Low Vision Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

18 Nov 2021


AndySomers, Bhoomika, Jonathan, Sam, Shawn, Todd


Color Vision Deficiency

<shawn> Proposal for descriptive replacement https://github.com/w3c/low-vision-a11y-tf/discussions/121#discussioncomment-1549295

<shawn> New idea for coining new term https://github.com/w3c/low-vision-a11y-tf/discussions/121#discussioncomment-1642371

Shawn: 2 topics - replacement for color blindness and a new proposed term and how to use it.
... Do folks support descriptive replacement? Or use a new term.

<shawn> [[

<shawn> Avoid “color blind” alone, primarily because it can be misunderstood that people do not see any color.

<shawn> * Use “cannot distinguish between certain colors (often called “color blindness”)” in almost all W3C documents, especially referring to a person or persona.

<shawn> * In rare cases, when addressing the medical condition, use “color vision deficiency”. Usually do not use an acronym, because it is not widely known. (The only document identified so far for this use is Accessibility Requirements for People with Low Vision.)

<shawn> ]]

Sam: I thought we agreed to use CVD when we need to use it, and describe user needs distinguishing colors otherwise.

<shawn> +1

Shawn: If everyone is ok with that for the WAI documents can we do a resolution on that. Do you agree with the proposal in IRC?

<Bhoomika> +1

<Sam> +1

<ToddLibby> +1

<Jonathan> +1

RESOLUTION: accept the replacement for colorblind in W3C WAI resources.

Need for more guidance on reflow and web apps/software

<shawn> JA: WCAG requirement poses challenges for web apps...

<shawn> ... contact from Microsoft who would like to join group and discuuss this

<shawn> ... there is discussion in WCAG repo


<shawn> JA: .... right now you might fail in some cases where you really shouldn't fail. So need to figure out exceptions or additional guidance of future guidance? Or maybe how to interpret it diffrerntly?

<shawn> Sam: Would nice to see demos.

Sam: would like to see demos and examples of the issues

Simulating low vision article

<shawn> https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnins.2021.671121/full

Sam: Take images and text and reduces contrast and acuity to show what it would look like to users with low vision.
... Would be useful to generate example from our text to show what they would look like through the algorithim to get simulated output to see what they would look like. This would give people an idea of the algorithm and be a double check.
... Consider non-text graphics and - was hoping to get the text stuff first. Is very related to contrast in icons and measure - such as 2 icons and measure - as WCAG guidance is compliant and or not. Measure contrast and say is it good or not.
... Can also look at the size of visual details - minimum stroke thickness, etc. These strokes, and set minimum on those. A little abstract - simulating then can look at it - can you see it or not. Look at two icons side by side.

<shawn> JA: like how can apply to icons, and potentially add additional guidance

<shawn> question - are you interested in writing up supplemental guiance on icons

<shawn> Sam: Yes.

Sam: would like to wait to work on icons readability until we settle text readability.

Update on Supplemental Guidance

<shawn> Supplemental Guidance Template Discussion -- https://github.com/w3c/low-vision-a11y-tf/discussions/137

<shawn> ready for input:

<shawn> * Alternative themes (high contrast, dark mode) #139 https://github.com/w3c/low-vision-a11y-tf/discussions/139

<shawn> Proximity #133 https://github.com/w3c/low-vision-a11y-tf/discussions/133

<AndySomers> And for the record, APCA/SAPV is a complete vision model, and includes non text as well as text

Shawn: Does anyone have any questions around the guidance template and put it on your list and let us know.

<shawn> Body Text Fluent Readability -- need to figure out approach

<shawn> Jon: We're working on supplemental guidance topics

<AndySomers> And like text, there are multiple levels of non text

<AndySomers> Yes

<AndySomers> Okay

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

  1. accept the replacement for colorblind in W3C WAI resources.
[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.200 (CVS log)
$Date: 2021/11/18 21:11:25 $