Meeting minutes
<W3C> MK: Merging issue
<W3C> MK: Preview links are broken
<W3C> MK: Preview link is fixed
<Matt_King> Preview for skipto PR: https://
<W3C> MK: Something had changed in the appearance, so that this preview is to make sure it looks the same
<W3C> MK: The link is also in the agrnda
<W3C> MK: Siri can you review?
<W3C> Siri: I will do it tonight
Check in for repo restructure project
<W3C> MK: I have a couple questions for Alex
<W3C> MK: They are related to file names
<W3C> MK: Status: At this point we turned off automatic update of editors draft
<W3C> MK: 100% are moved to examples and 100% patterns are moved
<W3C> MK: Deleted patterns from previous files
<W3C> MK: Alex has updated the regression testing and reference tables, and coverage reports
<W3C> MK: The reference tables has not been merged
<W3C> MK: I put a comment in their this morning
<W3C> MK: In the template file there are links to core.css and some other files, is it needed?
<W3C> MK: The ones to the relative files probably are not working
<W3C> Alex: I will take a look
<W3C> MK: It only changed in the template file
<W3C> MK: Siri when we merge the SkipTo...
<W3C> MK: Let's go through the items in 2418
<W3C> https://
<W3C> MK: Reviewing plan one item at a time
<W3C> MK: Updated coverage report is merged, checking
<W3C> Alex: PR 2451, I think..
<W3C> MK: Make the output go to the about diriectory
<W3C> Alex: I have not done that, so I will circle back to it
<W3C> MK: that one has some open feedback
<W3C> ALEX: #10 has been merged
<Github> https://
<W3C> MK: We are not quite ready to merge the build process
<W3C> MK: We have the redirect piece
<W3C> MK: It looks like we still have some feedback on some PRs, almost ready for #11
<Github> https://
<W3C> MK: Increasing scope of ..
<W3C> MK: A whole bunch of practices references to the patterns in the examples, and we did not change the hrefs in the examples wotthe new URLs
<W3C> MK: So we have a bunch of broken links
<W3C> MK: We can repair the links as part of the build process, the other is move aria practices into the ....
<W3C> MK: Working on a draft PR to do that
<W3C> MK: Alex is that a better way?
<W3C> Alex: I think that would b a great way to do it
<W3C> Alex: I prefer it
<W3C> MK: I am willing to do that, it is not a ton of work
<W3C> MK: I can probably do it this weekend
<W3C> MK: I was thinking of back peddling on file naming, I named them /practices/*/*.html
<W3C> MK: I would have used "-" rather than directories
<W3C> MK: naming an index.html rather than keyboard .html
<W3C> MK: Just the directory name has "practice-*"
<W3C> MK: discussing renaming directories and files for consistency and ease of understanding
<W3C> MK: Anyone care about this?
<W3C> Alex: I care about is, keyboard-navigation.html, but I like consistency
<W3C> MK: People need to care when writing HREFs, more opportunities for errors in authoring
<W3C> MK: I prefer to make them more concise
<W3C> MK: For each of the things we put in about, coverage report and quality reports, intro and read me first
<W3C> MK: I don't think we will have those all in the same directory
<W3C> MK: For practices we have a consistency
<W3C> ALEX: Cool
<W3C> MK: I may think about this some more and make a choice
<W3C> Alex: The scripting is flexible enough that it does not matter
<W3C> MK: Maybe some file searching issues, especially for screen readers
<W3C> MK: MK will make a decision
<W3C> MK: I can't wait until this is done
<W3C> MK: Other stuff in the issue
<W3C> ALEX: We do not have a task internally yet
<W3C> Alex: we will que it up
<W3C> MK: I mentioned the about page to Seth and we want Izak to look at
<W3C> MK: I will be creating new pages for the about
<W3C> MK: I am working on new pages for the practices
<W3C> MK: There is a lot of information about redirections in the issue
<W3C> MK: There are some timing issues in issues #2418
<Github> https://
<W3C> Alex: Simplify that it is consistent
<W3C> Alex: I will get these PRs merged and then update in a single PR
<W3C> MK: So hold off for al little bit later
<W3C> MK: How robust is our link checking capabilities
<W3C> Alex: I looked into that and looking at CI options for scanning all the directories
Switch example using HTML button clashes with website CSS
<Matt_King> github: https://
<W3C> https://
<W3C> The CSS for this example is white on white
<W3C> MK his is a real bug
<W3C> JG: I can look at this one
<W3C> MK: If you fix it on the main branch
<W3C> JG: I am not sure
<W3C> Alex: Example example clashes with the theme style
<W3C> JG: We are using the button element, and that is the issue
<jamesn> .button, button {
<jamesn> border-radius: 5px;
<jamesn> display: inline-block;
<jamesn> display: -ms-inline-flexbox;
<jamesn> display: inline-flex;
<jamesn> -ms-flex-align: center;
<jamesn> align-items: center;
<jamesn> -ms-flex-pack: center;
<jamesn> justify-content: center;
<jamesn> padding: 8px 12px;
<jamesn> border: 2px solid #005a6a;
<jamesn> border: 2px solid var(--wai-green);
<jamesn> font-size: 13px;
<jamesn> font-size: .8125rem;
<jamesn> line-height: 1.4;
<jamesn> background-color: #005a6a;
<jamesn> background-color: var(--wai-green);
<jamesn> text-decoration: none;
<jamesn> font-weight: 700;
<jamesn> }
<W3C> JN: There is a button.css file
<W3C> MK: We are requesting a template change?
<W3C> MK: What are the CSS practices to fix this problem
<W3C> Alex: I have looked into a number of ways, including using custom elements
<W3C> JN: Can we request a change the selector to include only buttons without a role
<W3C> MK: Is it possible to create selectors that exclude sections
<W3C> Seth: We could ask them to include a class, but then that would have to add the class to the templase
<W3C> JN: We should look at selectors that are not using class
<W3C> Alex: There are techniques, but would require changing alot of our CSS
<W3C> JG: I am worried that there might get into a loop on changes
<W3C> MK: We are working closely with the template team
<W3C> MK: If the template doesn't change
<W3C> JN: There maybe other things broken with the example
<W3C> MK: If there are ways we can make sure our examples are not changing
<W3C> JG: We may want a reset style for an ID selector
<W3C> JN: A reset style sheet maybe a good idea
<W3C> Alex: There style sheet is responsive
<W3C> JN: Where the examples are, just have links to code pen
<W3C> MK: We need to fix them
<W3C> JG: We can work off main?
<W3C> MK: Yes