Web Fonts Working Group Teleconference

29 March 2022


Garret, Jason, sergeym, sergeym_, Vlad

Meeting minutes

WOFF2 overlapSimpleBitmap field

Recently added overlapSimpleBitmap has the same structure as bboxBitmap but differs in size.

See discussion at https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webfonts-wg/2022Mar/0012.html

Currently, the suggestion is to leave it sized as a bitfield rounded to the ceil(numGlyphs/8)

Spec changes would be necessary to reflect this.

We need to clarify the procedural details of making spec change. Since overlapSimpleBitmap is the last data field in the transformed 'glyf' table, its size isn't likely to affect anything else.

Garret: Will start making code changes in the OSS implementaiton, to be picked up by other browsers at some point in near future.

RESOLUTION: Update the WOFF2 spec to clarify the size of the new overlapSimpleBitmap field.

Open Issues https://github.com/w3c/IFT/issues

We decided to postpone the discussion on range-request related issues.

Garret: to respond on #73

Garret: #72 - changes were made, the issue can be closed.

Discussion was held on issue #57 whether support for range-request and patch-subset should be "MUST" for user agents.

Jason: suggestion to create real world examples for both cases to generate the demand, and then ask browser vendors to support both methods.

Garret: Communicate with Chrome team and Google Fonts server team to get real life input of efforts needed to introduce new functionality.

Issues ## 42 & 50: While privacy concerns are understood overall, we do not have much clarity on what would be considered an effective (or at least) acceptable solution to this.

Issue #28: Font collection support - needs additional field for patch-subset-request to support this on server side.

Next call will be in two weeks, on Apr. 12

Summary of resolutions

  1. Update the WOFF2 spec to clarify the size of the new overlapSimpleBitmap field.
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 185 (Thu Dec 2 18:51:55 2021 UTC).


Succeeded: s/whther/whether/