Meeting minutes
<Alan> I am getting the message "This host has another meeting in progress" on Zoom when I try and join.
<janina> Yes, there was supposed to be a new Zoom--or edit to the existing one--but it didn't get done
Follow the link on this page: https://
<janina> I just checked my email with Michael about it
<janina> Paul, is that link working?
<daniel-montalvo> https://
mhakkinen: Sarah Wood has joined my group at ETS and will likely be joining me or replacing me in this meeting
Agenda Review, Membership & Announcements
janina: tracker is going away. Github issues is a w3c decision and how we will assign action items
… apa will put out the draft new charter for voting this week
Action Items
Sarah_Wood_: I can approach people at ATIA later this week
janina: we should also ask AT vendors "why?" I think that information will help us
<Zakim> janina, you wanted to suggest we also ask "why" they prefer what they prefer. Justification for choice will inform our approach, imo