Accessibility Conformance Testing Teleconference

21 Oct 2021


KarenHerr, trevor, Todd, JennC, Wilco


<scribe> scribe: trevor

CFC: Accept Autocomplete and Decorative not exposed rules

wilco: cfc last week, no rejections

RESOLUTION: Accept Autocomplete and Decorative not exposed rules

language input aspect update

<Wilco> https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/pull/521/files#r733577400

<Wilco> Rules can only operate on the Language aspect if the language of a page can be determined. The means by which the language is assessed, whether by a person or a machine, is not of importance as long as the assessment meets the criteria defined in [[wcag2-tech-req#humantestable]] [[WCAG]].

<Wilco> Some rules can only operate on a Language aspect if the language is sufficiently understood, while other rules only require identifying the language. For example, a rule checking that an accessible name is descriptive can only function if the language is understood. A rule checking the correctness of a `lang` attribute requires knowing what language is used, but not the meaning of the words.

wilco: Have been some back and forth and updates. Think its better now.

<Wilco> https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/pull/521/files#r733577400

wilco: Going to put this into a CFC

First attempt at defining implementations

<Wilco> https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/pull/522/

wilco: We are adding an optional implementation section to the rule and gives a format
... update to the act rules format. Most interesting pieces are consistency and coverage

<Wilco> https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/pull/522/files#diff-1e450070a2f44834e8e5cd0163ac1c27f42e73ea565e24288d4e700bfdd91693R527

<Wilco> https://act-rules.github.io/rules/ff89c9#implementation-metrics

wilco: complete if nothing is untested. could be consistent if all are untested.

trevor: question about the minimal conditions for inapplicable cases.

wilco: can't just say cantTell for everything since then its doing nothing

trevor: flip numerator and denominator
... question about data for automated coverage.

wilco: Have people give a default for their tool. Not separating semi-automated from manual, hard to define semi.

trevor: question on semi automated tools that have specific implementations for ACT rules.

wilco: Could just have a tool designed to pass ACT rules, hard to differentiate.

<Wilco> https://act-rules.github.io/rules/ff89c9#implementation-metrics

<Wilco> https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/pull/522/files?diff=split&w=0#diff-1e450070a2f44834e8e5cd0163ac1c27f42e73ea565e24288d4e700bfdd91693R457

wilco: Added bit about passed example satisfying rules accessibility requirements and similar (but opposite) for failed cases.

ACT rules sheet

<KarenHerr> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OSkPFocXk4K3zYLnwS78WLsWO4PvE5yRcsauyefuIUI/edit#gid=0

trevor: line height rule is a bit messy, dealing with multiple elements, possibly styling changes within a block of text

wilco: Could have pseudo elements changing like one letter which could affect things

trevor: May need to add an assumption for consistent styling in an element

wilco: Added a checking column for us to re-review some of the rules.

Open ACT pull requests

wilco: a few small typos and small additions from Daniel

karen: question about putting link into background section

wilco: thought we were going to put it on a separate rule
... may have been put on the wrong rule.
... Wanted to cross link between presentational children rule and aria-hidden has no focusable content rule

Surveying proposed rules

wilco: element with lang attribute has valid language tag, daniel has a small change. need to get grand fathered tags change in
... then we will be ready to go.

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

  1. Accept Autocomplete and Decorative not exposed rules
[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.200 (CVS log)
$Date: 2021/10/22 07:59:04 $