MiniApps WG Teleconference

24 February 2022


Bingqing_Zhou, Canfeng, Dan_Zhou, martin_alvarez, QingAn, tomayac, Wenli_Zhang, xfq, xiaoqian, Yulu_Chao, Zitao_Wang
xfq, xiaoqian

Meeting minutes

White paper maintenance

[xfq shares his screen]

QingAn: We also have a version of the white paper on GitHub, is this version identical with the version on Tencent Docs?

xfq: Our previous decision was to write it in here Tencent Docs now, and then convert it to a GitHub pull request for review by the whole group.

QingAn: do we have any update for the white paper?

Dan_Zhou: I haven't reviewed the update yet
… I will do it this week

QingAn: previously the TAG asked the origin question


QingAn: we haven't defined origin in the white paper
… do you think we need to add something about origin in the white paper?
… it's more related to the security and privacy section

<QingAn> When a Miniapp is launched what origin can it be said to have, with regard to the web's security model? That would seem to be important from a lifecycle point of view.

Dan_Zhou: I don't know what origin means in your description


QingAn: previously we wrote the hosting app or OS is responsible for the security of the miniapp, but I'm not sure it's enough to answer the question from the TAG

Zitao_Wang: I think the origin issue is a common question about our work
… martin and I discussed this issue
… in the Addressing and Packaging specs we also need to consider this issue
… I agree with you that we need to reflect this idea in the white paper
… I volunteer to work with Dan to work on the security part

Dan_Zhou: I think the "origin" concept is like our domain check in the network request API

QingAn: maybe you could take the action to update this section?

Dan_Zhou: OK

xfq: we have some comments in Tencent Docs

[Discuss the comments in Tencent Docs]

QingAn: my suggestion is we finish the update next week
… hope to have a rough consensus to publish this in our next meeting

martin: I can add some additional text to the 'MiniApp in the Globe' section

QingAn: we can rename the 'MiniApp in the Globe' section to 'MiniApp Standardization in the Globe'

Zitao_Wang: I agree


QingAn: I made some pull requests

[QingAn shares his screen]


Related TAG issue

QingAn: added two sentences about Service Workers and Page Visibility

xfq: this is not normative text, shall we point to the explainer in the White Paper?

Zitao_Wang: agree, it shall be good enough


QingAn: any comments?

xfq: I see that this is a read-only value? can it be changed? is it still "by default"?

QingAn: oh, it can be deleted

martin: if you want to keep it, we can add a note for clarification
… there are many examples there

Martin: it will be useful for the developers

QingAn: thank you for the suggestion, maybe I should add a note


[QingAn describes the PR]

QingAn: we can keep this open and give people time to think about it



martin: ^ wording fixes


martin: ^ split the Privacy and Security sections

<martin> https://raw.githack.com/espinr/miniapp-manifest/priv-sec-sections/index.html#security-considerations

[martin introduces the changes in the PR]

martin: saw questions from xfq
… haven't replied yet

xfq: is changing the UI more for security or for privacy?

martin: shall we move it to the Sec Consideration section?

xfq: maybe?

martin: it's more about security. If you want, I can move it to the Sec section?

xfq: yes...

QingAn: what's the plan to do a CfC in the group?

martin: it's ready to review when I finish some minor updates today



martin: Fixed ReSpec warning
… unless you have any objection I plan to merge it


martin: will update this PR today
… after merging this we can discuss the CSP issue


QingAn: updates on Addressing and Widget Requirements?

Dan_Zhou: two editorial PR to Addressing from xfq
… I have merged them

xfq: will send transition request for Addressing and Widget Requirements

TPAC 2022 hybrid meeting

QingAn: survey from W3C
… online or F2F?
… survey is about whether we can meet in person

Zitao_Wang: need some time to investigate
… we can discuss this in the next meeting

<QingAn> https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/34786/tpac2022-fall-meetings/


QingAn: xfq could you send the questions to the group?

xfq: OK


QingAn: next meeting?

<martin> +1

<martin> (March 24)

March 24 (12:00 UTC)

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 188 (Sat Jan 8 18:27:23 2022 UTC).