Positive Work Environment CG

15 February 2022


Barbara, cwilso, JemmaKu, Léonie (tink), Ralph, Sheila, Tzviya, WendyReid

Meeting minutes

previous 18 January

Ombuds update

Sheila: Tzviya and I talked last week and aligned on next steps
… one thing we need is clarity on the budget, both for training and stipends for those who serve in the ombuds role
… I estimate ~ $12k training budget and ~ $14k for ombuds stipend
… 4 hours/training, 2 trainings/year
… ~ $1500/hour
… I estimate 70 hours/year of work for ombuds
… including training, meeting with other ombuds
… $3500 / ombuds
… how does this feel to you?

Ralph: that # hours is plausible across 4 Ombuds

Tzviya: next steps, bring this budget to W3M
… we should present the case as non-optional
… this is part of a code of conduct
… people have said that it's great that we have a CoC, but we need enforcement

<cwilso> +1

<Ralph> +1

Tzviya: I understand that budgets are tight

Sheila: would it be helpful if I put together a pitch, including options for funding and why we think this is essential?

<Ralph> +1

Tzviya: absolutely

Dispute Resolution draft

DRAFT for W3C dispute resolution (3)

Liz: I softened the language about "will"
… added some language about feeling safe
… added some items about suspension / removal
… added some language about confidentiality
… e.g. if someone is banned, people have to know that
… where it's important for the functioning of W3C, people need to know

Chris: looks really good
… my only question is "3 months of the incident taking place"
… I understand why there is no statute of limitations
… my mental model is "the sooner the better" in trying to address things

<BarbaraH> +1

Chris: I worry that people will take "3 months" as an opportunity to delay

Liz: clock starts at the moment a complaint is made
… we need to pick a number; I'm not particularly wedded to 3
… we need to start early; if things are left languishing they'll never get resolved
… it's more a prompt to get things started

Chris: I'm suggesting that the faster something gets resolved, the better
… as a reporter, delay feels like something is getting ignored

Liz: depending on the incident people might want to talk with others before making a complaint
… on the investigation side that's where things tend to take a long time
… so it would be better to reduce the time to get to investigation

Chris: making the complaint within 3 months feels OK
… "engage with the individual within 3 months" is what stood out to me

Barbara: I'm with Chris; I think the wording needs to be tighter, indicating we will proactively work towards resolution which wouldn't last longer than 3 months
… note that proactive work would be done and you'd be updated

Tzviya: looking at the 3 months, "you should" is the mediator or the complainant?

Liz: the person filing the complaint

Tzviya: we need to make it more clear who the timeline applies to
… and make it clear than an Ombuds needs to respond to a complaint within 24-48 hours

<Zakim> tzviya, you wanted to make a suggestion about 3 months

Liz: I haven't added a lot of that context
… this would be questions related to how we fund this

<Zakim> tink, you wanted to respond to Cwilso's comment on timing

Liz: and if suddenly there are lots of cases
… I'll clarify who the 3 months applies to
… if you have a complaint against someone else you have 3 months to raise it in whatever manner you choose
… once you have done that you are fine
… if remediation turns into investigation, that's fine; it's part of the original complaint
… once you have raised a complaint, can we reduce the initial response to 48 hours and an Ombuds appointed within a week?
… that might be hard depending on funding

Barbara: a possibility for us to consider: most of what I'm seeing is reactive
… could we add a program to highlight leadership; where the community displays leadership in diversity and inclusion
… the first thing is to protect someone from issues
… what I like about the web is that it's open but we don't highlight leadership either internally or externally

Tzviya: we have a relevant topic later on the agenda

Barbara: yes; Black History Month
… there are diversity of communities, regions of the world
… sometimes we jump into a specific one but we don't say that diversity is broad and here's one example

Tzviya: remember that we merged two CGs: Positive Work Environment and Inclusion and Diversity
… we're very open to ideas

Ralph: Liz, suggest looking again at https://www.w3.org/Guide/process/banning.html "Guidelines to suspend or remove participants from groups"

Tzviya: ultimately the PWE document will supersede the Guide document
… we're trying to avoid banning where possible

<Ralph> +1

Tzviya: I'd think the Guide document could be incorporated into what Liz wrote
… it's much harsher and rarely used
… and it's not well-known
… my goal is that the PWE document replaces it

<Ralph> +1

WendyReid: on top of the Ombuds work and what Liz is doing, I'm working on a syllabus for chair training to address the leadership part
… how to run good meetings, the chair's role in conflict resolution, ...
… the role of the chairs
… and how to run inclusive meetings, remaining cognizant of timezones, etc.
… this is still being worked on

Barbara: that's the baseline

<wendyreid> https://rak.box.com/s/mh0orlvf7ljv7h49g79ahzfil0y9zu3r

Barbara: I suggest challenging them at the end of the training that we're looking for opportunities to showcase leadership
… showing that we have that internally or externally
… the chairs are great sources and we'd love to tell their stories

Tzviya: how would you showcase leadership?

Barbara: case studies
… where you felt a chair did a really good job expanding their community and how they did that
… I could think about this and give some examples
… we've talked about inclusion and diversity at Intel and are working on the next steps now
… I can send an example of where we had a leader or a participant of a group indicating what they did to expand inclusion and diversity

Sheila: is the purpose of highlighting to celebrate examples of how it's been done or to provide examples for people to look to to understand what they could do differently?
… which direction are you hoping to take this?

Barbara: lots of layers: protect when something happens, training
… I do STEM mentoring and I have diverse candidates; in the STEM program it was highlighting how to include them
… they want to feel that it's more than a guideline or policy but is cultural
… they want to feel included
… sometimes this is done with a buddy system
… sometimes it's showing leaders who have made it cultural
… someone makes them feel included, not a unicorn

Tzviya: this is a complicated space; one of the things we're trying to accomplish is making sure we have codes of conduct and ombuds to make sure that if we do diversity outreach the people who join are not made to feel "othered"

<BarbaraH> +1

<cwilso> +1

Tzviya: we don't want to reach out to someone saying "we want you to join us because you are [a specific community member]"
… it's a delicate line to walk

<sheila> perhaps we're talking about best practices for engaging with one another with a lens toward cultural humility? Is that right?

<cwilso> +1

Tzviya: I feel strongly this should be something W3C does as an organization, not [only] as a CG
… we can provide tips about inclusion, how to run diversity training; we can advise management but there's only so much a CG can accomplish
… others' thoughts?

WendyReid: chairs, in the W3C context, do not love being in the limelight
… we are the administrators; we make sure things are running smoothly
… it's important to create welcoming environments, use inclusive language, ...
… chairs are not leaders in the sense of executives
… I look at this training as how to create better environments for our working groups
… impressing upon chairs that because they are leaders they have a higher responsibility for what they say and how they treat others
… impress that being inclusive is important
… chairs are not generally responsible for recruiting
… so it's hard to put chairs in that position
… I want to focus on what chairs _can_ and _should_ do

Léonie: good point

<sheila> +1 wendy

Léonie: 2 or 3 years ago the AB wrote some guidance for themselves and for the TAG on how to communicate
… in there was some things to be aware of while communicating
… including lead by example

Tzviya: I'll try to dig that up

<BarbaraH> STEM - 2 out 3 were not encouraged - https://www.idtech.com/blog/stem-education-statistics%20

Black Lives Matter and Black History Month

Tzviya: a few years ago IDCG worked on writing a BLM statement
… do we want to work on that again?
… we are not responsible for diversity in W3C but we can make recommendations
… we can say why we didn't publish that draft BLM statement; we got some feedback from an activist; it was a great learning exercise for us

<tzviya> https://nkjemisin.com/2013/09/how-long-til-black-future-month/

Tzviya: in particular she said "I'm glad the CEO is here to hear this feedback; it is your responsibility"

WendyReid: thanks for sharing that
… I think at this point it has been so long since we originally drafted that BLM statement and even since we reworked it that I think a different approach is needed

<BarbaraH> +1

revised statement

WendyReid: I was thinking about where on w3.org such a statement should live

<BarbaraH> +1

WendyReid: nowhere on w3.org do we say what our values are

<wendyreid> https://www.w3.org/Consortium/

WendyReid: we don't talk at all about our values
… we have a mission, FAQs, lots of info but we don't talk about who we are
… we talk about technology but not about people
… there is an opportunity to create a broad statement about our commitment to diversity and inclusion
… we want many voices; people to join with us to create better, more inclusive, specifications for the web
… not just the BLM statement
… we value the diversity of our participants, we need it, and we're taking it seriously

<Ralph> +1

Barbara: that's the theme I was trying to articulate
… when we look at inclusion, the a11y team brings up inclusion
… we have A11y Month in May; I am so proud of the WAI team
… we have a May event on awareness; this would be a good opportunity to showcase inclusion in partnership with WAI

Tzviya: I'm pretty sure that WAI is planning a lot for Global Accessibility Awareness Day

<tzviya> https://github.com/WebStandardsFuture/Vision

Tzviya: there's no question that W3C is excellent about including people with disabilities
… see ^^; it's an attempt on working on a vision statement as Wendy was talking about

<BarbaraH> Google W3C Inclusion - Here is the results. https://www.w3.org/WAI/fundamentals/accessibility-usability-inclusion/

Tzviya: this was written by several AB members
… there is work going on to make these principles clear, including diversity, accessibility, and other foundational principles of W3C

Sheila: great to see this draft; I would love to see this become more publicly available
… one thing that is often missing in these conversations is the strategic goals piece
… I think there's an opportunity for this group to recommend tactics; a phased move toward these aspirational goals
… it's very important to signal what the organization and its members care about
… questions then arise on what actions we are taking
… there are specific initiatives around digital accessibility, but other areas we don't see specific initiatives
… we should do that in addition to making a public statement about who we are and what we believe in; showing what actions we are taking to achieve those

WendyReid: that reminds me of a conversation we had to implement an equity review board
… I wonder if this is where we can get strategic
… Equity Review as part of Horizontal Review could be one way to do that
… we don't look at whether a spec potentially impacts people from different groups differently
… or does a spec have technical requirements that could be disincentives to people?
… looking at the equity lens could be one way to implement strategic goals on the technology side

Tzviya: we talked a lot about getting that up and running; we didn't figure it out logistically
… I'd love to talk with the TAG about that
… another thing we've suggested and can make recommendations is to pay attention to who [AC Reps] are nominating as WG participants
… I heard a presentation from a company that their entire staff was neurodiverse and that was a company commitment
… there are networks that we could tap into
… I'd love to get these suggestions documented


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