WoT Plugfest/Testing

02 February 2022


Cristiano_Aguzzi, David_Ezell, Fady_Salama, Jack_Dickison, Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Michael_Lagally, Michael_McCool, Tomoaki_Mizushima
kaz, McCool

Meeting minutes

Fady: any objections to mar 14-18, given tight timing?

Cristiano: might be out for a day, but not a problem


McCool: note that our last discussion was to have testfest feb 28-mar 4, but main call resolution was mar 14-18
… will have to discuss if that is a problem we have to fix

Fady: also need to look at details of testfest/plugfest

McCool: not hearing any objections

Fady: so the scheduling is done


Fady: is feature freeze done for TD?

McCool: for both TD and Discovery, not completely, but "mostly"; enough to start with testing except for a few dangling issues

Kaz: just to confirm, have minutes been approved?

Fady: any objections?... hearing none, approved

<kaz> Jan-26

discovery testing

McCool: still distracted with final assertions, but soon
… had some test suites, but not yet integrated
… but really it's only the output files that need to be consistent; it's ok if there are multiple test suites


McCool: suggest we focus on TD/TM and Discovery in this round

Cristiano: tm testing is just a small modification of the existing TD tests, right?

Fady: yes, that's right; working on it

Cristiano: we also need some test cases

McCool: there are some tm's checked in already

McCool: also assuming TMs will be in same implementation report

Lagally: true that profile spec is still doing another round, but there are some things that are fully spec'd and can be tested

McCool: so I think we probably could extend the assertion tester (JSON Schema + scripts), but need to identify the "frozen" assertions

Lagally: we can however set up the toolchain, etc. and get a first draft out

McCool: to clarify, I have to run the report generator
… but start by copy over wot-thing-description/testing

McCool: also want to mention the description of implementation reports in architecture needs to be updated... right now only mentions the wot-td one, but in fact this round we will have several

Kaz: as I already mentioned the other day, we should clarify which spec needs what information (=assertion tests which can be automatically checked, and manual tests which might require actual communication between exposer and consumer. we can do that based on the proposed directory structure on the GitHub but should have concrete guide for that.

McCool: also we may have to re-think the directory structure, i.e. need multiple csv files merged for each implementation

McCool: I think we need a simple way to merge results that does not depend on the assertiontester, since we won't actually have TDs to check e.g. for Discovery


McCool: need to update readme

Fady: ok, will fix

Fady: aob?
… seems is not, adjourn

<kaz> [adjourned]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 185 (Thu Dec 2 18:51:55 2021 UTC).