Mobile Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

23 September 2021


Kim_patch, Sukriti

Meeting minutes

Mobile operating system changes discussion


ACTION Sukriti will start filling in recent Android features

<trackbot> Created ACTION-99 - Will start filling in recent android features [on Sukriti Chadha - due 2021-09-30].

We will circle back around with a discussion once we have more on the spreadsheet

Sukriti: between iOS and android 99%

Planning for discussions on mobile apps and mini apps

Summary: If it works on the web it works in apps, just looks different, real estate on phone versus web app is on demand. Native has access to things like animations.

Mini app/instant app Successful business wise, functionally the same except memory requirements and low power. Accessibility, runs on all phones because low memory and low power requirements

React native apps, developers are usually either native mobile or web it's difficult to do both, which is what you need for advanced react

Action: Kim will set up spreadsheet for discussion at a later date

<trackbot> Created ACTION-100 - Will set up spreadsheet for discussion at a later date [on Kimberly Patch - due 2021-09-30].

next week

Next week we'll do some work looking at 2.1 SC's and the new silver template and also circle back to the mobile operating systems spreadsheet

Summary of action items

  1. Kim will set up spreadsheet for discussion at a later date
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 136 (Thu May 27 13:50:24 2021 UTC).


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Maybe present: Summary