Voice Interaction

27 July 2022


bev, debbie, jim

Meeting minutes

debbie: talking at Voice Summit, October 11

bev: virtual?

debbie: no

debbie: jon talking on ethics in voice

bev: could invite debbie to give a talk at her Information Architecture Gateway
… would be virtual, probably in early November, Tuesday evening or afternoon
… pick a date

debbie: the second item is the W3C workshop

debbie: jim and debbie have tried to get something going without success

bev: what is the problem?

debbie: seem to be too busy

jim: possibly voice is not a priority

debbie: could look into other options

bev: distributed identity working group

debbie: look at other options

bev (from zoom chat) https://www.w3.org/2019/03/pressrelease-webauthn-rec.html


debbie: will be in Vancouver
… will have a remote option
… will send registration information to the list

debbie: meeting or breakout session

jim: distributed voice, is the time now?
… distributed voice, what's it all about?
… distributed conversational AI
… conversational ai, is the time now?

jim: Alexa Live had a lot of interesting information


debbie: would like to put together requirements document

jim: also embed decisions into discussion

debbie: could discuss more unusual decisions directly in the document

ACTION: debbie to draft requirements

jim: a session begins when the user decides they want to have a session and ends when the user decides the interaction is done
… that might be accomplished in a couple of turns
… a session represents the activities of a user and maintains continuity
… user-activity oriented
… user's identification at the beginning of a session
… user can take care of other activities
… for example, work on your shopping list, then go back to vacation
… a session is a period of time during which the user performs a task and it requires continuity of context while performing the task

debbie: what is a task?

jim: like working on a paper

jim: a task might be make travel reservations, shopping

debbie: a task can have subtasks

jim: task has a general goal

jim: this is useful because it emphasizes continuity

debbie: do we need another word for a quick interaction

jim: a session involves creating context and releasing context when you're done
… maybe a session spans periods of inactivity
… a session covers a major task
… the task has a completion criterion

debbie: does OVON have a definition of a session?

jim: check in OVON https://open-voice-network.github.io/docs/technical-committee/vocabulary.html

jim: (from Google) a period of time devoted to a particular activity
… a series of user applications that are tracked by a system, tracks user states

Summary of action items

  1. debbie to draft requirements
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 192 (Tue Jun 28 16:55:30 2022 UTC).


Succeeded: s/regrets:dirk,bev/regrets:dirk

Succeeded: s/taks/task