ACT Rules Community Group Teleconference

08 Dec 2022


Dan_Tripp, Wilco_, giacomo-petri, Helen, Jean-Yves, Sean, Tobias_Greiner_



Call for review https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/issues/461

JYM: One clarification in CFR, went in today

Assigned issues + help wanted https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/issues?page=1&q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen

JYM: Some open issues have PRs. Reviewed lots of things, but haven't worked on my own


Wilco: Worked on announcements, image of text, and secondary requirements.

Dan: Have one PR, needs one review

Gaicomo: completed my issues, will pick up new issues

Helen: Waiting for one more review on manual rules PR

<Jean-Yves> https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%22help+wanted%22

Call for review https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/issues/461

Update from the ACT Task Force


<Jean-Yves> Wilco: announcement that implementation page is live.

<Jean-Yves> Wilco: everybody should share the word on their SoMe.

<Jean-Yves> Wilco: close to have an editor's draft of the Format v1.1, hopefully before end of the year.

<Jean-Yves> Wilco: 8 new rules going to the WG for approval (2 color contrast, several "name is descriptive" one), could bring to 30 rules approved.

<Jean-Yves> Wilco: we're in touch with ARIA WG for reviewing/approving ARIA rules.

Update from Manual Test Rules subgroups https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/issues/1952

<Helen> https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/pull/1979

Helen: There's a PR open, there was one comment. I need some help with that.
... Are we having a break? I'm hoping to use that time to get started.

<Tobias_Greiner_> precence+

JYM: The rule currently requires that there is a visible error, and an error in the accessibility tree.

Gaicomo: If the error is removed from the AX tree, I think it's a 3.3.1 failure

Sean: What if aria-invalid or some hidden text is added to the label.
... It's in error, but there's no recommendation, is that a failure of 3.3.3?

Gaicomo: In this scenario we don't have another indicator.

JYM: If we require both that the item is identified, and the error is described, that would be a failure of 3.3.1 still

Sean: I think the word "described" is vague. It's not telling me how to fix the error, that's different from 3.3.3.

JYM: I would agree that the SC is to ensure the error appears for all users.
... The rule has two expectations, one for visible error, and the second for an accessible description.

Wilco: I don't like this pattern of having two expectations, one of visible, and a second of AX tree. We've done that twice now. We could handle that with a separate rule on aria-hidden and 1.3.1.

<Sean> I see now, thank you. That makes it sound like it's both a failure for 1.3.1 and 3.3.1

JYM: I agree this rule is complex. Even if we decide this is a 3.3.1 error, we can still break down the rule.
... The rule you're suggesting, that aria-hidden stuff is meant to be hidden.
... I think one question is if we want a rule on aria-hidden. I think we do
... Then there's the possibility of simplifying the existing rule.
... Does everyone agree to create a rule for aria-hidden, and later revisit the question of 3.3.1?

everyone: yes

"HTML page has lang attribute" (b5c3f8): Examples should be improved https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/issues/1984

JYM: There's a question of if a page without text needs a lang attribute
... Then we have inapplicable examples, if they should have text.
... The last point is maybe something in the process. The last example is a math element, but opening that in a separate tab, it builds an HTML page around the XML element.
... If you open in a new tab you're viewing something completely different, so I'm checking something that gets weird results.
... I was thinking we were adding doctype to the example, but we don't seem to in this case?


Gaicomo: Would be interesting to know how an empty page with a different language is announced.

JYM: If there is no lang attribute, and the screen reader goes to the default, that doesn't create an accessibility barrier

Tobias: An empty page, NVDA announces the URL

Sean: If the URL is in English, is that part of the page?

JYM: If there is no lang attribute, I don't see that as a barrier

Gaicomo: I agree, but in terms of the user experience there is no difference

Wilco: I think our examples should have titles, in which case this is a non-question. Empty pages fail WCAG

Helen: Is the semantics not more 4.1.1?

JYM: From what I read, I don't think missing lang is a failure of 4.1.1. It was about the HTML syntax, not content model.
... We'll update the example to make them better. That doesn't solve a question on fully empty pages, but we shouldn't care.
... Then the second point, inapplicable examples without lang. I question whether we should make them fail the SC, which isn't allowed.
... Then about MathML, it seems we're not adding XML doctype on the element?
... When we do open that in a new tab we see an HTML page built on top of the XML page created by the browser?
... I don't know if that's solvable, we still have an XML file.
... So it's the browser redirecting?

<Jean-Yves> https://www.w3.org/WAI/content-assets/wcag-act-rules/testcases/b5c3f8/af7eaac588fa1a23884d30f93ed50c2f1779c2fa.xml

Wilco: An implementor should filter XML if they don't support it and report as cantTell
... I'll add something about unsupported file types in the implementations docs.

Examples in ARIA Authoring Practices fail ARIA required owned elements rule https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/issues/1985

Tobias: I have a question on the rule text has minimum contrast.
... does that include active state like hover or focus?

JYM: No, it doesn't. There is an open PR to try and solve that. We've been blocked on that.

<Jean-Yves> https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/pull/1455

Wilco: We are working on that, but generally, unless the rule says otherwise the rule applies to all states the page can be in.

Next meeting

JYM: On the 22nd we do not have a call, so the next call will be January 12th

Wilco: Welcome new people

Helen: Happy holidays

Gaicomo: We talked about 4.1.1, I'm interested to talk about obsolete. It's not clear to me if we want to change the 2.0 and 2.1 versoins?

I think that's essential. We can't say there are new guidelines for 2.2, but not change it for 2.1 and 2.0


Dan: Lots going on, very interesting.
... I noticed with the Math / XML, I saw that in Chrome & Edge, I didn't see it in Firefox.

Tobias: Nice, very technical. Coming from research. I've been reading a lot about the rules. Good to know the people behind it.

Sean: Good. The parsing thing's interesting to me. I would like to devil's advocate about what happens when we remove it.

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.200 (CVS log)
$Date: 2022/12/08 16:02:08 $

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Default Present: Dan_Tripp, Wilco_, giacomo-petri, Helen, Jean-Yves, Sean, Tobias_Greiner_
Present: Dan_Tripp, Wilco_, giacomo-petri, Helen, Jean-Yves, Sean, Tobias_Greiner_
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