一起谈谈元宇宙与 Web 标准

Let's Talk About Metaverse and Web Standards

W3C 元宇宙线上讨论会将于2022年4月7日北京时间 11:00-13:00,UTC 时间 3:00-5:00 举行。请于 4月6日(周三)前进行会议注册

This is the meeting page for the virtual discussion on Metaverse, at 3:00 - 5:00 UTC (11:00 - 13:00 CST, 5:00 - 7:00 CEST, 20:00 - 22:00 PDT 06 April), 07 April 2022. Please register before 06 April (Wednesday).


The goal of this meeting is to understand the vision of the Chinese industry on Metaverse and get a sense of their priorities. Some possible starting points for the discussion:


The meeting will be live sessions in both Chinese and English (with simultaneous interpretation and real-time subtitles).

目录 Table of contents

注册参会 Registration

本次会议对 W3C 会员和受邀嘉宾开放,请在这里注册。

The meeting is open to W3C members, and invited guests. Please register online.


Participants are requested to follow the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.

议程安排 Live sessions

接入工具及交流方式 Logistics

参考资料 Reference material