27 April 2022


flackr, Patrick_H_Lauke, smaug
Patrick H. Lauke
Patrick H. Lauke, Patrick_H_Lauke

Meeting minutes

<smaug> now, let's see if webex has been fixed.

<smaug> It didn't like some the user agents with >= 100 version number

Clarify what the target of the click event should be after capturing pointer events https://github.com/w3c/pointerevents/issues/356

Patrick: I think last we looked at this, Olli wanted this to be verified on Google side

Rob: on mobile, touch has implicit capture, which is why it fires the click...

Olli: Chrome isn't consistent with itself between desktop and mobile. would prefer consistency, or if there's a good reason to explain the difference

Rob: on mobile safari it seems that capture has not influenced the event stream at all

Rob: we could consider this a bug. in the period before we generate click you can't have other events. click is sent async (because of double-tap to zoom), but i don't think you can get other pointer events until the UA has figured out if there's another click coming or not

Rob: we could treat the current behaviour as bug, and say it should be delayed until the UA has resolved whether it's a click or not

Olli: also option to change desktop chrome behavior to fire lostpointercapture after pointerup before click. that would bring consistency

Rob: is the event target correct?

Olli: that's separate bug #357 and this would solve it

Rob: i believe target should be captured node until you release it

Rob: sorry, that's current behavior, common ancestor

Rob: fundamentals and dev expectations, two trains of thought: 1) you captured the event, you never released capture, you expect the click on the element where you captured

Olli: so we postpone, and we also postpone click targeting

Rob: it's dispatching to the common ancestor. suppose the click may not be retargeted. desktop chrome behavior is still doing the click target of the common ancestor

Rob: but if you assume that click is fired while captured, should a captured click fire to the captured node rather than the common ancestor?

Olli: yeah maybe that's you'd expect

Olli: behavior that no browser has right now

Olli: which might be fine since they're all doing different things right now

Rob: it's different, and pointer capture not used on every page

Olli: we had a moz-internal bug, but can't recall any other bugs about this issue. so maybe all web devs are using a library that handles all these cases, or maybe people aren't using it so much

Patrick: i'm guessing from my own experience that devs may only be using it for simple things as it's a new concept. things like doing sliders and not having to attach/remove listeners to body anymore

Olli: so to proceed. fire click on the captured target, and releasepointercapture after click

Olli: and then look at getting browsers to implement

Rob: especially as we consider click a pointer event, it makes sense for click to be captured

Olli: maybe we can take a look at implementations, and see if we go with this approach if there are any more tricky edge cases, particularly on mobile

Rob: should be doable, but will be complexity in making sure that we fire the capture release properly even if the click doesn't turn out to be a click (double-tap to zoom)

Patrick: do we need to also say something about touch-action or is that implicit?

Rob: implicit, don't need to mention. up to UA to know that a click can be processed right away if touch-action doesn't allow double-tap-to-zoom

Olli: contextmenu ...

[quick overview of when contextmenu is fired. after mouseup on windows, on mousedown on other platforms]

Olli: if you capture pointer, and expect context menu, what happens? do you lose pointer capture?

Rob: yes you should lose it

Olli: what if you call preventDefault for contextmenu?

Rob: then you shouldn't

Rob: makes me wonder how a dev would handle right-click dragging

Olli: would just preventDefault contextmenu and handle it as usual

Patrick: would any of you like to make a stab at specifying?

Olli: need to test first how feasible it is

Rob: changing target on desktop shouldn't be a problem, mobile case / timing of releasing pointer capture will be trickier

Olli: and see if the latter leads to some odd behaviors

Patrick: suggest adding a comment on the issue to sum up what was discussed

ACTION: explore feasibility of implementing proposed behavior from issue, think about possible edge cases that might arise

Clarify that coalesced events list contain also a clone of the parent event https://github.com/w3c/pointerevents/pull/436

Patrick: I dropped a super-naive comment on that, see if that makes any sense

Rob: can't be a copy/clone because of potential resampling issue (e.g. different accuracy/rounding of coords)

Rob: coalesced events list represents closest thing to raw events, parent event is the closest thing that the UA decides best represents that list of raw events

Rob: rather than saying "all of the events that were coalesced into this event", should we say "list of all the events since the last event was dispatched", as that implies that it's inclusive

Olli: and then need to say that parent event was generated based on that

Patrick: so you'd never get an empty list (unless untrusted, because there it's up to dev)

Rob: and then add a note in simple language for devs "what this means is that you either go by parent events, or coalesced events. don't mix and match/combine"

[some wordsmithing/suggestion while looking at https://github.com/w3c/pointerevents/pull/436/files]

Olli: we should also still say something about movement

Rob: if you want i can try and have a go at this

Olli: it should only be a couple of very short complicated sentences

ACTION: Rob to make a new pull request to supersede #436

Defining event orders through a "state of the input device" https://github.com/w3c/pointerevents/issues/438

Olli: is this mostly editorial?

Patrick: looks like it wants to clarify what's implicit

Rob: the diagram doesn't agree with my understanding of capture https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1JZRsDN7fkHKlEv99tdMfpTe9G5LvARArfyX-EUHIwT0/edit#slide=id.g119142af639_0_0

Olli: wondering if this is needed for v3 or we can leave for after

Rob: i think it's useful to define. difference between device that isn't *present*, and one that is just inactive (?)

Rob: would be good to define this, helps explain what happens when an alert from the browser is fired etc

Patrick: suggest asking mustaq to flesh this out some more. Rob if you don't mind adding comment on the issue about it not quite gelling with your understanding of capture. But yes if this turns out to open up a big pandora's box, we can always defer until after v3 is out

ACTION: mustaq to propose some more fleshed out wording

Patrick: thank you all, catch you again in 2 weeks' time

Summary of action items

  1. explore feasibility of implementing proposed behavior from issue, think about possible edge cases that might arise
  2. Rob to make a new pull request to supersede #436
  3. mustaq to propose some more fleshed out wording
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 185 (Thu Dec 2 18:51:55 2021 UTC).


Succeeded: s/all/some/

Maybe present: Olli, Patrick, Rob