Meeting minutes
Review of Actions
MSM renamed grammars to sample in the demo folders
Prefix parsing actions completed - conformance of processors in spec.
Status of implementations
NDW now passing all tests, MSM passing most, but not all, improved by having time-out in his test harness!
Steven: what about the time taken to parse iXML - NDW about 13s, MSM about 7 minutes
NDW: Lauren approved the introductory iXML article by NDW on
Review of issues
Test case issues (#24,-#42) generally resolved
<Steven> https://
Issue #44 error codes
MSM: error code overlaps could be an issue - checking correct error cases could be crucial
NDW: what are we going to use as error code forms?
Tom: What categories of error are we going to encounter?
Not clear whether warning 'codes' will be useful or problematic
<Tom> “we won’t know until we have a collection of errors”
Steven: we already have some classes, such as parsing, input etc...
ACTION: NDW to make a proposal for possible error codes
Steven: Errors in an appendix - but it all needs to be held in a coherent form
non-XML output
MSM: Issue #18 - non-XML names - required to flag on dynamic, but not when the possible error is not exercised
… the same for the other cases (#23, #31, #47)
… some possible overlap with those error codes for an XML parser
NDW: have a 'non-XML' catchall behind finer codes
ACTION: Steven to outline examples in the spec. to differentiate static and dynamic errors
Issue #23 is a dynamic error for non-XML in the output... this would not be the case for JSON or other formats, but are they central to our technological approach
Tom: think about whether we want to make it easier for future possibilities in the non-XML output state
RESOLUTION: non-XML element names shall be signalled as a dynamic error
RESOLUTION: multiple attributes of the same name shall be a dynamic error
<Steven> The first rule in a grammar may not be marked as an attribute. If it is marked as hidden, all of its productions must produce exactly one non-hidden non-attribute nonterminal and no non-hidden terminals before or after that nonterminal.
ACTION: Steven - Issue #47 - @root (Outermost effective nonterminal as attribute) - to be proposed in the spec as a dynamic error.
<cmsmcq> [One problem is that the constraint does not apply just to the children of the start symbol ...]
Tom: We may not need to go into this detail if we rely on 'you must produce well-formed XML'
Bethan: we're not considering post-processing here
ACTION: Steven - simplify the spec to require the output of 'well-formed' XML. Does that have some subcodes in terms of the violation of well-formedness
<john> s/about i/about it/
ACTION: Steven Issue #33 (s = @a, b, @c) - this needs to be explicit
ACTION: NDW Issue #45 (Unused non-terminals) - NDW - two test suites - undefined and unused
Some of these issues of unreachability etc might be indicative of 'hygiene' issues.
Any other business
<john> Next meeting: 1st March
Bethan: should terminology be defined in the spec, or in another document?
<Steven> Parsing ixml with my processor:
<Steven> real 0m14.176s
<Steven> user 0m14.164s
<Steven> sys 0m0.016s