ARIA and Assistive Technologies Community Group

16 December 2021


Jemma, JoeHumbert, Matt_King
Matt King

Meeting minutes

<jongunderson> https://github.com/w3c/aria-at/wiki/Running-a-Test-Plan

<Jemma> can someone share the url we are currently looking at?

<Laurence-Lewis> Looking through the document linked in the chat, I am trolling through the linked pages and can't work out where to find the test case 4 currently being discussed.

<Jemma> can someone share the url we are currently looking at?

<Jemma> sorry for duplicate copy

<Jemma> https://w3c.github.io/aria-at/build/review/disclosure-navigation.html

<Jemma> I meant to copy above for Alyssa.

test conflict resolution

Today the group discussed conflicts in thest results in the disclosure nav test plan for VoiceOver in Safari.

Joe and Jon ran the test; there were 8 differences between Jon and Joe's results.

In test 4, navigate backward to the expanded disclosure button , Joe had to press ctrl-shift-opt-cmd-j 4 times. Expectation is that you should only press 1 time.

If pressing 1 time does not yield correct result, then assertions should fail.

Joe is re-running to see if that behavior persists. If so, will fail the test. If prolem with setup script, will raise GitHub issue against the test.

Tests 9 and 10, Joe marked the unexpected behavior of excess verbosity and Jon did not.

There is some redundancy in the speech out, "List of 4 items" and "1 of 4"

Group discussed and agreed that the redundancy in this scenario should not be called out out as an unexpected behavior. Joe changed result.

Test 14, there was an error in the test assertion.

The test is to move to the first link in the dropdown.

The test said the name "Administration" should be conveyed. It should have said the name "Overview" is conveyed.

When these kind of problems occur, the expectation is that the tester not run the test but instead raise a GitHub issue calling out the problem with the test.

Next meeting date

The group will next meet in January. Mattwill send announcement.

Expect Jan 13 (second Thursday).

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 185 (Thu Dec 2 18:51:55 2021 UTC).


Succeeded: s/ ifferences/ differences/

Succeeded: s/ ill/will/

No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: Matt_King