WAI Coordination Call Teleconference

06 Apr 2022


Matthew_Atkinson, shawn, Judy, sharon, Daniel, janina, Lionel_Wolberger, Brent, tzviya


<scribe> scribe: Matthew_Atkinson

Updates: publication plans, announcements https://www.w3.org/WAI/cc/wiki/WAI_Announcement_Drafts

shawn: Best to get announcements out next week, or in two weeks' time as I am away from the week after next.

janina: We have a publication upcoming (and are in touch via email).

shawn: We're asking staff contacts and chairs to review announcements in advance.

janina: Our upcoming one will be based on the FPWD announcement.

Judy: regarding in general, shawn is having to spend more time on these than anticipated. The longer in advance that any announcement material can be prepared, the better, as it needs to be reviewed.
... Important to think about any TFs in your WGs that may have upcoming announcements. Be sure to do your own QA (e.g. checking for broken links etc.) Please use the templates.

janina: shawn: when will you be back?

shawn: Back by the 26th of April

Judy: When shawn is back, it may be a busy time for staff.

Checking: New work under development? Status on cross-WAI review requests?

Judy: Sometimes WGs/TFs come up with an idea that may unwittingly be related to other WAI or W3C work. Is there any new work you've started?

janina: RQTF is realizing that the remote meetings work doesn't consider the case when real-time document collaboration is going on at the same time as the meeting. We will add an Editor's Note, and maybe need to work on more material/a separate document.
... This has come up on two meetings this week.

<shawn> [ Shawn mentions to Brent that EOWG had some input on the remote meetings draft and I don't think that we got that to them :-(]

Brent: We're getting ready to launch into our video project again. Videos about how to help PWD use the web, on the WAI site. Supporting our stories of web users and other pages (e.g. tools and techniques). Assume other groups would like to review these.

Judy: There are going to be a lot?

Brent: Probably about 20. I can bring them here as and when.

Judy: Do you have way to prioritize who should review each?

Brent: yes

<Zakim> Brent, you wanted to say Video project

Judy: Did you move the RQTF meeting time?

janina: no

Judy: I got brought into the W3C management meeting. Had heard that the meeting had moved.

janina: APA moved; not RQTF.

Judy: Does your ASL user participate in APA? There seems to be a misunderstanding. Will follow up with janina outside of the meeting.
... General note: if you have a d/Deaf particpant in your group, WAI can cover the interpreter for this, but we need to coordinate carefully regarding logistics.
... Working on internationally-recognized sign language training.

<Zakim> Judy, you wanted to mention RQTF interpreting coordination

Belated quick thoughts on themes and trends impacting your groups from either CSUN or Axe-Con?

Judy: Who attended axe con? [several in the group]

Matthew_Atkinson: Matthew_Atkinson: Met up with several W3C people, which was great. Also became more aware of XRAccess work being done, with some W3C members involved. We ought to contribute to their symposium

Judy: We need to keep on top of the XRAccess developments.

Matthew_Atkinson: Also presented about Personalization work.

Lionel_Wolberger: Concern over the technical defnition of what is an overlay.
... There are four or five technologies considered overlays, and are used in different ways, with varying level of utility for different users.

Judy: Interested in figuring out how to have constructive conversations about this in future.

Lionel_Wolberger: A definition is helpful. There's a trend towards contrast and text size adjustments.

Judy: Let's take it offline so we can cover the urgent agenda items.

janina: We in APA are going to consider having a Note track document on the goods, bads, hows and whys.

tzviya: At axe con there was a big emphasis on CSS and accessibility. I attended Rachel Andrews' talk on this.

Matthew_Atkinson: Interestingly there was a talk on CSS and accessibilty at CSUN (from Steve Faulkner and Hans Hillen).

tzviya: Recommend finding the recording if it exists; good to see people from CSSWG talking about accessibility.

Promoting "What's new at WAI" page https://www.w3.org/WAI/update/

shawn: Have been soliciting updates. It's a living document. It's focusing on the documents from the group, rather than the group specfically.
... PRs welcome.
... Please skim the requirements analysis before submitting a Pull Request though.
... Did the usual tweets, news, email, but encourage everyone to promote this.
... Something we've been wanting to do for years, and think people will find it useful.

Judy: Thanks for getting this off the ground; helped with both of these conferences. Should we combine this with the announcements check on WAI calls?

shawn: This is a good place to remind people, but encourage people to submit a PR or issue (or contact me if you can't do that).

Judy: How many people have taken a look at this?

[several members have]

shawn: The link is in the agenda item.

Judy: What sort of reactions has it been getting?

<shawn> here is the e-mail to WAI-CC. Please see before submitting pull request for updates. Thanks! https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-cc/2022Mar/0015.html

Judy: [don't want to put people on the spot, though]

Personalization Specification naming https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-cc/2022Apr/0000.html

Lionel_Wolberger: We're excited that the spec is nearing CR. First module is the Content Module.
... After discussion with EO, they proposed Adapt. Some members liked this, but others were concerned, as it's very general.
... We also came up with APT as an alternative.
... A general name could promote general interest (c.f. Java is well-known in the mainstream; C++ not so much).

janina: The consensus/can-live-with consensus is WAI-ADAPT. In some ways we've circled back to the original problem. It is very general, and we are not adapting anything and everything, though group members like it.
... We think it needs an expansion, for slide decks in presentations, so we would like to talk to EO about this, as your advice was excellent in getting us to this point. Did you have an expansion?
... We are looking at something like ADAptable Personalizable Technologies.

Lionel_Wolberger: The problem was "Personalization" was seen as general as either marketing, or personal settings, but we're making online content accesible. We are like ARIA part 2.

<shawn> https://deploy-preview-8--wai-personalization-standards.netlify.app/personalization/"This page introduces Adapt, a series of specifications to enable users to adapt content to meet their needs and preferences."

Judy: Hadn't realised that WAI-APT was under consideration; agree with Lionel_Wolberger [who mentioned earlier, but scribe didn't catch it] that it may not be a WAICC topic yet.
... The solution for avoiding trademark conflict on this one may be different if you end up staying with ADAPT. Europe generally pronounces WAI as "why" which implies the opposite of what we want -- so I am now concerned about "WAI-ADAPT".

janina: Adapt is a specific organization within the US.

Judy: [ACKs the transportation campaign organization]

shawn: Timing is good. EO is strongly for Adapt, or WAI-Adapt. We were less comfortable with how to pronounce the shorter acronym.
... The question is: if this group is comfortable with Adapt (not APT) then we're good. EO is advisory; you don't need our approval, but we're exicted to work with you.
... Not 100% convinced that the expansion is necessary. What you have as the expansion ("Adaptable Personalizable Is it easier just to have a short phrase? See the draft overview page.
... Appreciate janina's comments re slideshow; let's see if that's needed.

Brent: +1 to shawn. Would lean more towrds the word "adapt".

<Zakim> shawn, you wanted to say ADAPT Adapt ADT and expansion

<Zakim> Brent, you wanted to say WAI vs. "why"

Brent: "why adapt" isn't always a negative

<shawn> +1 that "why adapt" can be spun as a positive

Lionel_Wolberger: Thanks. We're not divided; our CfC clearly chose ADAPT.

Matthew_Atkinson: Question about capitalization remains. If captial, our expansion makes more sense, and it fits ARIA. We didn't ask about this in our CfC.

<Zakim> Lionel_Wolberger, you wanted to mention Personalization's CfC

shawn: Sounds like everyone is OK with WAI-Adapt but we need to figure out capitalized or not.


Internationalization & accessibility issue

Judy: The issue is that this has been a two-year process so far, with some recent progress. A proof of concept has been offered to i18n but they're not yet satisfied.
... MichaelC will be helping Roy and APA to move this thing ahead.


<janina> https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/issues/144

Lionel_Wolberger: janina could represent all of us on this issue in a future call.

janina: We have important work coming up that we really want to do with i18n, so keen to resolve this one without trying to exert too much pressure, and move on to that exciting new work with them.

tzviya: This issue of internationalization of metadata comes up a lot.

TPAC hybrid plans

Judy: Looks like a hybrid event will go ahead; management is working on contracts and contingencies. Survey feedback was useful.
... Glitches that occur include people thinking they can commit, and then find their organization hasn't changed policy, or isn't allowing them to commit yet.
... More info to come, but looks like a hybrid event will happen.

jamesn: Is it the venue that was previously provisionally selected?

Judy: It's still Vancouver, and may be that venue.

<Lionel_Wolberger> Lionel thanks Judy and WAI-CC for a great meeting, see you.

<shawn> s/EO is strongly for ADAPT, or WAI-ADAPT/EO is strongly for Adapt, or WAI-Adapt

<shawn> Technologies.") is very difficult to say.

<shawn> s/What you have as the expansion is very difficult to say./What you have as the expansion ("Adaptable Personalizable Technologies.") is very difficult to say.

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.200 (CVS log)
$Date: 2022/04/06 21:03:09 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

[Delete this section before finalizing the minutes.]
This is scribe.perl Revision VERSION of 2020-12-31
Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/

Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/I am away the/I am away from the/
Succeeded: s/the RTC work/the remote meetings work/
Succeeded: s/of what we want/of what we want -- so I am now concerned about "WAI-ADAPT"/
Succeeded: s/q///
Succeeded: s/they proposed ADAPT/they proposed Adapt/
Succeeded: s/EO is strongly for ADAPT, or WAI-ADAPT/EO is strongly for Adapt, or WAI-Adat/
FAILED: s/EO is strongly for ADAPT, or WAI-ADAPT/EO is strongly for Adapt, or WAI-Adapt/
Succeeded: s/WAI-Adat/WAI-Adapt/
Succeeded: s/comfortable with ADAPT (not APT) then we're good/comfortable with Adapt (not APT) then we're good/
Succeeded: s/What you have as the expansion is very difficult to say./What you have as the expansion ("Adaptable Personalizable/
FAILED: s/What you have as the expansion is very difficult to say./What you have as the expansion ("Adaptable Personalizable Technologies.") is very difficult to say./
Present: Matthew_Atkinson, shawn, Judy, sharon, Daniel, janina, Lionel_Wolberger, Brent, tzviya
Found Scribe: Matthew_Atkinson
Inferring ScribeNick: Matthew_Atkinson

WARNING: No meeting chair found!
You should specify the meeting chair like this:
<dbooth> Chair: dbooth

Found Date: 06 Apr 2022
People with action items: 

WARNING: IRC log location not specified!  (You can ignore this 
warning if you do not want the generated minutes to contain 
a link to the original IRC log.)

[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]