Meeting minutes
<Jem> mck: reviewing today
<Jem> 's agenda
<Jem> ..any agenda change for today's meeting?
<Jem> no.
Netlify Previews of Pull Requests
<Jem> rich: Howard was looking into the issue. but he is on PTO this week.
<Jem> rich: I can have the update tomorrow.
Update on repo restructure project
<Jem> current pr is Part 1: Reorganize patterns and examples to reflect site architecture
<Jem> Jemma updated all the example files and matt did for pattern files
<Jem> mck: the remaining discussion is about landmark.
<Jem> ... I will table that topic for later since we cannot resolve now.
<Jem> ...questions to Alex - when we merge to main, nothing will be published... I wonder whether you have a chance to see the current workflow.
<Jem> ... do you have the sense for the required time for issue 2417 and 2418?
<Jem> rich: we will ask WAI team to do redirect..then we can work on the rest - it will be about 7 weeks.
<Jem> ... we can work pararell and we are not blocked by anything.
<Jem> alex: it depends on the type of work but we can start now
<Jem> mck: whatever we fix can be mannually done again. move -example branch only changes html files.
<Jem> ... I would like to learn what task items Alex will do from 2418
<Jem> alex: I will work on testing,#6
<Github> https://
<Jem> alex: currently testing is all failing.
<Jem> mck: I hope the failure only comes from wrong directory path.
<Jem> rich: who is doing redirects, Denis?
<Jem> mck: we will freeze the editor's branch for now.
<Jem> mck; main is pushed to gh page?
<Jem> jamesn: Michael cooper would know.
<Jem> ... do we use anything from common directory?
<Jem> mck: how common directory files are pulled into?
<Jem> https://
<jamesn> <div data-include="common/acknowledgements/funders.html" data-include-replace="true"></div>
<Jem> jamesn: APG is not using acknowledgement.
<CurtBellew> I need to leave. Laptop issues.
<Jem> .. only line APG is using is funder part.
<Jem> "The common directory also contains shared images, CSS, and scripts. Some of the scripts extend the Respec formatting processor, and others are meant to be used with the final output version. When a resource is, or is likely to be, shared, put it in the common directory. Resources specific to a particular specification, including overriding CSS, can be placed in the directory for that specification. Use the same sub-directory structure of
<Jem> img, css, and script to help keep files organized."
<Jem> alex: the command to *** should be run.
<Jem> https://
<Jem> mck: asap we move the move-example branch, we will delete unnecessary files and do clean up.
<Jem> ... alex will work on testing, turning off publishing branch.
Context menu
<Jem> The tab role does not specify how it should be associated with the popup menu described in the Tabs pattern 3.24 · Issue #2247 · w3c/aria-practices
<Github> https://
<Jem> matt's suggestion: https://
<Jem> https://
<Jem> mck: I know that including a menu button as a descendant of a tablist is not explicitly supported by the ARIA spec. It is also not explicitly prohibited either. I believe we have a few issues open in ARIA related to this. In practice, it does work with both browsers and AT.
<Jem> .. there is the resistance for including menu button inside tablist that correct?
<Jem> jamesn: we have open pr to clarify this.
<Jem> in ARIA
<Jem> https://
<Jem> sarah: AT support is main issue. in my opinion any button inside XXX should not trigger virtual cursor.
<Jem> mck: I think there is already screen reader bug.
<Jem> sarah: aria action will go to tab, it will solve the menu button context menu problem.
<Jem> mck:another case is menubutton at the end of tablist to hide overflow tab list we talked about last week.
<Jem> jamesn: there will be other various implementation not only button for overflow tab list.
<Jem> sarah: context can be solved by aria action.
<Jem> ... but I am not sure about overflow tab list.
<Jem> mck: allowing buttons inside of tablist seems like a simple solution.
<Jem> .. only discussion left will be what will count the index of the tablist.
<Jem> sarah: in open ui - allowed property
<Jem> .. may include new html elements..
<sarah_h> https://
<Jem> mck: combobox is input, list box is composite widget with pop up box.
<Jem> sarah; I amm not 100% sure about what would be change for the accessiblity mapping.
<Jem> ... scott and I are thinking menu pop upas menu
<Jem> ...general loosening content restricition may be related to this open UI issue.
<sarah_h> aria-actions issue: https://
<Jem> mck: I will open the aria action issue and link that issue to apg.
<Jem> sarah: aria action is depending on buy-in from screen readers.
<Jem> mck: static content is really problematic in the container widget - either focused or not.