Meeting minutes
Meta-issue: update WPT to cover Pointer Events Level 3
Olli: I've added "needs-wpt" to PRs that I looked at and that then need a test https://
<mustaq> And we already have 6 PRs marked as "needs-wpt"
Patrick: so if you find any that have just the "wpt" tag and are sure that it's not something we need/can have a test for, just remove the tag
Patrick: so in the end we'll hopefully be left just with "needs-wpt" ones and none with "wpt"
Olli: I did have a question about coalesced events etc in secure context - seems no browser does it, and WPT runs tests just as http.
Mustaq: do you have an issue for that?
Olli: if you run this in your browser for wpt live, it's using a NON-secure context as it's just http not https
Olli: if you manually add https, you can run the test in secure context. but yes, running the test even in http passes in firefox at least
Olli: when it should only pass in secure context
ACTION: carry on working through remaining "wpt" PRs until we have none left and only "needs-wpt" left, then we can divide workload on how to get tests done
Mustaq: [asking about which PR the secure context relates to]
Patrick: https://
Olli: test might just need to test the window/securecontext flag
Heartbeat: Clarify what the target of the click event should be after capturing pointer events
[no movement on this one yet]
Patrick: we may have to see if we can somehow defer this for next version, as otherwise this may hold up spec indefinitely
new pull request about popover light dismiss integration
Patrick: I'm loathe to add anything to our spec until this is stable
Olli: yes, we should wait (the naming of the attribute has been in flux)
Rob: yes i've been involved in the discussions. it's being reviewed, but certainly not being shipped yet
Patrick: i'll mark as for next spec version, we can always review if this makes into into live spec before we go final
Patrick: unless there's other business, let's keep it short and sweet today
Olli: I'll carry on going through some more of the WPT pull requests
Patrick: thank you. I'll refresh my mind about W3C process to see what next steps are since we're now edging closer to completion. See you again in 2 weeks' time