ARIA and Assistive Technologies Community Group

01 December 2022


howard-e, Matt_King, michael_fairchild, Sam_PAC
Matt King

Meeting minutes


Navigating to heading in main landmark; test feedback issue 812

Example we are testing: https://aria-at.netlify.app/tests/main/reference/2022-4-28_91451/main.setfocusbeforemain

James: We are navigating forward from a link, there are several commands.

For this one we want to know if the screenreader reads the title of the container. Joe reported when we convey the role, that shouldn't be conveyed and is confusing

James: This is also about modifying the example in APG

Matt: Was this an optional assertion? I assume when you land on a heading that announcing the landmark container is optional

James: I think its a nuanced area, this is also a common web practice, when users press 1 on a webpage and land on a heading, they want to know if they are in the main content

Michael: I think the substance of the question is less about the optional assertion, more about the wording of the instructions being confusing about what we are testing

Matt: I kinda wonder if this true for all the landmark related test, do we want to use the APG as the test case

Michael: I don't have any strong options on that, I think having the word main" and heading" is potentially confusing as we expecting a role to be conveyed. However for screen reader users this wouldn't be unexpected

Michael: I don't have any strong options on that, I think having the word main" and heading" is potentially confusing as we expecting a role to be conveyed. However for screen reader users this wouldn't be unexpected

Matt: I guess this wouldn't be an issue for automation, so I agree with what Michael is saying

Michael: Now that being said I think it would be best to avoid it and have more real world examples

Matt: We do need to rework the Landmark section in APG as it doesn't fit the new design, and was build in day when APG was giant long document, and much the content was duplicated throughout. Now we have new architecture that doesn't require duplication

Matt: I'm not sure if I have a issue open for the redesign of the landmark pages, if I do I need to link this issue to that one. I will add that to my To do list

Matt: Are this is a won't fix and we will address in the future with an APG change? It doesn't seem like something we should put our energy into

James: I'm okay with that

James: I will add a comment to the issue describing the future fix with the apg change and the note that this is expected behavior for screen reader users

Matt: Alright I have this in my to do list

AXE-con plan

Matt: I noticed that the Axe-con deadline was extended to December 13th, which is great. I think we are at a point in the project that we start to share the milestones we've achieved in 2022

Matt: Getting support tables into the APG is something we need to share. Not just that they are there, but when people can expect more to be there. We need to do everything we can to do socialize this

Matt: I will put a abstract together for this. How many people can be a part of a single presentation?

Michael: I can find out

Matt: I feel like there are several dimensions of our work, we need representation from Automation so someone from Bocoup talking about that

Matt: On the APG side, I can speak, or maybe Issac can speak to some of the research and design

Matt: For sure James, and myself. Maybe then some from Bocoup and Michael

James: It may not be able to be myself, it may be Sina

Matt: I'm assuming the slide deck will be due in early February

Matt: It would be good to have some insight into when the recordings will be done.

Michael: It will be live

Matt: Okay that is easier

Matt: I will take the lead on the initial proposal.

Matt: I will try to get it out in the next couple of days, so I can get input from a wide variety of people. I will share with likely participants

Michael: The alternative, could be submitting multiple talks

Matt: I suppose yes. 40 minuets if we are not going deep on anything, just an intro session, seems like a best approach. Should we go deeper?

James: One of my thoughts about to make this presentation positive would be to clue people in the industry into the fact that this project is going on

Matt: I think an intro talk, with a slide or two with a few sentences, that are aimed at people with a higher understanding would be helpful, but overall we want to keep it introductorty. My overall goal is that more organizations see the value in the APG and looking at the tables for their signal when a particular pattern is mature and ready for broad usage. If it becomes this kind of resource industry wide, than the value of the ARIA AT data[CUT]

Matt: increases

Michael: I think demoing some of the ARIA AT demo would be great

Matt: I would love to demo the NVDA Add on, but as a secondary goal. What is our goal there with the automation? Do we want more people who would be exploiting the automation work, to join that community group? Encourage them to join calls.

Matt: I will send out a proposal, then we can talk more as a group about our objectives with specific topics

Getting first set of support tables into APG

Matt: I want to discuss the sequence of events that need to take place, what do we need different people to do and when? Then we can talk about the technical mechanics

Matt: The first thing is decision is about whether or not we have any data right now, that we could propose go into the APG without any more work

Seth: This is question about the content of the candidate data? Not a technical question

Matt: Yes

Matt: If we look at the current candidate data, is on the reports page or the candidate page

Matt: James do you have any suggestions based on where things are now?

James: Lets look at the reports page: https://aria-at.w3.org/reports

James: The command button example looks good

James: The Link Example 1 (span element with text content) is 100% for JAWS, Chrome, and voiceover, 96% for NVDA

Matt: For toggle button did we not come to resolution with apple?

James: No we did not

Matt: For command button, I think we should discuss why NVDA is failing

James: The test was run with a old version of NVDA

James: The test pass for me in chrome

Matt: Okay, but this would require some test work

James: I don't feel comfortable publishing reports that are failing for a bug they have already fixed

Howard: We made a fix in the next release to alphabetize the tests on the report page

Matt: So link can be out test one

Matt: Then we should prioritize how we go after that

Michael: Do we have a scenario for a multiline link?

James: No we don't but we could

Matt: We will start with Link Example 1 (span element with text content) and test out showing data on APG

Matt: For the ones that we have to do some restesting, what is the way forward?

Matt: For the ones we are rerunning with a new version of the screen reader

Seth: The short answer is the test management page offers the opportunity to make changes like this more straight forward. There are ways to achieve this today, however we want Issac to work on designing new ways to perform these tasks

Seth: The steps will be to Add a new version of screen reader, add new entry for the test, submit data for the test queue, and it will appear to supersede the current data

Matt: If we do this, does that mean we need to restest all data with all screen readers to get data on the reports page?

Seth: The reports page shows the latest data we have for everything

Howard: It would show as two different rows in the table

James: What we are envisaging is to add a test plan to the Queue for just JAWS, carry out the testing, then two reports will show for the same test, which is not what we want.

James: This all raises good questions about test versioning

Matt: In the next couple of days, can we test the shortest test on sandbox test updating the test results and see what happens when we rerun the test with a newer version of NVDA, then publish it

Seth: I think this is a task for us

Seth: I think what we are trying to achieve is a little unclear

Seth: Not all of the data we want to show exists on the report page. We can run a test and if we run into ambiquity we can discuss it. Bocoup will take the command button example and run the test with a newer versions of NVDA and get the data to the reports page, then see what it looks like

Matt: we need to know ASAP if there is some manual clean up we need to do when retesting

Matt: The really important thing is that the data in the APG page needs to match the data on our site

Seth: Yes we agree what is on the APG page will be the latest data of everything by default

Seth: We will send an email update by EOD Monday

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 196 (Thu Oct 27 17:06:44 2022 UTC).


No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: Sam_PAC

Maybe present: Howard, James, Matt, Michael, Seth

All speakers: Howard, James, Matt, Michael, Seth

Active on IRC: howard-e, Matt_King, michael_fairchild, Sam_PAC