ARIA and Assistive Technologies Community Group

10 February 2022


AlysaB, Isabel, James_Scholes, Matt_King, michael_fairchild, Rich_Noah, s3ththompson, Sam_Shaw
Matt King

Meeting minutes

Automation meeting plan

Plan to start on Feb 14. keep meeting bi-weekly.

Simon will reach out to James separately to spawn some additional side meetings.

The monday meetings will be at 3:00 eastern time.

Same zoom link as this meeting.

Q1 plan for app

Seth: Planning started by looking at the test admin role in working mode

Starting with 2 test admin user hjournies. will be looking at them more broadly over course of quarter.

First change is related to test plan versions.

And ability to update a test plan without losing valid results.

Secondly, we need to collect test environment data, like screen readerversion, when testing.

Issac is going to look at how we can integrate automated test results into the test reports.

Discussed what we need to decide in terms of collecting test environment data and how the CG can provide feedback.

<Rich_Noah> https://aria-at-app-sandbox.bocoup.com/

<s3ththompson> https://aria-at-app-sandbox.bocoup.com/test-queue

That is URL for sandbox where you can see addition of test plan version in the test queue.

Under every test plan name, there is a description of when the plan was published.

James: it is in 24 hour format

Seth: I see it in 12 hour format

The other change is that when you add a test as an admin, the dialog shows the test admin the time of change for the test plan.

Current test queue status

We want to hold off on running tests and resolving conflicts for one week.

Right now, there are multiple entries in the queue for some test plans.

Without the test plan revision date in the queue, we can't tell which one to work on and which one to remove.

Once the changes now in the sandbox are promoted to prod, we can continue with the process of resolving conflicts.

Seth is working on manually merging test results from prior runs of the disclosure nav menu test plan into the new version of the plan.

Once those merges are complete, we can then complete resolving conflicts for that plan.

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 185 (Thu Dec 2 18:51:55 2021 UTC).


No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: Matt_King

Maybe present: James, Seth