13 January 2022


Ben McAlister, Brad Simons, Dagmar, David Booth, EricP, Gaurav Vaidya, James Champion
David Booth

Meeting minutes

Concept URIs for codeableconcepts


gaurav: Investigating adding prefixes to the FHIR spec, for use in generating FHIR RDF URIs for codeableconcepts.


gaurav: This website is cool, it has all the info in it.
… E.g., to learn about the national drug codes.


gaurav: For CodeSystem there' an Identifier field.


gaurav: The idea is to have a third value for prefix.

eric: SNOMED is a good example, because it already has a URL.

eric: Before deploying that, we'll need to ask orgs to honor the URL space that we're proposing for them.
… Outreach effort.

gaurav: Now I know which repo this info comes from. But there's also a node.js package, with a JSON version for all of this: https://simplifier.net/packages/hl7.terminology.r4/1.0.0/~files
… OIDs and URIs also show up there. You can view it as JSON, XML or Turtle.

gaurav: Still trying to determine if a change to this repo is reflected in the spec, or if anything else needs to be changed.
… I raised an issue and got an immediate response from Grahame: https://github.com/HL7/UTG/issues/7#issuecomment-1000173095

gaurav: If we fix it here, it should propagate everywhere.
… Grahame said to discuss it on chat.fhir.org #terminology and expect lots of arguments.
… Think we should finish determining exactly what needs to be changed, then launch the outreach effort.
… NamingSystem says that someone somewhere has a system for codes, and CodeSystem says what the codes are.

eric: They don't want to invent terms in a valueset. They put it into a codesystem instead.

eric: Also suggest that when we invent a mapping (if an org has not done it), we do it in the HL7 space, and make clear that it may be superseded by that org.

gaurav: This page suggests a particular convention for "temporary" URIs: https://build.fhir.org/terminologies.html#system

brad: Want to be sure we don't jeopardize what's going on with US Core stuff. They define various systems in codings.


<ericP> includes the template:

<ericP> terminology.hl7.org/temporary/CodeSystem/xxxxx (where xxxx is a meaningful text string)

brad: They talk about various codings and require certain URLs.

<ericP> ... so coordinate with US-Core

eric: Pick a couple like disease ont and BFO, and try to get others on board.

ACTION: David to find who at Regenstrief might be a contact

david: [FOLLOWUP] In Sept 2020 Swapna Abhyankar <sabhyank@regenstrief.org> from Regenstrief was very helpful in responding to LOINC licensing questions. He might be a good contact.

eric: Kent Spackman wrote a perl script to convert SNOMED terms to URLs, but the org does not provide a website supporting them.

eric: 1. whether that's the official URL vs 2. whether you can HTTP GET that URL.
… When Kent picked purl.org, that was the trend at the time. But it's out of favor now, and it has limited server capacity.

david: Could this mapping from system+code to URL be inferred using OWL?

eric: Cannot do literal inference in OWL.
… I tried it. :(

gaurav: Could also provide a mapping server, but maintaining it would too much work.

eric: Wonder how hard it would be to set up a CTS-2 server to do that. https://www.omg.org/spec/CTS2/

david: But not really needed if we get it into the FHIR spec.

ben: NHS are running an instance and I believe Germany set up an instance

ben: eg https://www.healthterminologies.gov.au/access/ backed by ontoserver

ben: and NHS instance https://digital.nhs.uk/services/terminology-servers

ben: SNOMED has different regions and additions.
… ontoserver also has federation capabilities.
… Different health systems have different requirements
… If those URIs are put into the FHIR terminology server, then hopefully they'll be picked up by various terminology servers.

ben: regional editions are both subsets and extensions (terms that they want to get in sooner).

Adding third pane to FHIR JSON-LD playground

james: Functionally finished. Testing now.
… Option to choose between two versions of JSON-LD. Which to use?

eric: We need 1.1.

ACTION: James to give a demo next week of FHIR JSON-LD playground

Turtle serializer

eric: I put turtle serializer into my FHIR JSOn-LD playground.

(gives demo)

james: How is nquads used? Does anyone use it?

eric: nquads is a subset of turtle.

james: Can i get this code?

eric: Yes, it's checked in.

david: Call that tab Canonicalized NQuads?

<ericP> https://github.com/ericprud/fhircat-playground/blob/ericP-variant/fhirlib/test/FhirTurtleSerializer.test.js


Summary of action items

  1. David to find who at Regenstrief might be a contact
  2. James to give a demo next week of FHIR JSON-LD playground
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 185 (Thu Dec 2 18:51:55 2021 UTC).


Succeeded: s/includes the text/includes the template/

Succeeded: i/Kent Spackman wrote a perl/david: [FOLLOWUP] In Sept 2020 Swapna Abhyankar <sabhyank@regenstrief.org> from Regenstrief was very helpful in responding to LOINC licensing questions. He might be a good contact.

No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: dbooth_

Maybe present: ben, brad, david, eric, gaurav, james