AGWG Teleconference

28 Sep 2021


Jake Abma, Charles Adams, Alastair Campbell, Rachael Montgomery, Janina Sajka, Detlev Fischer, Peter Korn, Leonie Watson, Jeanne Spellman, Shawn Thompson, Bryan Trogdon, Chris Loiselle, Jennie Delisi, Francis Storr, Marc Johlic, Wilco Fiers, Shawn Lauriat, Laura L. Carlson, Josh W3C, Jen Goulden, Andrew Kirkpatrick, Breixo Pastoriza, Oliver Keim, Cybele, John Foliot, Breixo, Jen Goulden, Juanita George, Shawn Thompsom, Azlan, Karen Herr, Jonathan Avila, Regina Sanchez, Rafal Charlampowicz, Steve Lee, Stefan Schnabel, Bruce Bailey, Gundula Niemann, JaEun Jemma Ku, Jennie Delisi, Karen, Laura Carlson, Sarah Horton, David MacDonald, Shadi Abou-Zahra, Katie Haritos, John Kirkwood, Jen Goulden, Gregg Vanderheiden, Aimee Ubbink
Jake A, Chris L, Gregg V., John K, Bruce B

Context: This meeting was held while w3.org was down including IRC, email, and some referenced content. We managed queue via zoom and took notes here. This was not an ideal solution and we appreciate our members and scribe volunteers for their patience with working through it.


New members and Introductions  

Extra comments Rachael

WCAG 3 Project management and communicating with Chairs/Editors

WCAG 3 Update from Test Reliability (Joint ACT/Silver)
WCAG 3.0: Programmatic Language example of revised outcome and method https://docs.google.com/document/d/1onytB133NRc1EXEOVPizcOqeTi70r2JUcba-LgUyKEY/edit 

WCAG 3 Third Party media https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/med_con/ [

WCAG 2.2 Focus appearance https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/wcag22-focus-appearance-enhanced2/

TOPIC: Readability updates

  • Rachael: 

  • Chuck : switched things around but didnt change what things mean

  • Rachael:   Results of the survey were  1 keep   4 move focus-appearance

  • Alastair : Tricky bit is that we want to set up focus indicator so that it .. could change min are to contrasting area 

Gower :  Fading to white discussing the halo indicator and treatment that won’t meet minimal area of contrast, but crucial for 

Second point: put minimal are first then talks about contrast then adjacent

More description in understanding  *delete link*

David M: nervous that people reading for first time I’m concern that hidden is separate thing. Wondering about confusion with it.

Rewording movement creates a conditional statement

Gower: did tackle initially, when in separate bullet. Think it can be addressed in understanding document

Had slight concern about havin that bullet first. But confident it can be handled in understanding document

David M: just want to be clear in first line

Wilco: think entirely hidden at top puts too much focus on it… maybe suggest instead of focus indicator must meet 3 requirements, instead say AREA of focus indicator meets criteria

Have we tried that? 

Gower: the two scenarios: 2 color indicator, can’t have meet both. Half will always fail.

… same thing with halo affect it makes almost impossible to do

Alastair: if siad minimum area of focus indicator meets the following criteria then can drop that part. The tricky bit is the adjacent contrast. Might make simpler making it adjacent to component rather than entirety of focus indicator. Might be easier.

David: wondering if item of focus not entirely hiddin. Maybe in prose after to talk about things not covered up. Reducing conflation cognitively

Rachael: like to focus on phrase “item covered” like wrap it up. David type in your proposal?

David: wouldn't be a bullet just prose underneath it

Rachael: option 1 and option 2 and option 3 typed in chat:

Option 1) Move the phrase "the item with focus is not entirely hidden by author-created content back to a bullet. 

Option 2) Move the phrase to the end of the SC text 

Option 3) Leave it where it is.

Wilco: we have several others including content focus that are in that pattern

Gregg: I would not want it to be a floating sentence

Rachael: type in option you wish in chat

Option 1) Move the phrase "the item with focus is not entirely hidden by author-created content back to a bullet. Option 2) Move the phrase to the end of the SC text Option 3) Leave it where it is.

Gregg: Suggesting to have two bullets at the 

top level

Alair:  reviews current option 2 edit, puts clause 3 items deep

Racheal reads current working wording…

When user interface components receive keyboard focus an area of the focus indicator meets the following:

  • Minimum area: The area is either:

    • at least as large as the area of a 1 CSS pixel thick perimeter of the unfocused component, or

    • at least as large as the area of a 4 CSS pixel thick line along the shortest side of a minimum bounding box of the unfocused component, and no part of the area is thinner than 2 CSS pixels.

  • Contrast: The area has a contrast ratio of at least 3:1 between its colors in the focused and unfocused states.

  • Adjacent contrast: Where the area is adjacent to the component, it has a contrast ratio of at least 3:1 against adjacent colors of the component or a thickness of at least 2 CSS pixels.

Also, the item with focus is not entirely hidden by author-created content.

Three different change sets, just working on ordering Q for now.

JF:  AC has examples from current draft of Understanding doc, including visuals.  We all seem to have similar understanding, but graphics seem like they could really help here.

Mike Gower:  @wilco this seems to be a new pattern, no one used before in SC

MG.  We eliminating detectable indicators with some of the proposals.

Rachael:  We may be having multiple drafts here, so we may have to come back.

David M:  Agree this is a new pattern, and very complex as compared to all other SC

GreggV:  Complexity of two different colors needing have to have contrast, can imagine scenarios where the contrast disappears very quickly.  Similarly, the one-pixel thick allowance might also be much less discernible than people think.

GreggV:  I did go back and look at examples, but it was not always clear which were passing and which were fails.

AC:  When lists are back up, I did send email reiterating some of the history

AC @ mike G to look at some of the examples

MG:  we had two-tone example, need to double check that contrast is good

Rachael:  We had another thread of questions regarding contrast and area.

AC:  I have tried to incorporate Wilco’s suggestion from the survey.  [see above]

Wilco:  Agree, had similar experience with drafting, and have submitted PR.

MG:  Whole series of focus examples.  Fig 11 has focus indicator with gradient

… with Fig 12, example continues with indicator changing.

… consider inverse, with light part the inverted with dark, and I pretty sure might miss metrics.  First time we have had this idea of area as opposed to just border.

AC:  Agreed that this is difficult because sometimes contrasting area is sufficient, but not when we don't have spatial separation between border and backgrounds

GreggV:  Is the idea being conveyed that one can just inverse and still have contrast?

AC:  No, it was more to give an example with gradient, so requirement bullets could just focus on the solid color

Rachael: do we have more comments on these changes?

RESOLUTION: Accept the wording changes as documented in the minutes and incorporating Wilco's changes.

Wilco, wrt adjacent contrast, please take a look at my PR edit, as I think it is more explicit.

[double check on grammar / tense]

AC:  If not adjacent, then focus is on change of contrast.  That part can’t reference the color of the focus area, because too many colors to have high contrast with each other.

JF: Please add images to the spec for this.

DavidMcDonald looks at first few examples, see like “adjacent”

GreggV:  Seems like “two color” example to me

Rochelle accepts