28 April 2022


Dagmar, David Booth, EricP, Gaurav Vaidya, Houcemeddine Turki
David Booth

Meeting minutes

RDF lists

gaurav: Jim figured out how the wrong processing is happening. Not fixed yet.

Concept IRIs

gaurav: Half way through inserting rough text, to change it to allow both flat stem IRI or hierarchical stem IRI.
… Also updated the algorithm -- minor tweaks -- and the security concerns section.
… Noticed I've been citing 3987, but this mapping focuses first on encoding, then in step 2 it encodes other chars, but it doesn't say anything about slashes etc. This is why we need our algorithm. We say that anything that is not allowed must be percent encoded.
… Would be useful to have an example of a hierarchical code.
… UCUM codes will have slash chars, but is NOT hierarchical.

gaurav: They tend to have multiple hierarchies. Closest thing I can think is using an obo: prefix, and the use a specific ID within that space. When they do that, the stem IRIs end up like http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0004709
… Another alternative: instead of flat vs hierarchical, is to use escape chars vs not escaped chars.
… 3987 specifically only recommends escaping non-ascii chars. There are places in a URI where slashes are allowed, but we may want to escape them.

eric: Could indicate where in the IRI you are, so that the algo can know what chars to escape.

dbooth: The table could explicitly list the chars that must be percent encoded, in addition to chars that always need to be percent encoded.

gaurav: In a google doc, a link using an IRI has text that is still the unicode chars, but the link is percent encoded.

dbooth: Concerned we may be overengineering if we don't have a known need (example) for the hierarchical approach.

Houcemeddine: Don't see the point of adding multilingual support to FHIR.

eric: Mostly concerned about the long tail of private and locally used code systems.
… E.g., a code system in vietnam probably wouldn't stick to US ASCII.

eric: Need to ask someone who is an expert in some other country.
… Use case: a little hospital, developing their own codes, it would seem odd for them to use English codes.

Houcemeddin: There is a difference between using English names as IDs and using rdfs:label to define labels in other languages.

FHIR RDF Playground

eric: No progress since last.

May HL7 WG meetings

david: RDF Meeting is 11am May 10, Eastern US timezone

eric: Can we sell this as not only for RDF? When would people want to attach a URL to a coding? Who would benefit?

david: could also present the Concept IRI work.

Other updates

houcemeddin: Worked with Eric on a paper about validating statistical data for COVID-19.
… Using wikidata, want to add features from FHIR, biomed info in wikidata, maybe reduce it to FHIR to support advanced info, such as pain symptoms.


Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 185 (Thu Dec 2 18:51:55 2021 UTC).


No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: dbooth

Maybe present: david, dbooth, eric, gaurav, Houcemeddin, Houcemeddine