17 August 2022


flackr, mustaq, Patrick_H_Lauke, smaug
Patrick H. Lauke
Patrick H. Lauke, Patrick_H_Lauke

Meeting minutes

<smaug> (just a sec)

trying to connect but failing, maybe i'm holding it wrong

Order of pointerover/enter/move and corresponding mouse events is different on browsers https://github.com/w3c/pointerevents/issues/454

Mustaq: have sketches/diagrams ready, but would be better as animation. Rob can help with making it an animated gif.

Mustaq: the second point of the question, the ordering may not be so critical because authors should either look at pointer events OR mouse events, not mixing and matching

Rob: while I agree this is more a UI events issue, we should have some clarity/order defined somewhere

Olli: problem may be compounded by legacy scripts relying on order of mouse events being extended to then also work with PE

Olli: but i also don't think there's any bugs at the moment

Mustaq: down, up, and move events imply where over and out get dispatched

Mustaq: we can look at the grouping, but the relative order problem...even UI Events spec doesn't define this

Olli: should probably also define what happens with touch events

Rob: can you remove implicit capture? because over/enter/etc rely on change of target

<flackr> https://www.w3.org/TR/uievents/#events-mouseevent-event-order

Rob: UI Events does define that the mouse events need to happen in a specific order

Olli: that's for mouse. in Firefox, pointermove comes first, then pointerover (?)

Mustaq: also needs to deal with bubbling

Mustaq: [mentions case of what happens with over - bubbling - and then enter sent directly to the child]

Rob: we should define our relative order for pointerevents in the same way that UI events defines it for mouse events

Patrick: but we'd stay silent about how it's then interleaved or not. as long as the order is still the same *within the type of events*. if you then had legacy script reliant on a specific order for mouse, and you upgraded it to use pointerevents instead, the order would still be the same and not break. but if you mixed and matched, you're off-roading and can't rely on that

Rob: particularly because legacy/compat events are often batched in a way only once UA has determined what kind of interaction it is

[discussion of two primary pointers - one mouse, one touch - happening at the same time, legacy events jumping from one to the other constantly?]

<mustaq> https://w3c.github.io/pointerevents/#compatibility-mapping-with-mouse-events

Rob: don't think any current browsers treat a touch movement on a touch-action:none to then immediately fire legacy mouse events

[we say OPTIONAL there, maybe we need to be more forceful and require it?]

[discussion of current Chrome behaviour and when it does/doesn't immediately send over/enter on down]

Olli: we should test this more on different browsers

Rob: and probably decide if what we have now is the best possible behavior

Mustaq: let's split this issue into multiple ones (ordering vs touch behaviour)

Rob: for ordering (within pointer) we should defer to UI events and x-reference

Mustaq: for the other issue, we should check different browsers with regards to touch and mouse legacy events

Rob: i think we say the only compat events we support are click and contextmenu, and those then generate equivalent legacy events to simulate a mouse going to that location

Olli: if over and enter are supposed to come from move, then Firefox behaviour is currently consistent...

Patrick: https://w3c.github.io/pointerevents/#mapping-for-devices-that-support-hover

<mustaq> The second NOTE here defines canceling behavior of compat mouse events:

<mustaq> https://w3c.github.io/pointerevents/#the-pointerdown-event

Patrick: so, at a very high level, do we want to add something to both 11.2 and 11.3 to mention mouseover, mouseenter, mouseout, mouseleave - even if we say something like "over and enter are a side effect/come from move", for instance

<flackr> https://w3c.github.io/pointerevents/#tracking-the-effective-position-of-the-legacy-mouse-pointer

Rob: i think the boundary events for mouse then they're not interleaved, from reading the spec

Rob: should figure out what the differences are between browsers, and clearly define the expected order between these events

Rob: if there are browser differences, we're unlikely to see major compat issues if we settle on one

Olli: and Safari is so different, I imagine there's no many bugs filed against them, otherwise they'd have looked at how chrome/firefox do it since they're similar

Mustaq: and we want to look at that OPTIONAL ...

Rob: we should probably decide that it's NOT optional. and make note that since these happen after the click (for touch/stylus?) then they're clearly not interleaved

Mustaq: we should also look if the cancelling behaviour is normative or not. it's a note in 4.2.3

Patrick: yes, we should just make that normative prose

ACTION: Patrick to edit 4.2.3 to make second note actual normative text

ACTION: Mustaq to look at creating animation with Rob's help to clarify how legacy events are "ported" from one primary pointer to the other

Patrick: Mustaq did you also say that the original filed issue would be best split into two separate issues? and if so want to do that?

Mustaq: I can try yes

ACTION: Mustaq to split issue https://github.com/w3c/pointerevents/issues/454 into two separate issues

Patrick: suggest closing 454 and marking it as superseded by the new two issues to avoid cross-talk between issues

Heartbeat: Clarify what the target of the click event should be after capturing pointer events https://github.com/w3c/pointerevents/issues/356

Olli: no movement

Mustaq: filed a bug, not heard back

Rob: don't have any reason to think we *can't* do this

Web Platform Tests

Patrick: made a start, going through all PRs since the last version adding a "wpt" label (unless the PR looked clearly like just an editorial change). propse that we then all go through these, and *remove* the wpt label if we know that something already has a test, or something doesn't actually need (or can have) a test. leave a comment on that specific PR to just say if you removed it and why. that should then leave us with PRs t

agged with "wpt" that will definitely *need* a new test for them, then we can go from there

ACTION: Patrick to finish tagging PRs, then everybody to look over them for next time (and remove "wpt" label where not needed/already covered, and comment on the PR accordingly)

Summary of action items

  1. Patrick to edit 4.2.3 to make second note actual normative text
  2. Mustaq to look at creating animation with Rob's help to clarify how legacy events are "ported" from one primary pointer to the other
  3. Mustaq to split issue https://github.com/w3c/pointerevents/issues/454 into two separate issues
  4. Patrick to finish tagging PRs, then everybody to look over them for next time (and remove "wpt" label where not needed/already covered, and comment on the PR accordingly)
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 192 (Tue Jun 28 16:55:30 2022 UTC).


Maybe present: Olli, Patrick, Rob