Process CG

14 December 2022


cwilso, Dingwei, florian, pal, plh

Meeting minutes

[plh reviews the agenda]

Pull Requests

Clarify what can be formally objected to

github: https://github.com/w3c/w3process/issues/652

florian: Some background on this
… The issue here is caused by editorial refactorings
… The Process before last year, types of decisions were described all over the place
… we refactored everything about this to be more sensible

<plh> pull request

florian: and now we have a section that describes types of decisions
… mostly text pulled from elsewhere
… Then we have formal objections saying that you can object to decisions
… and it *seems* like the only types of decisions that can be objected to are the ones in that section
… but Team Decisions were defined elsewhere
… so this moves that, and gets it organized, and tweaks the phrasing a bit to be more clear
… to make it clearer that all types of decisions can be objected to


plh: How does it help with the question of chair appointments?

florian: Appointing a chair after chartering is a Team Decision o
… there was a complaint that there's nothing you can do to appeal that decision, but actually you can, because Team Decisions can be objected to
… Now that's a bit blunt, and ideally you want to handle without a formal objection
… but that path is available as appeal
… so that's how this PR deals with this issue

plh: ...

florian: First you should of course talk to the Team, to see if it can be resolved amicably
… but formal objection is possible if that doesn't work out

<plh> Advisory Committee representatives may initiate an Advisory Committee Appeal against a Team decision regarding the extension of a Working Group or Interest Group charter.

<plh> https://www.w3.org/Consortium/Process/Drafts/#charter-extension

plh: FO is about decisions about to be made, appeal is about retroactive

fantasai: not quite, we refactored the objections process, since they were identical, we folded the concepts together and called FO (more common name)

florian: [missed, something about FOs also being able to apply to past decisions sometimes?]

florian: I think this is a clarification, doesn't introduce anything new

plh: Proposal to merge PR 674, any objections?

RESOLUTION: Merge 674 and close 652

Clarify chair selection timing

github: https://github.com/w3c/w3process/pull/675

florian: TAG chair was picked by Director, now picked by Team
… AB chair also evolved as well

florian: In both cases, we were fuzzy about timing of when that happens
… and differences weren't intentional
… AB text was a bit more precise
… so this PR makes it clear when it happens and attempts to use the same timing

florian: Timing is "start of term", which is a bit fuzzy (and intentionally so)
… to set up expectation that you should revisit this question routinely

florian: also, we included provision that if majority of group requests a change of chair, even at other times it needs to be considered

florian: Third point is that if a minority asks, it's a "may" revisit
… e.g. if one chair steps down, and might need to appoint a replacement
… or have a loud minority that believes it is a problematic situation
… in this case aren't *required* to revisit the quesiton, but you may

florian: but you are required, at start of term, and if majority requests it, to revisit quesiton of chair

<Zakim> cwilso, you wanted to ask a question I think I know the answer to, but want to confirm

cwilso: I wanted to make sure I understand the subtleties the same way
… This is the Team or the current chairs may, at any time, run this request
… the Team could say, "we want you to re-choose chairs"
… could be in response to minority of participants, in response to chair stepping down, but doesn't need to be either
… So if I step down as chair, they aren't requried to re-run the process
… but if majority requests, it must be re-run
… so for example if I step down, Tzviya can just keep going
… but if she wants she can re-run

florian: and if majority of group says, no that's not okay, have to re-run

plh: Seems odd to have minority to be an example
… if a majority is fine with it
… why re-run

cwilso: It's not that the majority is against it, it's that the majority didn't request it.
… I get your point, but using that minority as an example says, if someone really vocally really doesn't like me as co-chair as AB, they can say that and the Team or chairs can decide to re-run this process

plh: I imagine the Team to be careful in deciding to do that

florian: Yes, and that's why it's not SHOULD, but MAY

plh: Proposal to merge 675

github: https://github.com/w3c/w3process/pull/675


Member Consortium vs Member Association

github: https://github.com/w3c/w3process/issues/666

florian: [explains issue of confusion]

florian: Bylaws uses Member Association for the same concept

florian: so to avoid such confusion, and to align with Bylaws, proposal is to rename the concept

plh: sgtm

plh: Proposal to merge 677, any objections?


Allow sharing appeal requests with the Membership

github: https://github.com/w3c/w3process/pull/676

florian: We discovered last time there was an appeal
… the person who filed the appeal sent the info to the Team, who had to forward to AC Forum
… but it was weird because the initiator wasn't able to provide rationale
… this PR is about clarifying, you can post also to AC Forum

plh: makes sense to me

florian: Dom said we might want to go further, not just say you can but make it more of an expectation


florian: If we take his comment, I think that would change MAY to SHOULD?

florian: I'm largely indifferent

<plh> fantasai: the shift is to change the expectation of the default

<plh> ... and make the rpivate exceptional

<plh> florian: most important is to make it's not banned

florian: I think main thing is to clarify that being public isn't banned

plh: I think the Team, we'll have an incentive to them share the appeal
… probably SHOULD is fine

florian: Agree, shouldn't go to MUST in case want to make it private

plh: Yes, I want to strongly encourage this, if want to make it private should have a very good reason for it

fantasai: I think it would be useful to make it clearer how to make it member-visible
… right now the Process is very vague, so it's confusing what to do

<TallTed> +0.5 SHOULD, -1 MUST

plh: I would leave that to /Guide, not in the Process. Probably CC ac-forum

<cwilso> +1 should

fantasai: I think I would want the specific method of submitting in an example box
… because I think it would be likely that someone who wants to use this process would look here rather than /Guide

plh: Unsure about hard-coding AC Forum into the Process

florian: It would be first time referencing AC Forum by name and address

<pal> -1 to harcoding ac-forum or providing an example

florian: but if it's in an example, it would be easy to change if necessary

plh: A bit on a slippery slope, gets into operations

fantasai: We do have some links to /Guide in certain places where it's helpful, this is essentially the same idea but it's so short might as well inline it

plh: Florian, can you come up with a reworded PR?

florian: yes

florian: should we resolve on using SHOULD?


Proposed to Close

github: https://github.com/w3c/w3process/issues/629#issuecomment-1340387346

plh: AB met to discuss some of the issues
… and one of those was whether Team should be allowed to make a recommendation in its Team Report or not
… and AB resolved that the Team MAY do so but is not REQUIRED

plh: I believe there's nothing left for us to do here

florian: Yes, AB minutes are delayed because Ralph is busy (for obvious reasons)
… full text of resolutions should be available soon

<cwilso> +1

florian: since we're operating under delegation from the AB, right thing to do is close the issue

plh: Any objections to closing the issue?


Issues to Discuss

florian: for issues we close, I think we should wait until AB resolutions and rationale are available before marking status of issue as satisfied/unsatisfied

[some discussion on process]

florian: I'll be preparing a Disposition of Comments either way, so should catch all the things then

Reintroduce conditions for closure of a group

github: https://github.com/w3c/w3process/issues/685

pal: Before refactoring to remove Director, there were conditions for closing a group
… and refactoring lost those conditions
… there's some discussion about what wording to use when re-introducing the wording

<plh> https://www.w3.org/2021/Process-20211102/#GeneralTermination

florian: There were 2 explicit things in old process, which Nigel is correct that rephrasing lost them
… wrt Patent Advisory Groups, it is so defined already in the Patent Policy
… the Process didn't say so, so good idea to list it here as well to avoid a "come from" effect

florian: There was another issue, 653, the AB resolved that AB or TAG could trigger an AC Review for closing a group, so can list that explicitly as well

plh: Seems ppl are in favor of introducing wording and improving it

<plh> fantasai: I placed some draft wording in the issue

<plh> .... previous wording had conditions

<plh> .... one clarification that was suggested is "insufficient member resources"

plh: it was fairly restricted before, it was "insufficent resources" or "work is completed"
… and Patent Policy also had a condition to close
… so proposing to close to add the Patent Policy
… and also to add ability of AB or TAG to propose closure?

florian: That one was also resolved by AB, can't track exactly where the resolution is documented...

plh: Nigel was proposing that AB and TAG should not do that without talking first, and of course we should have that expectation

fantasai: I think we can find wording for that

florian: I'd expect AC Review to fail if not

plh: OK, so it seems we're in general agreement, just need a PR

fantasai: Do we want member resources clarification? or are we allowed to close for other resource reasons?

florian: I'd prefer to make it vague, if we lack some kind of resource that makes the work impossible, then we shut it down
… if it's critical and everyone agrees it's impossible, we can't continue

pal: Suggest reading Nigel's last comment
… Team resources are allocated at charter creation time, so absence of Team resources shouldn't close

florian: In general agree, but if e.g. we have a massive economic crisis and lose half the staff, then we have a problem

pal: sure, but don't close the group
… as long as the Members want to continue the work, should be allowed to conitnue

<Dingwei> if so, is it better rephrased as "insufficient interets" or "insufficient participation" ?

plh: If we have that level of crisis, we have bigger problems
… but for us to close a WG for lack of Team Contact, we've never done that
… I'd rather leave it vague atm

pal: I'd really rather not
… I was in situations of threats to closing WGs because Team did not want to allocate resources
… and ultimately the efforts of W3C are driven by the Members, so work should continue

florian: I agree with you, but I'm not worried about this case because it's a proposal that goes to the AC who can reject it
… agree that Team changing its mind about its staffing shouldn't be a reason to close

pal: If WG has nobody working in it, then motion to close will pass, because nobody is working on it
… that's a self-fullfilling case, if no one is doing work then no one will object to closing

florian: I think our expectations are the same, I was just not seeing a risk in keeping it vague

pal: I agree with Nigel, unless adding the qualifier really removes a case we want to keep, it provide guidance in what cases a group can be closed

plh: I don't feel strongly about it
… if tomorrow we decide not to provide Team support for a WG, still have a problem

florian: changing allocation resource is a Decision, and you can FO

<plh> fantasai: we should accept the member resources clarification

<plh> .... if something exceptional occurs, there is the AB and the TAG

florian: okay, accepted

RESOLUTION: Clarify to "member resources"

florian: I have a silly case, suppose a WG is staffed entirely with IEs, is that "member resources"?

[florian wraps himself in a logical puzzle]

<TallTed> I did suggest "insufficient group participant resources" or "insufficient group resources" in the issue...

plh: ok, I think that's it for this issue for now

Allow AB or TAG to propose closing a group

github: https://github.com/w3c/w3process/issues/653

florian: Needs a PR, should be the same PR as for 685

What is the CR Review Period

github: https://github.com/w3c/w3process/issues/637

florian: Required to address issues that were raised during CR Review Period

florian: question is, what is the CR Review Period?

florian: is it the full period of the CR stage? or is it the period prior to the review deadline in the SOTD?
… in which case you MUST address comment in that period, but MAY address comment afterwards
… which gets awkward if you leave a draft in CR for 3 years

plh: In practice, the Director isn't letting people ignore comments during the CR period
… even for comments in PR, the Director wants the addressed

plh: review period, we prefer people to not send comments right at the time of the transition request, that's very frustrating to WG
… so we want to increase pressure on commenter to send comments sooner than later

florian: We want to incentivize ppl to file early, but late comments should still be looked at
… So the fact that there is an explicit window, maybe useful
… but maybe for this sentence we remove "review" and call it the "CR Period"?

florian: all must be addressed isn't all must be fixed, but formally addressing means responding
… WG can decide appropriate thing to do is nothing

plh: We have 2 sentences about this
… one is about them all being formally addressed if in the review period

<plh> must show that all issues raised during the Candidate Recommendation review period have been formally addressed,

<plh> must identify any substantive issues raised since the close of the Candidate Recommendation review period,

plh: then second one is about must identify any issues that were raised afterwards
… and these issues go to gether

florian: So that means, it does mean this predefined period
… and you're required to address those comments, and you have to at least list, if not address, the ones afterwards

florian: Maybe we just cross-link things and make it clear, but don't change

plh: yes. And we do know in practice, if you have comments that are late that show something is broken, we won't allow the WG to move forward

florian: OK, so suggestion is clarify and move on

ACTION: florian clarify as above

plh: Make a PR, and we'll come back to it


plh: next call in 2 weeks...

plh: so we'll cancel because between Christmas and NYE

plh: so next call is January 11th

Summary of action items

  1. florian clarify as above

Summary of resolutions

  1. Merge 674 and close 652
  2. Merge 675
  3. Merge 677
  4. Switch to SHOULD
  5. Close 629
  6. Clarify to "member resources"
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 196 (Thu Oct 27 17:06:44 2022 UTC).


Succeeded: s/florian:/...

Succeeded: s/apeal/appeal/

Succeeded: s/florian: AB/... AB/

Succeeded: s/SHOULD/SHOULD, but MAY/

Succeeded: s/to make/that was suggested is/

Succeeded: s/topic:/subtopic:/

Succeeded: s/florian:/.../

Maybe present: fantasai

All speakers: cwilso, fantasai, florian, pal, plh

Active on IRC: cwilso, Dingwei, fantasai, florian, pal, plh, TallTed, weiler