02 February 2023


Daniel Stone, David Booth, EricP, Gaurav Vaidya, Ghris Roeder, Jim Balhoff, Rob Hausam
David Booth

Meeting minutes

ITS call scheduled for Feb 22 2023 at 3PM eastern

dbooth: New deadline for us.

Relationship between modified and non-modified classes/properties

Relationship between modified and non-modified classes/properties: fhir:_Patient fhir:??? fhir:Patient .

dbooth: We never discussed what htat relationship should be called.

eric: Is fhir:_Patient subclass of fhir:Patient

dbooth: No, because every property that applies to a fhir:Patient would have to apply to fhir:_Patient, but that's not true if it is modified.

jim: Eric asked it the other way around: Is fhir:Patient a subclass of fhir:_Patient?

dbooth: Does everything that applies to an _Patient also apply to a Patient? I don't think so.

jim: underbar-Patient has essentially no semantics.

eric: if there's a super-patient class, and a patient class and an underbar-patient class ....

jim: Do you want a reasoner to infer that an instance of Patient is an instance of underbar-Patient?

eric: Suppose patient1 is alive, patient2 is dead, patient3 is an underbar-Patient w status undead.
… Or patient3 can have number-of-wheels=3.
… What's true of patient3 is not true of any fhir:Patient, but the things that could have a modifer ext includes everything that could be a fhir:Patient.
… I don't see how the set of fhir:Patients could not fall inside the set of underbar-patients.

dbooth; i could define an underbar-patient class that is ONLY for robots, and excludes all humans.

dbooth: sorry, I was thinking of underbar-patient as being a specific modifier ext, rather than ALL modifier extensions.
… If underbar-patient class refers to all possible modifer extension classes, then fhir:Patient would be a subclass of that.

eric: The value of using underbar-patient is that it is NOT a fhir:Patient .

jim: a specific property might be easier and more useful.

dbooth: Something like "fhir:Patient fhir:hasModier fhir:_Patient"

eric: underbar-patient isModificationOf Patient .

dbooth: Please propose ideas in the github issue: w3c/hcls-fhir-rdf#93

daniel: What can have a modifier extension?

dbooth: Almost anything can have one, but there are a couple of exceptions.

gaurav: Here’s an example of a modified fhir:\Patient that passes validation if that’s helpful — w3c/hcls-fhir-rdf#93 (comment)

Change meet twice a week

dbooth: Propose 11am Mondays Boston time.


Punning: property fhir:Medication.code shortened to fhir:code

Punning: property fhir:Medication.code shortened to fhir:code, but fhir:code is already a class

jim: Technically ok in OWL

dbooth: But I don't like it -- rubs me the wrong way.

eric: Confusing for readers. But need to balance changing the name vs the confusion of having the same name meaning two different things.

jim: Value in aligning w the FHIR word.

eric: But there would be no conflict in upper-casing that word.

eric: Suppose there's a new datatype capital-C fhir:Code in addition to fhir:code . Then fhir:value[x] properties would not be able to distinguish them. Therefore their cannot be both.

dbooth: Consider options: w3c/hcls-fhir-rdf#69 (comment)

(discussing option 3)

jim: when would I need to upper-case it?

eric: All types would start w upper case. The problem would be going from RDF back to JSON or XML. Our special rule would apply only to FHIR types, though. It would not apply to other types defined by others.

eric: Suppose I do my own logical model, and I define a type "snapshot" ...

dbooth: But it would not be in the fhir: namespace.


FHIR Build

jim: Have not addressed the reading of Turtle.
… Also some changes are going into the profile.html page.
… Bu t none of my changes are showing up in the template code. Anyone have ideas on those?

dbooth: Reading turtle and the profiles I think are lower priority.

eric: Suggest throwing an exception to see if that code is actually used.

eric: The "profiles" are structure defs.

eric: The profiles can be lower priority, since nobody will use them for a while.

dbooth: Agreed.

ACTION: Jim to ask Grahame how the resource templates are generated


Summary of action items

  1. Jim to ask Grahame how the resource templates are generated
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/Turtle parser/FHIR Build/

Succeeded: s/New deadline for use/New deadline for us/

No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: dbooth

Maybe present: daniel, dbooth, eric, gaurav, jim, Punning

All speakers: daniel, dbooth, eric, gaurav, jim, Punning

Active on IRC: dbooth