10 August 2022


Cristiano_Aguzzi, Daniel_Peintner, Ege_Korkan, Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_Koster, Michael_McCool, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Tomoaki_Mizushima
kaz, sebastian

Meeting minutes



any objections?


IANA TM content type registration


references to the security sections are now fixed by WD4

<kaz> RFC 6901

IANA suggest also to add section 6 of the RFC6901

any objections?

Daniel: maybe its not good to link to specific setions which may changed in the future

I think the document is stable and will be not changed anymore

otherwise a new RFC will be published

I accendenty commited this new text to the main


the section 6 should have a seperate link othwerwise it goes to section 3 only




<kaz> preview - Response-related Terms Usage

Ege: I draw another kind of representation. Kind of decission tree
… please comment on this or you have another ideas for a compact representation
… since this is just informative, can be also included at later point such as during CR review phase or transition



JSON Schema fix for instanceName

Kaz: back to PR 1564, it depends on whether we want to express the rule as (1) combination of possible options or (2) some kind of algorithm. We might want to ask Zoltan for opinions about a possible representation

decide to merge #1630



Ege: can it be that some assertion where removed for security, can it be?

McCool: yes this is ok

we discussed this last week already

decided to merge



<kaz> preview - 9.3.3 Composition

Daniel: a recommendation also allows to use a complete different strategy, right?


Kaz: we're using JSON-LD as the basis for TD and TM, so we could define some additional namespace to distinguish instanceName. Maybe also ask JSON-LD for some advice

Cristiano: for consumer this flexiblity makes everything complicated since it is maybe not identifyable where which property definitions is comming from

decided not to merge yet, another iteration is needed

Kaz: btw, basically this issue (=Issue 1556 which is the basis of PR 1649) is related to the mechanism of objective programming language's inheritance between a Class and an Instance. So we should have that viewpoint as well.



Ege: I think there is no need to define an assertion for this. An explaintion would be enough

McCool: I agree with Ege

ok, will ne not be merged. I will provide an update



Ege: just a JSON Schema extension for security definitions

Cristiano: there is a script that takes over from TD Schema to the TM Schema. We should check if this is not result a manditory definition in TMs, which shouldn't

Ege: I will check later and will merge this PR then

group is ok with it



Ege: there is a popular python validation that is not working with the current 'items' definition

Cristiano: is it a bug by our schema or by the implementation?

Ege: its a bug in our schema
… prefixItems means everything is in order. Its still an array.
… however, I'm waiting for some feedback form the JSON Schema authors. Maybe they have some additional comments.

ok, then lets wait until they response to Ege's mail



we should rename "object properties" to "definitions"



decided to merge

<McCool_> https://www.w3.org/International/wiki/Html-bidi-isolation



decided to merge



Ege: this makes the definition of uriVariables more clear. It has now more text

decided to merge



decided to merge



McCool: for security we need another iteration

proposal: group decided to start the call for review of the latest TD 1.1. editor draft which is seen as potential CR transition

RESOLUTION: group decided to start the call for review of the latest TD 1.1. editor draft which is seen as potential CR transition

<kaz> [adjourned]

Summary of resolutions

  1. group decided to start the call for review of the latest TD 1.1. editor draft which is seen as potential CR transition
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 192 (Tue Jun 28 16:55:30 2022 UTC).