Meeting minutes
<janina> https://
<Dee> Irfan: I will update the ticket.
<Dee> Janina: Start a draft for conversations with I18N.
<Dee> Irfan: We need to look at the issues raised for Braille.
<Dee> Janina: There may be other issues to discuss at TPAC.
<Dee> Irfan: I will follow up with Mark on Cambridge.
<Dee> Our use case documents need to be updated.
<Dee> Irfan: I will update the draft document and email it to the team for review.
ACTION: irfan is to update the use-case document and send it for review
<trackbot> Created ACTION-42 - Is to update the use-case document and send it for review [on Irfan Ali - due 2022-06-08].