Meeting minutes
we'll cancel next week's meeting due to numerous conflicts
Agenda Review, Membership & Announcements
no meeting next week
Action Items
ACTION: janina to followup with i18n an a more appropriate spec for TTS designations (re: RFC5646)
<trackbot> Created ACTION-38 - Followup with i18n an a more appropriate spec for tts designations (re: rfc5646) [on Janina Sajka - due 2022-03-16].
Github Issues and examples
Other Business
Mark introduced Sarah Wood this week.
Still waiting on status. janina to followup
MIT no longer wants to host W3C and looking to make changes by the end of the year.
janina: there is still room to participate from members and invited experts if you like
janina: minutes are being corrected and will be distributed soon
mhakkinen: ICCHP conference (Summer) has opportunities for groups to create a session.
mhakkinen: this could be a good venue to pitch our work to the European audience
mhakkinen: it's in Northern Italy
<Irfan> https://
mhakkinen: let me know if you want to connect with Klaus about organizing something
<Dee> Link to Key Dates: https://
mhakkinen: I tried Amazon polly with IPA markup for inserting pauses. It doesn't seem to work.
<mhakkinen> Extended IPA: https://
SteveNoble: are you actively testing other technologies?
mhakkinen: I'm not, did you want to do that work (joking)?
reminder: https://
<mhakkinen> Amazon Textract/Polly reader: https://