Maturity Model

29 Jun 2022


JakeAbma, janina, jlkline, maryjom

Meeting minutes

Janina: bots need to be cleared and irc closed out between sessions

<maryjom> //Users///////Users//Downloads/index.html

<maryjom> https://w3c.github.io/maturity-model/

<maryjom> s/\/\/Users\/maryjomus.ibm.com\/Downloads\/index.html//

<maryjom> s/users//

Sheri: We need people to clean up the structure in Culture, Support, and Personnel

Janina: not necessary to re-identify dimension in dimension subheadings

Janina - all work now needs to be done through github, we all need to learn it

Janina: we should have a basic github class in Mid July invite Jason, Matthew, Michael for July 13

MaryJo: recommends Github desktop https://desktop.github.com/

MaryJo: described issue where /li wasn't closed and it broke the system. Revert feature in desktop is nice

Janina: Use Tidy or ValidatorNu


Jeff: suggestion, make a log of changes that need to be made

Sheri: Abstract up a level, create a standardized structure and then make all the dimensions match that structure

Jeff and Sheri: need to do consistency review on both dimension structure and terminology

Janina: next week, do light review of github and then get into the weeds on the 13th

MaryJo: will teach us how to use the github desktop tool

MaryJo: never work in main, always work in a branch

MaryJo: did a demo of how to make a change using Github desktop

Janina: commit early, commit often

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 185 (Thu Dec 2 18:51:55 2021 UTC).


Succeeded: s/file:///Users/maryjomus.ibm.com/Downloads/index.html//

Failed: s/\/\/Users\/maryjomus.ibm.com\/Downloads\/index.html//

Failed: s/users//

Succeeded: s/maryjomus.ibm.com//

Succeeded: s/Downloads//

Succeeded: s/index.html//

Succeeded: s/maryjomus.ibm.com//

No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: Sheri_B-H

Maybe present: Jeff, MaryJo, Sheri