04 April 2022


Carine, Chris, Daniel, Fabien, Felix, Nick, Ted
Daniel, Ted

Meeting minutes


Overview presentation for new participants

Workshop agenda and link to minutes and video

[Fabien Betejat (Volvo) and Chris Seiler (MB)]

Daniel's slides

3 main use cases: current vehicle state, analytics (data over time) and services (eg WoT)

core contains concepts of how the ontology is organized, dynamic sensors, tree structure...

VSS Tools repository is where you can find the ttl generator

Chris: what about software artifacts, are they in scope?\

Felix: meaning eg what firmware version a given ECU is?

Chris: yes

Felix: it is not direct scope of VSSo but certainly can be attached as an extension
… you could organize data points by ECU

Chris: what triggered me was digital twin term

Felix: that is a trigger buzz word with different meaning to different audiences
… what components provide which signals, from which manufacturer etc is certainly useful ways to extend this ontology and get a bigger picture

Chris: we are starting down SDV project and MB is looking at DT there with emphasis for tracking ECU updates

Daniel: as mentioned VSSo is extensible, VSS itself allows for private branches

Nick: I'm very familiar with VSS and its tree structure, how does VSSo differ in showing its relationships?

Felix: we use VSS to generate VSSo and immediately you can see all the static data for a vehicle based on Core portion
… you can see what signals (dynamic) are available in VSSo. combined with SOSA you can ask what was the temp of a given control unit at a point in time
… VSS defines a signal but not as recorded observations

Daniel: you can also link to entirely different domains

Chris: this is a powerful approach

Felix: it requires effort but is worth it when you need detailed information about a vehicle, its components, what it is producing...
… you can see how supply chain issues can impact vehicle production for example
… ontology facilitates sharing data, it is understandable by machines readily



Daniel: please feel free to raise issues and respond to open ones, we will cover on these calls to seek resolutions


[Sub-classes vs. Instantiation of existing VSS concepts #22]

Daniel: we covered this during the workshop and Daniel Alvarez has some thoughts on a workaround with instantiation but his isn't available today
… branches are basically vehicle components, he was thinking how an observation would look like
… should we have some simple observation mechanism in VSSo based on SOSA?

Felix: that would make sense. you might also want a more basic, SOSA-less representation. possible to support both

Daniel: another idea from the workshop was OWL2 Punning

Ted: I'll reach out to Alan and Pierre-Antione with link to this issue, encourage their input or example

Felix: looking at this internally found another possible issue that I'll raise in gh. having unique URIs for the properties might have clashes if we just take property name

Daniel: perhaps we should table discussion until we have a next PR

Felix: makes sense, worth selecting issues to advance

Daniel: anyone here plan on attending the AMM in Leipzig besides Felix and myself?


Daniel: let's look at PR for instances issue in a couple weeks

<ted> Next meeting: in 4 weeks since 18 April a holiday in several countries

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 185 (Thu Dec 2 18:51:55 2021 UTC).


Succeeded: s|https://github.com/w3c/vsso/issues/22||

Succeeded 1 times: s/Seller/Seiler/g

No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: ted

Found 'Next meeting:' not followed by a URL: 'in 4 weeks since 18 April a holiday in several countries'.