WoT Profile

30 March 2022


Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_Lagally, Michael_McCool, Ryuichi_Matsukura, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Tomoaki_Mizushima

Meeting minutes


<kaz> Mar-23

McCool: note I have not updated the profile Implementation Report, mostly have been working on arch Implementation Report

Lagally: regarding events, ben was working on a PR

Lagally: any objections to publishing?
… hearing none, we will publish these minutes

<mlagally> https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/WG_WoT_Architecture_WebConf

new issues

Issue 190

<kaz> Consider splitting Use Cases & Requirements out into a separate document

Lagally: new issue #190
… ben noted that use cases and requirements should be moved to another document; has "blocks publication", not sure why

<kaz> Issues which block further publications

McCool: suggestion to resolve this particular issue is to change name to "summary of use cases and requirements"

Lagally: more general issue is we do need to review "blocks publication" usage

McCool: still only about 1/3 of the use cases are marked this way

profile names

Lagally: four have been proposed

<kaz> Core Profile

<kaz> Core HTTP Profile

<kaz> Baseline Profile

<kaz> Baseline HTTP Profile

McCool: I would prefer "HTTP Baseline Profile"; core is contentious, and HTTP should be mentioned

<kaz> Core profile name has undesired implications

Lagally: I would support HTTP Baseline or Baseline HTTP

Kaz: so there could be extensions, right?

Lagally: yes, for example, to include event

Kaz: in that case, concur

<mlagally> proposal: use the name "HTTP Baseline Profile" for the HTTP profile that includes properties and actions.

<mlagally> proposal: use the name "HTTP Baseline Profile" for the HTTP profile that includes properties and actions. (closes https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/issues/5)

RESOLUTION: use the name "HTTP Baseline Profile" for the HTTP profile that includes properties and actions. (closes https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/issues/5)

<mlagally> Proposal: Split core into baseline + (multiple) event bindings

profiles for event bindings

PR 188

<kaz> PR 188 - Split Core Profile into HTTP Baseline Profile and HTTP SSE Profile

Lagally: see PR 188, draft where SSE and WebHooks broken into separate sections, and use names "HTTP Baseline Profile" plus "HTTP SSE Profile" and "HTTP Webhooks Profile"

Lagally: not sure how security got moved

McCool: looks like it was part of error responses, which was moved above events, which is fine

McCool: my personal opinion is that having separate profiles for SSE and Webhooks makes sense
… although might lead to some fragmentation, better than alternatives

Lagally: concur, let's merge


PR 145

<mlagally> PR 145 - removing outdated+obsolete content

Lagally: PR 145 - remove outdated content; merge conflict, will resolve and merge

Lagally: PR 135 for Issue 104

<mlagally> PR 135 - Define order of arrays in queryallactions - closes #104

McCool: only one minor point, should really say "chronological order as seen by the server", but ok with merging as-is

Lagally: ok, merging

PR 131

Lagally: PR 131

<kaz> PR 131 - initial draft of a "common constraints" section

McCool: I would like to suggest that we hold this PR and take comments and improve it.

Lagally: have been waiting for comments

McCool: are there any constraints that are not data model constraints? Eg. time and date formats are data model constraints.

Lagally: would suggest merging as a placeholder for now; if we don't need it, can delete it later
… have a merge conflict, will fix

McCool: suggest extend ed note to say will remove if there aren't any

PR 127

<kaz> PR 127 - Add timestamps to actions protocol binding - closes #101

Lagally: PR 127
… timestamps to action protocol binding

McCool: my concern is that not all constrained devices will have a clock
… and if this is mandatory, means that it can't be implemented on Things without them

Lagally: let's start by assuming clocks are not synched, and might be low-resolution

McCool: not a total blocker, since devices capable of HTTP probably also have an RTC

McCool: but at the very least it adds a hardware requirements

McCool: feel there are two options: add hardware requirement, make it optional

<kaz> High Resolution Time

Kaz: wondering about resolution of time-stamp data

Kaz: might want to see what it says about time resolution

Lagally: would say it is very device dependent, resolution might be quite low

Kaz: depends on the use cases, we should perhaps define

McCool: agree, we should think about purposes: sequence, elapsed time for actions, etc.
… for instance, maybe we only need sequence numbers and relative time
… also, there is the problem of initializing the clock; when is that done? Onboarding?

Lagally: so sequence numbers and relative time?

McCool: may not even need that, have sequence from query ordering
… as kaz said, we need to be more precise about use cases

PR 87

<kaz> PR 87 - Placeholder section on transport security

McCool: think this makes more time to discuss than we have

Lagally: ok, will defer


Summary of resolutions

  1. use the name "HTTP Baseline Profile" for the HTTP profile that includes properties and actions. (closes https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/issues/5)
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 185 (Thu Dec 2 18:51:55 2021 UTC).