ixml Group Teleconference

14 December 2021


Dave Pawson, John Lumley, MSM, Norm, Tom

Meeting minutes

Tom: Prague is happening in June.
… so do we continue to rush, or aim for June?

Steven: The point of doing it for Prague was so there was an audience

MSM: I would prefer to be ready before June

Norm: February seemed like rushing

Tom: Aim for April/May

Previous Actions

ACTION (2021-08-004): Steven to create list of existing requirements,

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so that we can identify when a new one comes.

Steven: Done

ACTION (2021-08-005): Tom and MSM to come with a pragma proposal.

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MSM: Let us discuss later in the meeting, to see if we can endorse

ACTION (2021-10-001): Steven to draft a mediatypes proposal (see


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Steven: Continues

ACTION (2021-11-001): Norm to classify the error states in the spec,

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as a first step towards standard error codes. (Discharged by

https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ixml/2021Nov/0035.html ?)


Status of implementations

Norm: I have modified PEP and successfully parsed an ixml grammar
… It parses the ixml grammar!


John: I managed to get a modified version of the ixml grammar working on Steven's server
… with pragmas
… I can then transform and serialise back into ixml, and goes through Steven's ixml processor.
… Opens a need for taking the XML form of ixml

MSM: That's why there is prose in the pragma's proposal about XML form of pragmas

Steven: I'm working on serialising to memory, so that you can parse straight from that. Adding XML would be the same process, using a different format, since the XML and the parse tree are essentially isomorphic.

Steven: The new version is running, is written in ABC, as a basis for a future C version

MSM: Stasis. Working on the test suite, but not on the ixml system

Tom: Likewise, no change this month.

Norm: What is the state of the test suite?
… for use

MSM: I have a relaxing schema for a testsuite catalogue, it allows input and output to be inline or at a URL.

Steven: What should I do with my tests?

MSM: Put them on github, I will develop a catalogue for it
… I do not regard what I'm doing as official, but we can use it as a basis

ACTION: Steven to add his tests to github

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Steven: Are we expecting to have implementations when we release?


MSM: a list of ongoing implementations and their characteristics

MSM: There's something on CPAN that might count

Tom: Honorable mention

MSM: as long as we can distinguish things that are trying to pass the testsuite
… separately

Bug reports / change requests

<cmsmcq> https://github.com/invisibleXML/ixml/issues/12

Bugs - Strings proposal


Steven: It doesn't reduce functionality, it does improve diagnostics


ACTION: Steven to add strings proposal to spec

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Bugs - Character ranges


Bugs - Conformance issue: rule names and XML names


Steven: This is a static vs dynamic issue

a: @b; -"!", c.

b: c.

c: "d".

MSM: I could live with it either way.
… "all names that are serialized must conform to an XML name"
… plus implementations may warn statically if a name doesn't conform

Steven: Agreed?



Bugs - Conformance issue: one rule per nonterminal


MSM: It doesn't cover the start rule, because it doesn't occur on any RHS

Steven: Ah,

MSM: "For every nonterminal occurring in the grammar, there must be exactly one rule in the grammar defining that nonterminal."

Dave: "Every nonterminal should be defined by a single rule".

MSM: replace should with must.

John: Modularity, libraries, may have unreachable rules.

Tom: Not a 1.0 feature

Tom: Not sure we cover the start rule

MSM: The LHS name is a nonterminal; if we don't say that, we should.

Tom: I propose keeping both rules in this issue

MSM: I just looked at "nonterminal" in the spec. I thought "of course the name of a rule is a nonterminal". But the spec doesn't say that. So the redundancy of both rules may help.

Tom: Or us "nonterminal" instead of "name".

Tom: Leave both in.
… use new wording though for the 1st

ACTION: Steven implement the resolution for issue 19.

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Tom: Move pragmas and release schedule to top of next meeting
… next meeting 11 Jan at 15:30 UTC

ACTION: Steven implement resolution for issue 18 on XML names

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Summary of action items

  1. Steven to add his tests to github
  2. Steven to add strings proposal to spec
  3. Steven implement the resolution for issue 19.
  4. Steven implement resolution for issue 18 on XML names
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 185 (Thu Dec 2 18:51:55 2021 UTC).


Succeeded: s/ixnml/ixml/

Succeeded: s/uer/ure/

Succeeded: s/ABC</ABC,/

Succeeded: s/expec ting/expecting

Succeeded: s/Steve to/Steven to/

No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: Steven

Maybe present: a, b, c, Dave, John, Steven