Meeting minutes
based upon the survey, it appears that most of the members are agreed to have a call at 12PM EST wednesday
janina: will get it adjusted.
<janina> term: heteronym
mhakkinen: regarding TPAC. if we can have enough people to join face to face is ideal.
janina: TPAC is on 12-16 September in vancouver
mhakkinen: from the ETS side, we are putting a plan in action to participate in TPAC
mhakkinen: ICCHP is taking place in norther Italy in July. there are option to propose some sessions. If anyone is interested to have a session about the pronunciation work, will be nice.
mhakkinen: European have a wide range of audience and having a session could be very helpful
mhakkinen: we can put out another poll listening the SSML functionality and rank them based upon the priority.
janina: we should acknowledge their concern.
mhakkinen: may me we can do a survey with the function
Irfan: will create a survey
mhakkinen: we can do a refresh in our technical approach document