Revising W3C Process Community Group

27 October 2022


cwilso, fantasai, florian, jeff, plh, TallTed
David, Sam, Tzviya, Wendy

Meeting minutes

Pull Requests

Director-Free [implementing AB decisions]


Allow the CEO to delegate their seat on the Council

<plh> Github: https://github.com/w3c/w3process/pull/664

github: Allow the CEO to delegate their seat on the Council

github: https://github.com/w3c/w3process/issues/633

florian: PR implements what the AB said

jeff: Firstly, agree with Florian that it's pretty minimal and consistent w/ AB
… want to note that ability to delegate is implied by section 2.2
… (which says CEO can delegate any responsibility)
… but fine to clarify

florian: There was expectation of fufilling in person, so clarification is helpful

plh: Any other place where we don't want CEO to delegate?

florian: if you find one file an issue!

plh: ok, thanks for noticing that, Jeff

plh: Any objection to merge 664?


RESOLUTION: Close issue #633


The council may report vote totals

github: https://github.com/w3c/w3process/issues/605

plh: Allowing the Council to report votes

plh: if there is a vote, AB decided not to impose whether to report or not the vote totals

fantasai: Individual positions cannot be reported, but the vote totals can be

florian: Minority report still exists (just can't be signed)

jeff: Pull request strikes out "must not report individual votes"
… maybe forbidden by the next line?

florian: That's how I read it
… I think it was redundant previously
… I can also keep the "must not report individual votes"

jeff: agree implied, but whole thing is confused
… but what about minority report?

florian: It states an opinion, but not who states it

jeff: I think you're correct it's handled by the next line...
… maybe [wording tweak]

fantasai: My suggestion is s/point/position/

florian: suggestion taking the PR with that change

<TallTed> +1 position

<jeff> +1 Elika

RESOLUTION: Merge PR 665 with s/point/position/

RESOLUTION: Close issue 605

Director-free [continuation to completion]

github: https://github.com/w3c/w3process/pull/646


Replace the role of the Director in concluding AC Review

github: https://github.com/w3c/w3process/pull/646

florian: Old process relied on Director here
… first there was AC review
… then Director decides to do something after the review
… There's no actual linkage between the results of the review and what the Director does
… You'd expect that Director would try to reflect consensus, but this was not required

florian: There was also issue that Director could make editorial changes without even announcing the changes
… sure, reasonable to change; but shouldn't be allowed to change it secretly

florian: So now if go through AC Review and AC says yes, expected to adopt
… if objections, goes to Council ...
… and added allowances for edits, with appropriate notifications etc.

florian: basically encodes existing practice, which is important now that we don't have a Director

plh: Do we have a link to the guidebook?

florian: Various places, but not here specifically

plh: When adopting proposal with substantial changes [reads]
… we do have specific mailing lists that we copy
… maybe worth adding a link to the proper subpart of the guide?

florian: I think we could do that in a separate PR
… this has been up for review for awhile, let's merge and then do tweaks

plh: fair enough

plh: Any objection to merge 646?

florian: btw, while dsinger isn't here today, he was with us when we wrote this, and is in support

<TallTed> +1 merge

plh: I don't hear anyone asking to wait or raising objections, so shall we resolve?

<florian> +1


<cwilso> +1

Remove the Director

github: https://github.com/w3c/w3process/pull/644

plh: So finally, after merging all the PRs from last two weeks, finally remove the definition of the Director!

plh: after that if you find the word Director, we still have a bug :)

jeff: 3.2.1 has a concept of Director's Decision
… and 5.1 also have a Director Decision

<florian> https://www.w3.org/Consortium/Process/Drafts/#ac-role

[some confusion over which version of the document we're looking at]

See https://w3c.github.io/w3process/director-free/ for the fully merged version

plh: btw, can we redirect from director-free branch to the ED when we're all merged?

florian: sure I'll try to do something appropriate there

florian: After merging this PR, we have no instances of the Director in the document

<cwilso> +1

plh: Ok, let's merge, and if you find any instances of Director in the Process that's a bug


Clarify expectations about FO mitigations

github: https://github.com/w3c/w3process/pull/659


Clarify expectations about FO mitigations

github: https://github.com/w3c/w3process/pull/659

florian: Last time we did accept PR as part of DF about FO mitigations
… we were happy with the substance of it, but during discussion noted some editorial improvements
… I tried to make them
… for the ppl who reviewed this, have not found problems with this PR
… but while reviewing this, it made Nigel notice that something else wasn't clear
… so might have some text from last year that needs improvement
… so I think that needs follow-up, but this PR does the job of clarifying things correctly

plh: anyone need more time?

<fantasai> +1 to merging


ACTION: florian to open up separate issue for Nigel's comments

Legal Entity Transition

plh: wseltzer realized we still have instances of Host and Host Institution in the Process
… so she sent a PR to remove those

florian: I also had edits to do the exact same thing and made a PR
… so when I pointed that, wseltzer closed hers and approved mine

jeff: I think we hope that the oversight by BoD is where we hope to land
… but we haven't finished partner negotiations
… so ... this is what it should be
… but I wonder if we can hold this until we sign Partner Agreements?
… Even at MIT, we have WAI people remaining at MIT

plh: Not sure I understand, it's not about salaries

florian: If you expand the text above the PR, gives of examples of information that is oversight by Hosts, will be BoD
… interesting question from Jeff
… Could argue that it's indirect oversight, if it goes through a Partner
… Wendy was fine

fantasai: [stuff]

jeff: We could say that Team oversight is job of BoD

fantasai: A few more instances of BoD in the document, should be cross-linked

florian: Something not changed by PR, and should be considered (is filed separately)
… is MOUs
… By rereading the MOU thing, it made me and a few others realize that we probably want to think about whether oversight for MOUs is with Board, with AC, with both, how do they interact
… but there is a separate issue for that
… (this is in reference to nearby text)


florian: I didn't quite get the exact wording for jeff's proposal

jeff: Something like Team oversight is provided by the Board and is not subject to Process

florian: Can we say "Team oversight, budgeting, and other business decisions" to give some examples without being too vague?

jeff: I'm ok with that

plh: Florian, want to take an action to edit?

florian: I'd be happy to take the requested edits and merge, or can bring back to the next call if you feel necessary (but I don't )

plh: any objections?

PROPOSED: Merge 658 with simplified Board responsibilities wording (above) and more cross-linking

jeff: Not on first part about Team being part of Bod, but on the second changing the definition of MOU
… want to share some discomfort
… I had hoped this whole thing about MOU, could delay that for a few months or years for the Board and the AB and Process to figure out who owns MOUs
… but I just realized, that the literal interpretation of text (both old and new)
… means that the Partner Agreements are MOUs, and subject to AC review

florian: I share your discomfort, and that's why I filed 670
… but as you note, this is relevant to both old and new text
… so [missed]

fantasai: why not replace "Host" with "Partner" here? (not that 670 shouldn't also be addressed)

jeff: Do the Partner Agreements need to go through AC Review?

fantasai: So I think jeff is right, and we should instead of dropping the text about the Hosts, replace it with text about agreements with the Partners

plh: would that work?

jeff: I think that's fine
… I'm less concerned about the Process document and more about the Partner agreement
… I think fantasai's idea is elegant way to address the Partner Agreements
… I think it might be interesting if the AB can rule that in the current Process document, that the Partner Agreements are agreements between Hosts under the current Process
… which avoids them being subject to the Process's AC Review this year

florian: I want to agree with Jeff and go further
… fantasai's proposal is interesting, but won't help with upcoming Partner Agreements
… it'll only affect next year
… current Process says agreement between W3C and Hosts is not an MOU, and they will be signed with the current Hosts
… not a Hosting Agreement, but it's an agreement with the Host

<cwilso> +1

florian: so it's not an MOU, and doesn't need AC Review

florian: If we insert Partner here, need a definition
… so either need to define it here, or normatively reference the Bylaws
… I would like to keep the coupling light
… so I wouldn't want to jump into fantasai's suggestion right now

plh: I think the Partner Agreements are outside the scope of the Process
… this section was about MOUs that have impacts on technical work
… that's why we want them to have AC Review
… Partner Agreements is really only a Board-level thing
… to me it's outside the scope

<plh> fantasai: it's worth making it clear that partner agreements are outside the scope

<florian> fantasai: I think it's worth making that fix, so that we're clear for next that Partner agreements are not in scope just like host agreements weren't

<plh> ... I'm not concerned about the reference to Partner

<Zakim> jeff, you wanted to agree with PLH

jeff: I like plh's observation, completely correct, and maybe don't need to make any change
… first line of the section, the CEO may negotiate an MOU
… so this whole section is about agreements negotiated by the Director/CEO
… not about agreements negotiated by the Board
… so we don't need to worry about that

plh: I heard fantasai want to include a mention of Partners, florian saying he doesn't want it, and jeff said he's fine as-is because already out of scope

florian: wseltzer approved this PR

plh: fantasai, can you live with it?

fantasai: yeah, can file follow-up

RESOLUTION: Merge 658 with simplified Board responsibilities wording (above) and more cross-linking

Issues to Close

florian: This is a whole pile of issues, a bunch of them dsinger, fantasai, and me confirmed that they're addressed by the things we've merged
… so by my read, all these things can be closed
… there's a couple that had subtopics which should be filed separately, and were filed separatley
… but by my read we can close all of this
… so when we ask ppl to review, they will not need to read stale issues

fantasai: would prefer to close them all, the've been on the agenda for like a month, and each have a comment sumarizing the status and saying why it's fine to close, staying without push back

florian: I think we can close without prejudice -- if anyone thinks we should reopen, can reopen

plh: Any objection to closing all the issues in the first set, or do ppl want more time?

RESOLUTION: Close all issues addressed by adopting Director-free/Council PRs

plh: Second one is not Director-free, it's about substantive changes to charters etc.
… any objections to closing that issue as well?

RESOLUTION: Close issue 28

Next Steps

<plh> fantasai: I suggest that we settle the pull requests and send the process to the AB to review for Director-Free

<florian> fantasai: my suggestion for next steps is that we settle the PR and give florian time to clean up, then send to AB for review.

<plh> ... and send it to AC informal review

<florian> fantasai: also maybe sent to AC for review, (not final review)

plh: so start informal review, but not formal review

jeff: I think it might also be interesting, as a courtesy, for the chairs to send a copy to the Director
… I suspect he will break out the champagne, but seems right thing to do

plh: I don't think we need to send to BoD

jeff: No

jeff: It will be hard to keep the firewall, we should do what we can

florian: I support doing this, I want a little bit of time to make sure I merged everything correctly
… also want to make the Changes section up to date
… so just needs a few days
… so give me a few days to clean things up

fantasai: I can work on the draft to the AC
… can send to Jeff for review, anyone else?

plh: ac-member or ac-forum?

florian: It's informal, so ac-forum

plh: I'll check with Comm

florian: It's not about a vote, it's about making noise

plh: so then fantasai and I need to discuss what we do in 2 weeks

plh: also CC Process CG

ACTION: florian to finalize edits and Changes list

ACTION: fantasai to draft and send informal review announcements to ac-forum, w3process, AB, and Director

[informal chatter about finishing the job]

[informal chatter about scheduling]


plh: propose to move back to Wednesday slot, now that GovTF is closed
… I'll post to w3process

<plh> fantasai, please add the TAG on the list of informal reviewiers

Summary of action items

  1. florian to open up separate issue for Nigel's comments
  2. florian to finalize edits and Changes list
  3. fantasai to draft and send informal review announcements to ac-forum, w3process, AB, and Director

Summary of resolutions

  1. Merge PR #664
  2. Close issue #633
  3. Merge PR 665 with s/point/position/
  4. Close issue 605
  5. Merge 646
  6. Merge 644
  7. Merge 659
  8. Merge 658 with simplified Board responsibilities wording (above) and more cross-linking
  9. Close all issues addressed by adopting Director-free/Council PRs
  10. Close issue 28
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 192 (Tue Jun 28 16:55:30 2022 UTC).


Succeeded: s/+s/+1/

Succeeded: s/[stuff]/would prefer to close them all, the've been on the agenda for like a month, and each have a comment sumarizing the status and saying why it's fine to close, staying without push back/

No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: fantasai