16 November 2021



Meeting minutes

Issues and PRs

Ulf: [showing PR #431]

Ulf: the vehicle public key can be a unique identifier
… if not you need to check the VIN

Erik: it was a clarification. I'm fine with it

RESOLUTION: PR #431 can be merged

Ulf: there are issues that could be closed after some merged PRs
… Issue 382 was discussed, I believe I can write a PR
… We have not discussed #430

Erik: there have been different opinions on where the AGT and AT servers can be found

Ulf: there's a proposal for the protocols, default for HTTPS and MQTTS
… the others relying on https could use x443

Erik: do we assume that the AGT and AT will be in the same place?

Ulf: the AGT and AT typically in the cloud, the vehicle server is in the vehicle itself
… how the address is obtained seems out of scope
… it is deployment information

Peter: as an OEM I want to know how to obtain this
… and want to control the domain name

Ulf: Of course

Peter: I mean the AGT and AT will be fragmented all over the place if we let OEMs decide
… is there a security issue with that?

Ulf: I assume each OEM has its own AGT and AT

Peter: you need a way to know where the VISS server is

Ulf: I assume the client gets it from the OEM
… could we specify a protocol to get this information?
… there's a chicken and egg problem then
… getting the domain name for AGT/AT is not different from getting the VISS server IP

Peter: OEM may need a standard way of doing it

Ulf: we can revisit

Ulf: the format for the Access Token is normative, but the rest of the section is not
… we could write in a similar way so configuration can be specified differently
… I think we can start writing a PR


[informal discussion on where to get the discusion next]

Summary of resolutions

  1. PR #431 can be merged
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 159 (Fri Nov 5 17:37:14 2021 UTC).


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Maybe present: Erik, Peter, Ulf