possible.

david: We're assuming that ITS will vote to approve without the RDF parsing working?

eric: We have enough confidence in our changes.


james: Met w Houcemeddine and chatted about what he'll be doing.

david: Is the Playground up on the fhircat site?

james: Still getting sample resources. Will push it as soon as those are updated.


Summary of action items

  1. David to send out meeting details
  2. David to make slides
  3. Deepak to run shex validation against the generated FHIR RDF examples from jim
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).


No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: dbooth

Maybe present: david, dbooth, deepak, eric, james, jim

All speakers: david, dbooth, deepak, eric, james, jim

Active on IRC: dbooth