16 November 2021


chris, Garret, sergeym, Vlad

Meeting minutes

1. Update on Server Conformance Tests and COLRv1 IFT Demo

<Vlad> Quick demo of COLRv1 Emoji IFT test


<chris> wfm on Canary 98

<Vlad> Updates on server test, see https://github.com/w3c/ift-server-tests

vlad: couple of new issues in the last few weeks

vlad: let's go through the list

IFT open issues https://github.com/w3c/IFT/issues

vlad: first one (#43) single origin restriction. already good discussion there. Should we accept suggestion to make a note.

Chris: yes

Chris: I'll edit the spec

Vlad: next is fingerprinting analysis #42

Vlad: question about using font for fingerprinting, I though fonts that are dynamically loaded can't be used. Only installed ones

Chris: yeah

Myles: one thing that ios/macos does is does not expose information about user installed fonts to the web. That effectively solves this problem.

Vlad: don't see this as a relevant issue to incxfer.

Vlad: data points are not available outside of the origin.

Chris: I can follow up on the issue.

Vlad: next issue 41.

Garret: responded explaining we don't want to specify subsetter behaviour.

Vlad: issue also touches the codepoint vs glyph in the evaluation.

Garret: my response also touches on this explaining the evaluation was done with both glyphs (range request) and codepoints (patch subset)

Vlad: so think we still need to have a statement in the spec that explains what glyph coverage issues a subsetter needs to be aware of (eg. stylistic sets, layout rules, glyph variants)

Garret: ok that can be added, would like to do it as an informative section, and keep the equivalence requirement as the normative requirement enforcing that.

Garret: I'll take this on

Myles: planning on posting the range request draft today.

Vlad: update not related to incxfer, small change in woff2 corrections.

Vlad: one was backtracked from candidate correction to editorial.

Chris: I was over cautious, but was told review not need and to back it off.

Vlad: let's target dec. 7th for the next call.

Garret: sounds good.

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 159 (Fri Nov 5 17:37:14 2021 UTC).


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