ACT Rules Community Group Teleconference

09 Feb 2023


CarlosD, giacomo-petri, harris, Helen_, Sameera, Wilco_, Sean


<giacomo-petri> Hello Carlos! :)


AGENDA ITEM: Call for review https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/issues/461

Carlos: We have 3 1 week review items

Assigned issues + help wanted https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/issues?page=1&q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen

Carlos: Not much progress as waiting on reviews on #1502
... #1845 - 2 reviews from site improve so want more
... #1655 I have to look at Wilco's suggestion, but I did open a new issue - to be discussed next time
... #1560 again more reviews wanted

Wilco: Working on TF stuff life a valid ARIA-Valid value - I'm considering splitting it up

Helen: #2022 - I would like someone to write examples for me

Giacomo: I am working on #2007 and am getting closer to finishing
... Jean-Yves has suggested lots of items

Sean: No big updates - I finished on #2003 and it is waiting on being merged

Carlos: The procedure is you send a mail to the mailing list asking for reviews like the ones Jean-Yves sent
... ignore me - this change doesn't require the review as just editorial
... I will merge it

Harris: I have no updates

Carlos: There are issues that are open to being picked up as lots of beginner issues there for Harris/Sameera

Sameera: Thanks

Update from the ACT Task Force https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/pull/522/files

<Wilco_> https://wai-wcag-act-rules.netlify.app/standards-guidelines/act/rules/#deprecated-act-rules

<Wilco_> https://wai-wcag-act-rules.netlify.app/standards-guidelines/act/implementations/#semi-automated-test-tools

Wilco: Pretty brief - we are publishing a separated list of the deprecated rules, and it will be published today
... We have a new rule from site improve that we love

<Wilco_> https://w3c.github.io/wcag-act/act-rules-format.html#secondary-requirements

Wilco: We are working our way through lots of rules and would love your review on secondary requirements
... SC 4.1.1 the CG asked me to take it back to the TF, and they decided to not to do this until AG decide on what is the official stance on 2.0 and 2.1

Carlos: I was not ware they might do that - interesting

Wilco: I am going to approach the AG chairs to prioritise it

Update from Manual Test Rules subgroups https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/issues/1952

<CarlosD> scribe+ CarlosD

<CarlosD> Helen_: I've created a draft manual rule #2022

<CarlosD> Helen_: Giacomo also has one manual rule #1914

<CarlosD> ... I'm looking for people to help me write the code for examples in #2022

<CarlosD> ... We're also looking for people to contribute rules that cover aspects that current rules don't yet

<Wilco_> https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/pull/2022/files


Carlos: I would suggest to reach out to Dan, and is more involved so a good place to start

ARIA state or property: various editorial improvements https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/pull/2012

Carlos: Wilco - what does this relate to and why are we discussing it?

Wilco: Here is a good link for it

<Wilco_> https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/blob/ee831ecb401a18567d1b50da12d02bc2130ec724/_rules/aria-state-or-property-valid-value-6a7281.md#expectation

Wilco: this is what I ended up with, and Jean-Yves and Carlos agree this is getting complicated
... ID refs are not required except if they are using ARIA controls like scroll bar or a combobox if expanded is set to true

<Sean> exception inception

Wilco: so you have an exception to the exception so I believe we need to split this up
... So ARIA controls reference ID must exist if it is on a scroll bar or expanded combobox

Carlos: So we would remove the exceptions?

Wilco: It would reference this to make it more atomic
... We have been discussing this and Aron had a few ideas on this, as we have grouped the rules together too much, so we want to split this up to be more atomic

Carlos: And more focused yep

Wilco: And Harris has been working on one too so whenever we state something is an exception then we make a new rule

Sean: Can we state this is the proposed format?

Wilco: Yep - we will update it, and we want to start here and we will have a rule mentioned in the background and then we can write it

Carlos: Sounds good

Consider case sensitivity in ARIA rules https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/issues/1866

Carlos: The use of valid properties that should not be case sensitive but they are
... AT doesn't really handle the case changing in the ARIA properties and Wilco wanted to address this in the rules
... so should they be case sensitive? And how does it affect AT?

Wilco: I created this as last case was FF and it was fixed
... I was trying to find it and 80% sure this is the case, so the rules shouldn't be case specific now

Carlos: I agree
... Next steps is to update the rules or ID the ones that need amending

Wilco: Yep

Sean: It is not clear to me what AT was used - can we get some clarity? Like VO/Safari get checked?

Carlos: Yes it was Windows only as using the commonly used combinations only

Giacomo: Can we have a table of the combinations we can test as I do not have Windows machines right now

CArlos: That should be enough to start thanks!
... update the issue and feel free to ask for help

Sean: I can check the others

Giacomo: Should we add ChromeVox too?

Carlos: If anyone has the device we will ask them

Should inert iframes with focusable content fail? https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/issues/1965

Carlos: Another oldie - also opened by Wilco
... the rule has not been updated since the issue was created
... so we have negative tabindexes on iframes and use the inert attribute, and Wilco asked should they fail or be Not Applicable?
... So do I understand the reach of this? So if I make an iFrame inert, the inner parts will not be focusable either?

Wilco: Yes

Carlos: So the author must remove the inert property?

Wilco: Yes the parent or the ifrrame using the inert attribute will translate to the children, and reading the applicability of this rule it states that focusable items should not be focusable or actionable
... Or is the list empty?
... <has inner argument over this>
... are the buttons part of the sequential order or are the buttons hidden if in an inert iframe

Sean: Is there a way to negate the inertness for the children?

Wilco: Not that I know of?

Carlos: So the rule always passes?

Wilco: Right so the rule might fail when it shouldn't

<Sean> I need to drop to prep for a presentation. Thank you, all.

Carlos: So what Wilco is stating - the sequential order is not affected but it should be...

Wilco: The problem is it is a bit of an edge case with an open modal - and it will inert everything in the page, so this is an exception

Giacomo: Would the accessibility tree help here?

Wilco: Well not always the case, some items are focusable but not in the accessibility tree as that is more of the tab focus items
... The definition of inert needs to be updated

Carlos: No the definition of sequential focus needs updating
... to be contiunued

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.200 (CVS log)
$Date: 2023/02/09 16:54:26 $

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Default Present: CarlosD, giacomo-petri, harris, Helen_, Sameera, Wilco_, Sean
Present: CarlosD, giacomo-petri, harris, Helen_, Sameera, Wilco_, Sean
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