XForms Users Community Group Teleconference

04 February 2022


Alain, Erik, Steven

Meeting minutes


Erik: Not yet.


ACTION-2309: Research xpath3 function definitions (Erik)


Erik: Not yet.

ACTION-2315: Report on event handling in web components (Erik)


Erik: Not yet.

ACTION-2312: Devise text for submission using @value (Steven)


Steven: In the mail it's in HTML with the changes in bold, you may prefer to check it there.

Erik: I don't remember the use-case either for xforms-submit-serialize

rik: For consistencey, it should take place.
… we could deprecate that behaviour.

Steven: I would support that.

Erik: It is also a side effect, where something weird happens.

Steven: I vaguely remember now that it was John Boyer who proposed this, for digital signing.

Erik: But it is odd, because it replaces it, it isn't a filter.

Steven: I agree.

Alain: We do support it.

Erik: We too, but I dont think we ever used it.

ACTION: Steve mark xforms-submit-serialize as deprecated

<trackbot> Error finding 'Steven'. You can review and register nicknames at <https://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/xforms/users>.

ACTION: Steven mark xforms-submit-serialize as deprecated

<trackbot> Created ACTION-2316 - Mark xforms-submit-serialize as deprecated [on Steven Pemberton - due 2022-02-11].

ACTION: Steven to include submit-serialize in submission using @value

<trackbot> Created ACTION-2317 - Include submit-serialize in submission using @value [on Steven Pemberton - due 2022-02-11].

AlaIn: @value overrides @ref, is that the right word. It still provides the context.

Steven: I'll try to reword to make it clearer

ACTION-2314: Compose text that matches the <control/> discussion for mirroring (Steven)


Steven: Actually shorter than the text it replaces.
… the wonders of declarative definitions...

Erik: One thing. During initalization data goes from outside to inside.
… but you might want the opposite.
… the embedded form supplies the data.

Steven: I see the use-case; how should we indicate that?

Erik: We look to see if there are children elements

Steven: You use a heuristic?

Erik: If outside data is empty, we use the data from inside.
… we synchronise from inside to outside.

Steven: It sounds like how <instance @src= works
… maybe we can match that behaviour.

<ebruchez_> https://www.w3.org/community/xformsusers/wiki/XForms_2.0#The_instance_Element

Alain: I would have expected a private instance in the control, not accessible to the embedding form.
… it is a potential privacy issue.

Steven: Like reading someone's password?

Erik: Can't you do that anyway?

Steven: I do see the danger.

Erik: In a browser environment, it is accessible anyway.

Erik: You could make it explicit that it was OK to synchronise an instance.

Steven: Needs time to think about it.

ACTION-2313: Research the alternatives for 'dirty' data, and produce

code in all of them for comparison (Steven)


Steven: Not this week.

Timescale Plans


Steven: We should have picked one, so we could prepare.
… Let's do Repeat with automatic controls: Declaratively specifying what the user may do to repeat-items (delete, edit, insert etc).
… next week.
… So read up that for next week.




Summary of action items

  1. Steve mark xforms-submit-serialize as deprecated
  2. Steven mark xforms-submit-serialize as deprecated
  3. Steven to include submit-serialize in submission using @value
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 185 (Thu Dec 2 18:51:55 2021 UTC).


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No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: Steven_

Maybe present: rik