ARIA Authoring Practices Task Force

21 September 2021


bryan, isaacdurazo, jamesn, Jemma, jongund, MarkMcCarthy, Matt_King, Rich_Noah, sarah_higley

Meeting minutes

Quick update on PR (5min)

1. falling on push was fixed by Nick

jes will review the change and matt will move on the merge process.

2. turnin goff JS doc warning

no update yet.

mck: jsdoc auto fix can solve the problem. can we just use this?


3. check on switch PR


button example looks except border line switch in dark theme

div example looks good.

checkbox example will be merged by Matt.

APG Redesign Project Usability Testing Result Discussion(30min)


<isaacdurazo> https://github.com/w3c/apg-redesign/issues/4

isaac is summarizing issue 4

here is the prototype.


mck: cross reference will be useful.

talking about finding "keyboard" info by users

mck; add more indexes

sarah: it is hard to use because they are not familiar with ARIA apg words
… adding tags and filter option will be great.

sarah: change "pattern and widget" to "aria pattern"?

mck: we are aiming for minimalist approach.

mck/issac: moving landmark role under "patterns and widgets" so that users can locate landmark example easily.

mck: it is not moving, rather cross referencing if we have heading.


mck: we can have a pattern card for landmark and link that to separate landmark example for now. http://wai-aria-practices.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/examples/landmarks/banner.html

jemma: call to action for "example" link is needed so that it can be findable easily.

<jongund> "Jump To" is NOT implemented in the prototype

isaac: difficult to recognize heading is clickable link in fundamentals. there will be another cta link.

mck: jump to should be there.

other feedback

1. order of navigation

2. homepage is pretty content heavy

for more info to see "feedback from participants" section from issue 4.

group is talking about next step - including talking to Alex in w3c.

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 136 (Thu May 27 13:50:24 2021 UTC).


No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: Jemma

Maybe present: isaac, mck, mck/issac, sarah