MiniApps WG Teleconference

20 January 2022


Canfeng_Chen, Dan_Zhou, Edmond_C_Liang, martin, Qing_An, Tengyuan_Zhang, Wenli_Zhang, xfq, yanyumeng, Yulu_Chao, Zitao_Wang
martin, xfq

Meeting minutes

Wenli_Zhang: I'll chair the meeting today

Wenli_Zhang: from last month's discussion we agreed to use Web specs for UI Components
… any update?
… I don't see any update in https://github.com/w3c/miniapp-components/issues/2

Zitao_Wang: this work belongs to the CG
… it's the WG meeting now

Wenli_Zhang: sorry, let's talk about it in the CG meeting then

Canfeng_Chen: how about discuss the white paper first?

White paper maintenance


[xfq shares his screen]

xfq: There is a draft in Tencent Docs. I'll do a pull request with the changes proposed.

[Zitao_Wang presents the new changes on the comparison between PWA and MiniApps]

Zitao_Wang: it's just early work
… would like to invite the WG to review this part

Dan_Zhou: I added some core features

xfq: Do you want to review this now?

Dan_Zhou: Later. We can use the comments feature on Tencent Docs.
… [Overview of authentication, authorization and audit review]

Canfeng_Chen: We need to use the same terms. Like 'user agent' instead of 'super app'

martin: user agent is defined in the Packaging spec

Canfeng_Chen: Good to have this comparison, because we usually have problems to explain the difference.
… I'll read it after the call.

Zitao_Wang: Please colleagues, help us review this part (PWA Vs MiniApp).

Dan_Zhou: A suggestion: we need a brief conclusion about why we don't use PWAs
… no conclusion

Zitao_Wang: We are not saying miniapps are better than PWAs. Each has their own characteristics.
… So there will be some cases for each technology.

Canfeng_Chen: [Comments on the Widget part]
… Section is short, so please share your comments.

xfq: you wrote "MiniApp Widget Requirements document has been completed", but we haven't published it yet.

Canfeng_Chen: When can we publish it?

xfq: the document is ready. We can make a group resolution in today's meeting.
… We can discuss it in the widget item, later
… Qing_An, would you introduce the changes in the IoT, Lifecycle, etc.?

Qing_An: No big changes from last time, when I presented it.

Zitao_Wang: martin added parts for Manifest, Packaging, UI Components

martin: very brief, a couple of paragraphs

xfq: How we should proceed?
… Should we move the document to a GitHub PR?

Dan_Zhou: Comments on the Tencent Docs are appropriate for now.

Zitao_Wang: I agree, we can have one or two weeks for review before converting it into a PR.

xfq: So we will have more time to read/comment on the document before the call next month.
… Comments?


Qing_An: No updates. Just considering the 'privacy consideration' section, but still working on it.

xfq: Timeline for this?

Qing_An: Maybe next month.
… We received comments on some specifications.

xfq: We can ask TAG review at any time on the current specs.


Wenli_Zhang: Packaging

martin: we need to include at least an a11y section


martin: working on security and privacy sections

martin: if you agree we can merge this PR
… any comments?

Zitao_Wang: thank you, martin
… most documents need to have these sections

martin: for the next meeting I'll provide the privacy and security sections

xfq: if there's no objection we can merge this PR


Wenli_Zhang: Addressing

Dan_Zhou: no update
… any comments?

Qing_An: for me https://github.com/w3c/miniapp-addressing/pull/4 looks good
… we can ask TAG review

Zitao_Wang: I have reviewed this last month
… this is clear enough
… I agree we can merge it

xfq: We can publish a Draft Note and ask for TAG review
… We should convert the CG draft to a WG Note
… If no objections, I can start the process after the meeting
… thanks for your great work

RESOLUTION: Publish MiniApp Addressing as a Draft Note after merging PR #4

Widget Requirements

xfq: 1. Should we merge the explainer's PR?


xfq: 2. Should we publish the Widget spec as a WG Note?

Dan_Zhou: Addressing sample code needs updating

Canfeng_Chen: will do

RESOLUTION: Publish MiniApp Widget Requirements as a Group Note


martin: Manifest
… working on privacy and security
… will send a PR in this or next week
… for the wide review
… I will open a new issue about how to deal different domains

xfq: I see martin added an accessibility section


xfq: I also sent https://github.com/w3c/miniapp-manifest/pull/38

<martin> +1 to approve the PR for template


xfq: Next meeting?
… 24th Feb (12:00 UTC)?

Zitao_Wang: ok

Qing_An: ok

Dan_Zhou: ok

xfq: 24th Feb (12:00 UTC)

Zitao_Wang: Happy Spring Festival!

Summary of resolutions

  1. Publish MiniApp Addressing as a Draft Note after merging PR #4
  2. Publish MiniApp Widget Requirements as a Group Note
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 188 (Sat Jan 8 18:27:23 2022 UTC).