<jeanne> Scribe List https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Scribe_List#Scribe_List
<jeanne> Scribe List https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Scribe_List#Scribe_List
<Chuck> Audio issues, working on it.
<jeanne> * Review WCAG 3 architecture
<jeanne> * Review shared vocabulary
Jeanne: announcements of AG meeting on Tuesday talking about WCAG 2.2 and 3 preparation for TPAC, architecture and vocabulary
Jeanne: test terminology group first
Shadi: can we go second?
Jeanne: yes equity first
<Lauriat> qv?
<jeanne> Equity presentation https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1es3HvWu_NmNDJv4mdTnAlfQFeVhsKxw5CmreAvpAzRk/edit#slide=id.g1464a4e99e5_0_66
Jeanne: equity presentation first
<jeanne> Equity presentation https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1es3HvWu_NmNDJv4mdTnAlfQFeVhsKxw5CmreAvpAzRk/
Jeanne: starting out research we
already have, slide desk linked and silver research related to
... early work 2018 and defintions of equity from around the
web, including different groups, reseach projects aroound
... please look at framework and research
... started with definition broke down over few slides
... what is equity, inequity is the problem
... detailed thoughts in equity framework.
<scribe> .. [continues to describe slides]
equity versus equality, into 3 categories
... talking about equity-centered processes from slide
... [continue describe equity from slides]
... equity as a state [from slides]
... talking about ‘equity as a result’ slide
... talking about known challenges
... known challenges, technical, expertise and differnt needs
[from slides]
... complexity and scoring [from slides]
... listing outstanding questions [from slides]
... list of outstanding questions socioeconomic, international
civil rights
... recomendations [from slides]
... working on clear definitons hopefully for TPAC
<Lauriat> qv?
UNKNOWN_SPEAKER: resouces links on slide
Charles: asking about goal
MC: drafting about equity, will be in process more than content and will try to right hooks for that
<jeanne> +1 Michael
Wilco: thought on compare? challenges people are having… striving for equity seem to need to know persons problem is larger than another, concerned about avoiding loudest voice
Rain: don’t think this is
proposing judging largeness, more about different and adopting
to individual
... not a value judgement, more to be resolved in diffent
Wilco: we still need to know some measure of levels, how would we make such a decsion
MC: we are at first subgroup measuring equity or for being part of scope and realize 1— equity not achievable but string to do and how to do it remains to be seen
<Zakim> jeanne, you wanted to say we want to avoid comparison
Jeanne: still seeing prioritization by user need diferent groups are looking at differnt aspects, by context not by user need
Jennifer: have history of looking
at things in outdated maner
... oppression olympics is a danger, need to make space for
those not in here or have difficulty to participate as in past,
to ensure equitable for all.
<Zakim> MichaelC, you wanted to say dimensions of equity
<janina> And a few of us wouldn't be helped by any kind of box in that illustration
Jennifer: too early to talk about things like measuring
MC: other thing thinking about is
several dimensions of equity
... how severe is this severity wilol be compex
<Wilco> +1
<jeanne> Yes, there are two discussions and probably should be addressed separately
Shadi: think this is a great discussion. separate discussion, one about conformance model and other process, has subgroup talked about it
Jeanne: we have not 8 week spread
Janina: very good questions, but not one of outcomes of report summary
<jenniferS> * the speaker queue closed after I queued.
Janina: illustrate of boxes did talk about conformance group nothing we are going to do for some things won’t make equitable such as a concert
Wilco: giving test types and terminology subgroup
Wico: [going through slides]
<jaunita_george> https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1KhuTdTemRjjJIFViftKYPXc1nKhcJ4LqrQum0qOJLBI/edit#slide=id.g13851ed4d67_0_4
<jaunita_george> Here is the presentation! :)
Wico: goals [slide]
proposed terms [slide]
<janina> jaunita, I would never way never, but I as a musician trained to be a concert pianist, I will say "no way."
scribe: giving examples of
terminology [slide]
... giving examples of adaptive tests [slide]
<jenniferS> * I'm glad to see Jaunita picked up what I was thinking. The conversation is more complex than we can have in this venue and amount of time.
Wico: continuing to go through slides link to prcedural samples
procedural samples [slide]
other test types [slides]
Wilco: [continues in spldes] about other possible test types
<jeanne> +1 for adaptive tests for external factors -- especially sites for specialized audiences
Wilco: [from slide] talking about what makes a good test
<jeanne> +1 to liking the table Comparing the Test Types - user Need, test method, and evidence
<Lauriat> qv?
Wilco: Comparing Test Types [slide]
<jeanne> Retesting the content has problems of recreating the same circumstances for dynamic pages
Wilco: talking about adaptive
versus prescriptive test and procedural test
... maybe Rain can talk through
<Zakim> Chuck, you wanted to say I missed the question for the larger group, what will you be bringing to the larger group for discussion?
Rain: 4 question alides will do
high level now
... looking at naming, and adaptive versus procedural
... both adaptive and procedural and defining [from
... thats first discussion point
<Zakim> Rachael, you wanted to say I think there may be a third type of adaptive, those relying on internal variations
Rachael: based on internal, visible controls as an example
<Lauriat> qv?
Rain: if internal like visible controls, what makes it adaptive is to already know if controls are visible in different ways
Shawn: similar question to
... in scoping group, testing multiple ways, talls into adapt
how evaluating based on context
<Chuck> let Shadi respond ahead of me
<Zakim> Lauriat, you wanted to ask whether "Adaptive" tests would include the kind of test cases where you adjust how you evaluate based on context (ex: multiple ways, info &
Rain: adaptve is a way of testing needs to adapt for condtions
Shadi: external to author, might relate to concept of accessibility supported
<Zakim> Chuck, you wanted to make an observation about prescriptive tests
Chuck: not sure i get
perscriptive tests
... getting perscriptive tests or is it different?
Jaunita: thought usability testing versus procedural
Rain: to slide 15 and What are we calling ‘tests’
<Lauriat> The discussion point slides outline things really nicely, thank you for including these!
Rain: either computational or
... will it be equitably met
This is scribe.perl Revision VERSION of 2020-12-31 Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/ Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00) Default Present: jeanne, Lauriat, jenniferS, Rain, jaunita_george, janina, kirkwood, maryjom, Makoto, ToddL, Rachael, Laura_Carlson, sarahhorton, Wilco, Jem, Poornima Present: jeanne, Lauriat, jenniferS, Rain, jaunita_george, janina, kirkwood, maryjom, Makoto, ToddL, Rachael, Laura_Carlson, sarahhorton, Wilco, Jem, Poornima No ScribeNick specified. Guessing ScribeNick: kirkwood Inferring Scribes: kirkwood WARNING: No date found! Assuming today. (Hint: Specify the W3C IRC log URL, and the date will be determined from that.) Or specify the date like this: <dbooth> Date: 12 Sep 2002 People with action items: WARNING: IRC log location not specified! (You can ignore this warning if you do not want the generated minutes to contain a link to the original IRC log.)[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]