XForms Users Community Group Teleconference

07 October 2022


Alain, Erik, Steven

Meeting minutes

ACTION-2315: Report on event handling in web components (Erik)


Steven: Are you just saying, it's OK, no problem?

Erik: Yes, bi-directional communication with events works; documentation is less clear

Steven: Great!

ACTION-2314: Compose text that matches the <control/> discussion for

mirroring (Steven)


Steven: [explains mail]

Erik: You mean "control" not "command" right?

Steven: Yeah, sorry, I mean control everywhere.

Erik: Seems reasonable

Steven: So passing data in and getting it out, is by using a @ref to an existing instance

Erik: We do mirroring via @ref/binding

Alain: Not just leaves, but nodes

Erik: That's right

Alain: A node or a nodeset?

Erik: Tricky. In general @ref can point to anything, but we only take the first item
… with <repeat/> as an exception

Alain: That's why I ask

Erik: The way we do it is that @ref can reference something that isn't a node, but then it's readonly; not sure if that is feasible for custom controls

Alaain: It could be useful for rendering sequences.
… with @value rather than @ref

Erik: @ref is fine; but how do you know that it is readonly?
… there are some implementation issues that I haven't yet an answer for if you wanted to supper multiple elements or nodes

Alain: or attributes

Erik: We limit it
… a restriction on the binding; we require an element
… it would be good to support more
… but how do we see that from inside?

Alain: We also have a finction to create an element even if not in an instance
… so we might have to restrict to elements in instances

Erik: The created element is going to be floating in the air, but not actually a problem

Steven: I hear the issues; I will continue to work further on it.

ACTION-2323: Write spec text for xforms-submit-ready (Alain)


Alain: Continues


Steven: http://declarative.amsterdam/ is in a month's time!


Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 192 (Tue Jun 28 16:55:30 2022 UTC).


Succeeded: s/inside/inside?

No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: Steven

Maybe present: Alaain