09 February 2023


Daniel Stone, David Booth, EricP, James Champion, Jim Balhoff, Rob Hausam
David Booth

Meeting minutes

FHIR Build

jim: Opened a couple of PRs. One on FHIR Core, and the other on Kindling. HL7/kindling#111


jim: Also theh profiles (structure defs)

jim: Looking at this example: http://hl7.org/fhir/patient.profile.ttl.html

dbooth: propose address other things first. the Turtle structure defs are less important.

eric: We're looking at the meta level. Claude helped him work out a list of lower priority things.

eric: Low priority to even look for problems at the meta level.

dbooth: Agreed.

dbooth: I saw what looked like extra type arcs.

jim: fhir:deceased[x] has type arcs.

dbooth: Okay, that looks right.

eric: Multi-line comments in examples?

jim: That's still a problem. Will try to fix it.

jim: loinc concept IRIs are hard coded.

dbooth: Loinc prefix should be https://loinc.org/rdf/
… per Gaurav's google doc.

dbooth: Suggest adding others defined in the Gaurav's document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sW3Tgj2J_wBzlUWih07e0Vf_M9Ue8YyPqjK0arhajS8/edit#

jim: There's parsing work to be done also.

dbooth: Discussing parsing FHIR RDF and going back to FHIR JSON or XML.

jim: Can we drop that code? Is it used for anything?

eric: Maybe was used for round-trip testing.

ACTION: Jim check w Grahame about dropping the RDF parsing code (in favor of HAPI).

Ont generation

daniel: Made two commits for updates.



eric: Tried to see if there were commonalities between the various FHIR properties. In principle that would be a nice-ish way to populate the rdfs:labels.

dbooth: How should daniel gen the rdfs:labels ?

eric: 1. Grab the first of each. 2. omit rdfs:label 3. Hand-craft the property names.

dbooth: Option 4. How about concatenate them all?

eric: Option 5: Do option 4 but hand-craft some conspicuous ones.

daniel: Generated a subset for key elements we might care about.
… Then ran rdfdiff to compare latest changes.

eric: Maybe we should not invent generic labels, since they are not currently in FHIR.

dbooth: Propose concatenate the labels for each property, separated by vertical bars, into an rdfs:label

eric: Proposed generic labels might motivate the FHIR group to create generic labels.
… They already have a need for such a doc.

rob: Partly agree. Slowly trying to converge.

AGREED: Including truncated concatenated labels is better than omitting them.

AGREED: Daniel should use a list of generic labels if he has time, and fall back to trucated concatenated labels for others.

Punning for shortened propoerties?

AGREED: Use punning.

daniel: What other OWL assertions do we need?

dbooth: I think we need these:

1. Add global declarations:
fhir:_Resource rdfs:subClassOf [ owl:onProperty fhir:modifierExtension; owl:minCardinality 1 ].
[] a owl:AllDisjointClasses ;
    owl:members  ( fhir:Resource  fhir:_Resource ) .
2. And for each FHIR resource such as fhir:Obs, add this declaration:
:_Obs rdfs:subClassOf fhir:_Resource.

jim: Seems ok to me.

eric: Not sure it should be fhir:Resource. Maybe fhir:DomainResource.

eric: need to investigate more.

daniel: example:

This is the only way that I could get blank node to appear in code atm:
[ a            owl:AllDisjointClasses ;
  owl:members  ( fhir:Resource fhir:_Resource )
] .

eric: That's fine that way.

ACTION: DBooth to investigate whether it should be fhir:Resoruce or fhir:DomainResource


• There are a few resources (ones that do not specialize DomainResource) where extensions are not allowed on the root element, but extensions can appear elsewhere through the resource

eric: Can look at the content model of them, and also at the datatypes.

dbooth: So that quote Rob found indicates that the declaration should be for fhir:DomainResource and fhir:_DomainResource

eric: And only declare them on individual resources that are under fhir:DomainResource .
… directly or indirectly.


Summary of action items

  1. Jim check w Grahame about dropping the RDF parsing code (in favor of HAPI).
  2. DBooth to investigate whether it should be fhir:Resoruce or fhir:DomainResource
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).


No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: dbooth

Maybe present: AGREED, daniel, dbooth, eric, jim, rob

All speakers: AGREED, daniel, dbooth, eric, jim, rob

Active on IRC: dbooth