Accessibility Education and Outreach Working Group (EOWG) Teleconference

03 Feb 2023


krisanne, Brent, kevin, Laura, Mark, Jade, Shadi, Sharron, Daniel, Michele, Sarah


Compilation Videos

Kevin: Main things from this one.

<kevin> https://app.frame.io/reviews/ed1f74bd-a813-4201-a7b4-024566c6f226/d0378117-c127-4cbc-b190-fecaa17a84d3

Kevin: Whether or not to stop audio
... Transitions
... And fade outs
... if people can have a look at these and share their thoughts
... First the music is silenced for the transition. Then the panel that appears after the transition is slightly larger, as well as the font. And then the fade out transition fades the non-white over montage at the end of the video to the over faded white montage at the start of the next video

Laura: Seems OK to me

Jade: Is the time the same?

Kevin: No, there are still some consistency issues, I have flagged those to them
... There are other differences in transitions as well that I have flagged to them

Jade: I think it looks pretty good, it is just the timing
... The first one seems a bit quick

Brent: When it goes silent, the first one is in the middle of when the narrator says "About people". The second one has the silent before the sentence. I wonder if the music should go through to where she says "About people"
... I think the music should cut right where she says "About people"

Kevin: That's fine

Brent: Jade, where you saying that the general transition should be a bit longer?

Jade: Yes, it feels a bit quick

Kevin: For me it was too quick in one, two slow in another, it is inconsistent
... Not hearing any other concerns, will work on what has been raised up to now
... Two more things I think we need input on
... For the "people" videos there was an over representation of a couple of actors
... One who is signing and Addie
... It could create problems in the compilation videos
... This happens because each of the actors are the last person to be shown in each video
... One idea is to decouple the last scene

Jade: You would still need to choose people from the videos

Kevin: Yes, I would always select an actor from each of the video, won't be a random thing

Jade: Sounds like a good compromise

Kevin: I can go back to them with that

<Brent> +1

<slewth> +1

Kevin: The other one is prop for autogenerated captions
... They have taken a single frame from the video I created and used that as a digital prop

<kevin> https://app.frame.io/reviews/ccf08773-8ff7-4686-8fa7-7405b662e94e/6928ddb6-d123-4fbd-a235-e5426347905b

Kevin: I just want to check whether it works or we need to try something else
... It's at 1:44

Brent: Why isn't the captions changing moving? But then because it wasn't moving I could listen to the narrator. I had the time to process what was said and still read at the captions. But I knew what was coming in that part of the video, not sure what would happen if someone wouldn't know

Laura: I think it is OK

Jade: The biggest problem is that the actor is responding in real time and the subtitles are not there

Michele: Is it possible to start with picture-in-picture and then move to full screen?

Kevin: It may result on a similar problem
... I think there is enough focus maybe. The question is if this is enough in terms of compromise to represent the challenge

Jade: Has anyone seen this that hadn't seen this before?

Kevin: One. I could find a couple of more people

Jade: It would be good to see how they react to that, we all know our opinions already

Kevin: The one with dyscalculia is particularly difficult. We can't have them showing one condition and then showing a different type of condition

Shadi: It is not ideal but I believe dyscalculia and dyslexia are too far away from each other in this context
... This is something that could be resolved in the page, depending on how you describe the protagonist
... You could make it more clear that Stefan has dyscalculia and dyslexia

Kevin: Yes. Ideally we could fix it, though.
... in the same video at 2:12 the actor is Sophie who has Down Syndrome and again the narrator talks about different conditions

Michele: One thing in the compilation. There is not consistency on the way they are captioning "Accessibility is about people". It would be nice to have consistency in the captions.

Kevin: All the captions are embedded now, we are going to get separate SRT files later
... With these files we get more editorial control. We can take further passes in the future

Brent: Sometimes there was one line, others there were double lines
... In the perception video there is a point where the volume of the screen reader is louder than the volume of the regular narration
... Just to see if they could turn down the volume of the screen reader

KEvin: Should be doable

Brent: In the physical video, 00:34, the narration is talking about small targets but there is nothing related in the scene. However, Elias is talking also about small targets and there the prop follows the narration
... I wonder if Elias prop could be reused in the other video

Kevin: There is a prop for that that starts about 00:30 which largely illustrate clickable areas. I might be worth to see if we can introduce that, I don't see that as big issue

Brent: That was the piece I was thinking about
... Between 00:30 and 00:38
... Kevin, is there anything else you need from the group at the moment?

Kevin: Let's use the weekend for feedback, if there is anything that comes up it would be useful to know
... We are limited in editorial time, please just raise high issues. This is the last editorial pass

Brent: Should the sub group meet on Tuesday?

Kevin: It will depend on the feedback. At the moment the issues I discussed today are the ones where I needed additional input, if there is anything else that pops up and is unclear we could meet

Brent: Then let's just make the call that we are not meeting on Tuesday, if we hear back from Kevin, I'll through out a meeting call for Tuesday 7 AM Central

Work for This Week

Brent: That has been updated this week. Minor changes for Easy Checks
... Please fill in the survey on availability for F2F
... Anything else before we wrap up?
... Thank you Kevin for your fantastic job on these videos, these are much better now

KEvin: Thanks to the group for their invaluable help

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.200 (CVS log)
$Date: 2023/02/03 14:27:17 $

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Default Present: krisanne, Brent, kevin, Laura, Mark, Jade, Shadi, Sharron, Daniel, Michele, Sarah
Present: krisanne, Brent, kevin, Laura, Mark, Jade, Shadi, Sharron, Daniel, Michele, Sarah
Regrets: Brian
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